Pet King

Chapter 942: Sword pointing at the capital

The statue of the cat **** has not been found, and even there are no reliable clues. Fina maintains majesty and stubbornness on the surface, but in fact it is already anxious inside, and she ca n’t wait to go out in the night to find it, but she is caught by Zhang Zian and Lao Tea Efforts have been made to prevent Zhang Zi'an and Lao Cha from seeing the strangeness of the cat **** statue in the rotten tail floor. Even if it is Fina, facing the cat **** statue alone is probably too fierce.

The current statue of the cat **** is neither a dead thing nor an elf, but a transitional state between life and death ... no one knows how to deal with such a thing.

"How do you say ... it's some kind of intuition." Zhang Zi'an replied without saying too much. "It's too difficult to find a statue in Binhai City. With our hands, I am afraid that it will be 100 years old. I can't find it ... but I heard something today, maybe after going to the capital, things will change for the better. "

"You tell me, what is the matter?" Fina asked curiously.

To this day, Zhang Zi'an feels that it is difficult to hide it anymore. Instead of being discovered by Fina and becoming furious, it is better to take the initiative to confess and tell it about some less serious cat abuse incidents in recent days, Laocha and Feima Steve knew all these things, but everyone was hiding Fina, fearing it would explode at the first hearing.

"What! Someone dare to do such a rebellious thing to the cats!"

As a result, Fina was still hairy.

Zhang Zi'an would like to refute that the idiom "big infidelity" is not correct here? But it was wise to decide to endure, not to add fuel to the fire at this time. He had never seen Fina so angry, every beard was stretched like a steel needle, exposing two pairs of sharp little tiger teeth.

Richard, who would always be vocal at this time, was trembling.

Fina exploded in a hurry, turning around in the room, her whole body trembling, her tail fluttering, she wanted to find something to vent.

"When did you know?" It suddenly stared back at him.

"Just now." He insisted, and at the same time desperately handed Laocha and Feimas winks, so that they wouldn't betray him at this time.

The Snow Lion feared that the world would not be chaotic, and seized the opportunity to interject: "Miao Meow Meow! Your Majesty! 80% of this stinky man is talking again, according to the views of the slave family, if he is not honest, fire a chicken in the palace! "

"Ah! Your Majesty, now that things have happened, you don't need to investigate the cause of the incident, you might as well think about how to deal with it ..." Lao Cha rounded the road, "Zi An said that after going to the capital, things may be turning for the better, then we I might as well go there, even if I stay here.

Fina was really angry. She only knew that the cat **** statue had disappeared, and did not expect the cat abuse incident to have occurred, as if a scene that happened in ancient Egypt two thousand years ago is repeating itself, and the peaceful life is gone forever. Once the cat abuse incident spreads further, the survival of the entire cat family will face a huge threat.

But Old Tea also makes sense. Now that things have happened, you can only look forward and find a solution to the problem, and you cannot regret it.

"How confident are you?" It looked at Zhang Zi'an obliquely.

Zhang Zi'an reassured that he wasn't sure of half success, but he couldn't tell the truth, otherwise he would have to be made into fish-flavored shreds even if he wasn't made into a palace burst chicken ...

"Squeak!" Π, who has never been involved in other things, suddenly gestured, indicating that he had something to say.

"What is it, π?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

π waved to him, called him to the computer, and showed him the words on the computer.

"Nine Xiao Cats screamed and changed ..." he muttered. π told him this slang before so that he didn't worry too much about the cat **** statue, but he didn't understand what it meant.

"Squeak." Pi gestured again, pointing north.

"Is it ... if I go to the capital, will this slang be fulfilled?" He confirmed.

π nodded, and patted its nameless book again, meaning that it was written in the book.


He always thought that this slang was referring to the statue of the cat god, but looking at the meaning of π, he might have misunderstood.

So he gritted his teeth, patted Fina's chest and assured: "I'm sure!"

Fina's anger faded slightly. "Then the palace will trust you once, but if you dare to deceive the palace ..."

The Snow Lion did not know where to get a canned bottle, and threw it at the feet of Zhang Zi'an. "If you go to the capital, you must go to the Forbidden City, and you must not forget to bring it when you go to the Forbidden City."

"What is this?" He asked wonderingly.

"Cut it out! Dry it in a jar! You can go in and serve the emperor with peace of mind. After decades, you can hold it to the ground and be a complete man in your next life!" The Snow Lion gloated happily.

"Roll up! I didn't die as an eunuch!" Zhang Zi kicked the canned bottle with a sigh of relief.

Feimas and old tea don't need to ask any more, they will definitely go together.

The Snow Lion doesn't need to ask, since Fina will go, it will surely follow her face.

"Quack! Don't ask Uncle Ben's opinion?" Richard said don't forget it.

"Go and love, don't go!" Zhang Zi'an offered a six-character mantra, turned and asked, "π, are you thinking about it?"

"Squeak." Pi nodded and said that he would go with him, but it pointed to the laptop again, indicating that he wanted to take the computer with him, so that he might have time to write.

A laptop computer was not too heavy, Zhang Zi'an agreed and packed the computer in a suitcase.

"Xinghai, would you also go with me?" He asked Xinghai's opinion again.

"Meow? Go to the capital?" Xinghai was seizing the last time before going to bed today to play hide-and-seek with Mei short, and Wen Yan blinked with silver eyes.

"Well, the great capital, the heart of China." He laughed. "It is said that the area occupied by a toilet there is more than enough to buy this pet shop."

"What? The toilet made of gold?" Fina's ears were raised.

"That's not it, it's just that the land is so rich," he replied, "after all, the capital."

"Meow ~ There are many people in the capital ..." Xinghai hesitated.

"It's not possible that there are many people in all places, and there are also quiet places ~ ~ For example ... The Forbidden City mentioned by Snow Lion just now, the Forbidden City covers a very large area, but it is only open to tourists A small part, most of the rest are empty, then you can go to the Forbidden City to play hide and seek. "Zhang Zi'an said," It is estimated that few people have tried to play hide and seek in the Forbidden City. "

"Meow ~ Xinghai wants to try ~" Xinghai heard his eyes brighter.

"no problem."

Zhang Zi'an agreed, and as for how to play hide and seek in the Forbidden City, I will wait until there to consider it.

He walked to the bathroom and looked inside with the probe. Shihua was playing with his mobile phone happily.

"Shihua, follow us to the capital, too." He didn't ask, but gave suggestions directly. Because if Shihua stays, the situation will be very troublesome. It is better to take Wang Qian or Li Kun to the seaside to play recordings every day. It is better to take her to the capital.

"Why?" Shihua looked away, reluctantly.

"Because this trip to the capital, the crew will provide a five-star hotel, don't you want to try the bathtub of the five-star hotel?" He asked.

"Wow! A five-star hotel! It's definitely better than this shabby bathroom! So can I experience the taste of rich people? I! I'm going!" Shihua almost jumped out of the bathtub in excitement .

"That's good. Let's go to bed as soon as possible, and leave tomorrow morning." Zhang Zi'an urged everyone to go to bed quickly, otherwise they would miss the plane if they left the bed tomorrow morning.

A few elves are of a wide-hearted and fat-free style, but others have their own minds. After turning off the lights and lying down, they still turn around for a while before falling asleep.

The same is true of Zhang Zi'an. He hasn't fallen asleep in bed for a long time. On the one hand, he is looking forward to this trip to the capital, and on the other hand, he is worried about what unexpected things will happen to the capital this time?

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