Pet King

Chapter 969: Inspection

Shanghai Stock Market.

There are countless transparent rain filaments between the heavens and the earth, and a colorful umbrella on the street like a colorful mushroom emerges from the rain, meandering along the street.

The rainy season in Jiangnan has come, and the sun has not appeared for a long time. The rainy days make the air extremely humid. As a merchant who opens the door to welcome customers, such weather is obviously unwelcome.

However, the worry is always only the boss. For ordinary employees, sales have little to do with them. Selling more and selling less has the same amount of money. The fewer customers, the more leisurely you can be.

There are many people who like raining. For example, if you have a car, raining is equivalent to washing your car for free.

In the rain, a luxury car stopped silently on the side of the road.

The driver and bodyguard came out of the cab, opened the umbrella, and respectfully opened the rear door, regardless of being wet by the rain on his back, and pre-supported the umbrella in the position where people in the car were about to leave.

One leather shoe stepped in the thin water, followed by another.

Li Yuanfei got out of the car, buttoned a button on the front of the suit, and raised his eyes to look around.

This is a very common street in Shanghai. It is located in the transition zone between the commercial center and the residential area. There are some fashionable brand specialty stores nearby. The brand is not top-level, but it is small and famous.

In front of him is a pet shop, a direct store of his star pet supermarket chain. Its exquisite decoration style is not less than other nearby boutiques, and the brand-new signboard is washed up by the rain.

The white-collar beauties and young girls passing by holding umbrellas saw this luxuriously stretched sedan and the spirited Li Yuanfei, and they all cast their hot eyes.

"Boss, can you go in with me?" The driver and bodyguard held an umbrella for him, and whispered him under the eaves of the shop door.

"No need." Li Yuanfei cherishes words like gold.

One minute to the left and right of the automatic induction door, he stepped into the store.

The driver quietly retreated to the luxury car, waiting for him to return.

Compared with the cold wind and rain outside, the indoor temperature and humidity are just right, making people feel relieved when they enter the door.

A grungy mat was placed at the door, and the floor was cleaned, but this also shows that customers are scarce because of the continuous rain. When he walked by, leaving a series of shallow shoe prints, no clerk came to wipe it off immediately, maybe it was a bit extravagant.

The layout of the store is simple and not simple. It is dominated by pure white. It tries its best to cater to the Japanese coldness that is popular among fashion women in the metropolis. The first half is a pet supply area, and the second half is a pet sales area. There is also a children's play area near the door. Area.

The cashier looked up at him, didn't recognize him, and routinely said "Welcome", and then continued to chat in the QQ group of the chain store on the computer. After all, the distance between the most basic worker and him It is far away.

At present, only a few two or three customers sit on the sofa to rest, rather than choosing products, they are more like sheltering from the rain and enjoying air conditioning.

Li Yuanfei glanced at the merchandise on the shelves for a few moments, there was nothing to blame, everything was there, and he walked towards the core pet sales area. Although pet supplies account for the lion's share of profits, the status of pets is more important.

The display cabinet in the pet area displays cats, dogs, and cats by category, and there are other types of small pets. The prices are listed in descending order. The most beautiful and valuable pets are placed at the front, so that customers can see them at first glance. Here.

Li Yuanfei glanced and saw a clerk leaning on Erlang's leg and swiping his cell phone intently, so he coughed and knocked on the glass of the English short display cabinet with his knuckles and asked, "Excuse me, what kind of cat is this? ? "

Of course, he knew what the cat was. This time he was on a whim. He wanted to conduct a surprise check on the style of the direct-operated store and the hospitality etiquette of the staff. No one had notified him in advance.

The clerk looked up and quickly looked down at the mobile phone, and spit out two words: "English short."

Li Yuanfei frowned easily, and asked, "What are the characteristics of this cat? Can you introduce me?"

A faint irritability flashed on the clerk's face, as if reluctant to be disturbed, so Li Yuanfei guessed that he was probably playing mobile games.

He came over lazily, staring at Ying Short for a moment, and replied casually: "In simple words, the shortest features of Ying Short are 'round', round eyes, round cheeks, round claws, round tail, round torso, A gentle temperament, suitable for general family raising. "

Li Yuanfei was surprised and rejoicing. He did not expect that the seemingly lazy clerk could sum up the characteristics of the English short and put it to the customer in the simplest and most understandable words.

"Brother, you are very professional, do you usually learn something about pets?" He asked tentatively, and has already made a decision in his heart. If the clerk gives a positive answer, he will give this shop The shop manager said hello and promoted him to shop assistant. After all, the grassroots employees who are willing to learn to charge these days are too rare to be buried.

