Pet King

Chapter 927: Looking for thirty years

How long can a person disappear to be declared dead?

Different countries have different regulations on this issue. Generally speaking, it is about three or five years, and shorter or longer ones are not absent.

So, how long do whales disappear and can be considered dead?

Hard to say.

This whale has been called "52 Hz" because of its unique sound frequency band. It has been almost 3o years since people found it in 1989, and it is at least 3o years old.

Whales generally have a long life span, much longer than 3o years, but 3o years can produce too many things.

As early as 2oo4 years later, 15 years later, people have never heard it again.

Recalling that some countries in the world are still whaling at sea, whalers will not discern the sound of the target before shooting the harpoon. For them, a whale is nothing but a huge mass of flesh. It is no different.

This can not help but worry about the fate of 52 Hz.

Zhang Zi'an has read its story before, but when it is learned that it has not appeared for many years, it also tends to think that it is dead, it may be old death, or it may be natural cause death, such as encountering a large group of killer whales in the sea , Or encountered a health problem, of course, may also be killed by the whalers.

When he met the mysterious giant whale, he had long forgotten the story into the corner of his memory, and did not realize for the first time that the other party might be 52 Hz. After all, the ocean is too big, and there are many giant whale in the ocean. Why? Maybe so coincidentally encountered it? How is it possible to see a giant whale as 52 Hz?

You know, people have only heard its voice before, no one has ever seen its real body, and it is not entirely certain what kind of whale it is.

The only way to determine the identity of 52 Hz is to judge by its sound, other methods are unreliable.

Just now Zhang Zi'an played the sound of this giant whale on his laptop, and now its sound frequency band is very unique. It lies between 45 and 5o Hz. He didn't immediately think of 52 Hz, but thought he had recorded another whale nearby. Fortunately, he immediately denied his guess, and then recalled the related rumors on the other side-the 52 Hz voice was 52 Hz when it first appeared, but then it gradually became deeper and just matched 45 to 5o Hz.

Earlier, 52 Hz often hovered from the west coast of the United States to the waters of Alaska, that is, the Northeast Pacific. After searching for similar fruits, did it even venture to the completely strange West Pacific, which is near Northeast Asia?

This possibility exists, after all, it is an alternative.

Since its arrival in the western Pacific, scientists on the west coast of the United States have lost track of it.

There are many places in the long coastline of Northeast Asia that are desolate and backward. It does not cover the accurate underwater listening system, and it is normal to not record its sound.

It may be due to some kind of opportunity, for example, it heard Shihua's singing, although it may not understand, but it also felt the loneliness in the singing, and then followed the singing to swim outside the coastal city of Binhai and lingered nearby.

The closest route between the pet shop and the sea is the beach that Zhang Zi'an often visits, so it always appears there and meets Zhang Zi'an unexpectedly.

What is it waiting for?

bsp; what is it expecting?

After figuring it out, before Zhang Zi'an had time to figure out how to deal with this situation, he was tormented by Shihua's cry ...

Shihua, Fina, Laocha, and π all listened very much, as if Zhang Zi'an told them, they also followed the most lonely whale through the vast Pacific Ocean, witnessed countless magnificent beauty, and witnessed countless times The weak meat and the strong food in the ocean have repeatedly called out to the same kind of people but never got a response.

It was swallowed up by bottomless loneliness, as if abandoned by the whole world, but not disheartened.

Especially Shihua ’s deepest feeling, she is as unique as it is in the real sense, and there is no such thing in the world.

She cried again in silence.

Today she doesn't know how many tears she shed, not this time for herself, but for the fate of 52 Hz, for her tireless search in 3o years, for her courage to cross the ocean.

No one can imagine how it spent 3o years alone.

Lao Cha sighed: "It can be described as: thirty achievements and dust, eight thousand miles, clouds and moons ... It goes all the way, only clouds and moons accompany it. Who knows the hardships?"

Even Fina, who usually did not give up, nodded in approval.

"That ..." Shihua lifted her head, and crystal tears swirled in her eyes, choking and said, "What can we do for it?"

Zhang Zi'an said: "Some people speculate that 52 Hz may be the offspring of blue whale and fin whale hybrids. After seeing it myself, I think this guess makes sense. Its biggest wish should be to find another species similar to it. But this is very difficult, and even if there is another whale that is also biracial, it may not use the frequency band of 45 to 5o Hz. "

Whales' mating and maturity are comparable, and there is no discipline. As long as they are close in shape, even different types of whales may spark the spark of passion.

Rumors of crossbreeding between different types of whales have a long history, but due to the vastness and depth of the sea, examples that can be confirmed are extremely rare.

The Discovery Channel once told an example. The researchers came to Fuso and bought whale meat from the hibiscus market. The original intention was to study the DNA of whale meat to trace its source. As a result, the DNA of this whale meat showed that it was mixed-breeding. Blue whale and fin whale.

It was a pity that a rare mixed-blooded whale was put on the table of Fuso in this way.

But ~ ~ Blue whale and fin whale can mate and give birth to half-breeds. In addition to being similar in size, another reason may be that their sound frequency bands are about 2o Hz, and they can find and communicate with each other.

Whales that can produce 45 to 5o Hz are not without them, but the body size of those whales is far from 52 Hz ... If you want to mate, the picture is too beautiful to dare to imagine.

Zhang Zi'an continued: "It's almost impossible for 52 Hz to find a similar one, and we can't help it find it ... but this doesn't mean that we can't do anything. Although we can't help it find a similar one, we can make it heavy. Burning hope. If you want to help it, there is only one way. "

"What method?" Shihua asked impatiently.

Zhang Zi'an didn't sell Guanzi and answered directly: "You can learn its singing voice, and then tell it with the same sound frequency band-don't be afraid, you are not alone." ...

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