"It's okay." The clerk scratched his head. Maybe he saw Li Yuanfei's well-dressed clothes and didn't dare to be too negligent. He answered truthfully, "It's written in the book."

"Oh? See in the book? What book?" Li Yuanfei asked with interest. "Is it a pet magazine or a book about pets bought in a bookstore?"

The clerk shook his head. "Written on the Internet."

The unexpected answer made Li Yuanfei startled: "... On the Internet, the characteristics of English shortness will be introduced?"

"You don't believe me? I was still watching ... Alas, this is the paragraph." The clerk pulled out his cell phone from his pocket to unlock it, turned to a specific chapter, and let Li Yuanfei look at the handwriting on the screen.

Li Yuanfei was puzzled, took a look at the phone.

The screen of the mobile phone is full of text, it seems that it is indeed a network. One paragraph introduces the characteristics of English short, which is exactly the same as the clerk just said.

That's it ...

Li Yuanfei is a little disappointed. After all, compared with professional reference books, the Internet is a bit cheaper. He almost never looks at the Internet. In the impression, the Internet is all about stories of fighting and killing in the other world or fighting girls in the city. On his personal bookshelf in his office are biographies of domestic and foreign business celebrities and historical celebrities.

He has eliminated the idea of ​​being promoted to assistant manager, but as a pet shop clerk, watching the network about pets is more meaningful than watching yellow?

Immediately after that, another thought flashed through his mind. It was indeed impossible to take the initiative to learn and charge the grass-roots employees who had no ambitions. But how to improve the quality of the grass-roots employees in an educational and fun way?

For example ...

Li Yuanfei glanced at this employee again. No matter where the employee's knowledge comes from, it can indeed enhance the shopping experience of customers.

"How is this book written? Interesting?" He asked, pretending to be interested.

He simply flipped through a few pages and found that no matter what the story was, at least the pet knowledge mentioned in the above was basically correct, which was already very difficult for the Internet.

"Haha, I think it's very interesting. I recommend you to check it out!"

This employee is obviously a fan of the Internet, and he suddenly came to the spirit and eloquently introduced: "I am also an old bookworm, this is the first time I have seen a network describing pets in reality! At first, the website recommended to I see, I refused, but recently the book shortage, and now this is not a part-time job in a pet shop, I said that it would be okay to see how this author made a mess, and it looked quite like a thing , I have been watching it, and chasing changes every day, that is, the author is relatively short and weak ... "

Li Yuanfei smiled and listened, saying that you recommended the pet shop's salary to customers to recommend the Internet. Is this appropriate?

But he was disappointed just now, and now he didn't expect the quality of the grassroots staff, so he asked smoothly: "Yes? Sounds good, I also like pets ... What is the content of this book? Can you tell me a little bit? "

"No problem!" The staff promised, "Presumably, in a place called Binhai City ~ ~ a man who gave the nickname '鶸' by chance downloaded a chance to capture an elf Mobile games, then catching the elves everywhere, just as he runs a pet shop ... "

"What did you say? Say it again!"

The employee was caught by Li Yuanfei's collar unexpectedly, he was completely stunned, and what a handsome man in front of him seemed to be stimulated, and his face became distorted in a blink of an eye. He said that this man would not run in a mental hospital. Come out of intermittent mania?

"What are you doing? Let me go!" He refused to be outdone, trying to lift Li Yuanfei's hand off his collar.

"What's going on? How did your kid fight with customers?"

At this moment, the store manager came out from the backstage. At first, he only saw Li Yuanfei's back, thinking that he was just an ordinary customer. When he turned to the front to see Li Yuanfei's face, he was astonished.

"Li ... Boss Li, why are you here?" The store manager turned and pushed the clerk aside, and scolded him: "Your boy opened your eyes to see clearly! Who is this? This is our company's big boss!"

The employee shrinks his neck in fright, but still beeps quietly, "What about the boss? He first started ..."

"Don't you dare say that?" The manager was so angry that he would vomit blood.

"It was originally! He took my mobile phone and did not return it to me!" The employee stubbed his neck and said that he would quit his job and return to his hometown. At least the mobile phone must be returned first.

The manager pointed towards the door, trying to tell the clerk that he was fired, but his hand was pressed by Li Yuanfei.

Li Yuanfei took a deep breath, adjusted his clothes, gently shook his head to the store manager, and walked over to return the phone to the clerk, and apologized: "Sorry, I was out of order just now. I apologize to you and am willing to compensate you for your loss."

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