Pet King

Chapter 989: Pointing

In normal cats, it is impossible to wear a nose loop on the nose. Zhang Zi'an heard that Wang Yanning said that the statue's face had a golden nose ring, which was first stunned, because the nose ring on the statue of the cat **** had been cut off by old tea and sent to the Dragon and Phoenix Jewelry Store for recycling. Then cast a gold jewelry on which girl's finger, and where did the nose ring come from?

The statue of the cat **** they face is a replica. Only the nose ring is a product of the same age as the original, but because it has been buried in the dark underground for more than 2,000 years, it has lost the original color of pure gold. People who don't know will definitely mistake it for brass.

Wang Yaning snapped her nose ring Jin Jincan, which made Zhang Zi'an wonder whether it was the statue lost in the shop or the real article in the British Museum. But I haven't heard about the theft of the British Museum recently ...

Or there is another possibility. Because of the power of faith condensing on it, this imitation has replaced the status of the genuine one, just like Feimas replaced Rentintin as an elf, and after it has power to become an elf, the game will It restored the nose ring as it wished, just like the game provided the old tea and the gown for the elf's old tea.

Teacher Sun frowned repeatedly. Was the child confused? Or is it a ghost? How could the statue turn back and how could it laugh? But it's clear to see how she speaks, and it doesn't look frightened ...

"Do you see the other characteristics of it clearly? Is it also wearing gold earrings, with a complicated collar and neckline on the chest?" Zhang Zi'an reconfirmed.

Wang Yaning thought for a while, "there are earrings, the collar on the chest is not too clear, it seems that there are lines, what is the neck ornament?"

"It's a square-shaped nameplate, similar to a necklace, hanging from the chest." Zhang Zi'an gestured.

"No." She shook her head simply. "Although it is not clear, there is nothing square."

This answer is surprising, because the neck ornament is carved on the body of the cat **** statue. It is theoretically impossible to lose it. It is impossible to wear it. Even the damaged nose ring has been perfectly reproduced. How can important neckwear wear out?

Zhang Zi'an slightly analyzed and thought that there might be only one answer. The game determined that the Vajrit amulet representing the bright eye in ancient Egyptian mythology did not belong to the cat statue, so he removed it. The game is very fair. The current statue of the cat **** is just the customary name. In fact, it is simply a statue of an evil god. The Vajrit amulet should not be worn on it.

Of course, this is only speculation. It may be that Wang Yaning just missed it. The truth can only be revealed when he has seen the statue of the cat **** with his own eyes.

Wang Yaning gradually stopped sobbing with the whisper of Teacher Sun.

"Student Wang Yaning, think again. What did you see? Is it dazzled? Like this Mr. Zhang said, you are dizzy when you see the dazzling lines? You know, it is impossible for the statue to turn his head. Yes. "Teacher Sun asked again when she saw that she was able to communicate normally.

Wang Yaning had always insisted that he saw the cat **** statue turn his head, but this time, Zhang Zi'an unexpectedly, she looked up at him, then lowered her head, and whispered, "Well, I may be wrong. ... Mr. Sun, wouldn't you blame me? "

"That's good. When you're nervous, it's normal to read wrong, and the teacher doesn't blame you." Teacher Sun laughed relievedly and fixed her messy hair for her.

At first Zhang Zi'an didn't understand why she overturned her previous answer, but the eyes met just now, he seemed to find the answer. Wang Yaning had common sense. In common sense, the statue would not turn his head. If she continued to insist that the statue turned her head, She will be regarded as alien by Teacher Sun and others. After being spread, it will affect her perception and evaluation, so she lied against her.

She is very clever and knows how to be flexible. She knows that her arms can't twist her thighs. She knows that the so-called truth of a child is worthless in front of social common sense. Children who try to challenge common sense are always crushed by common sense, and even thought that they have mental problems ...

What struck Zhang Zi'an most was that she was so young, she already knew it.

At this moment, the bamboo forest rattled, making the three of them nervous, and looked up at the same time.

Vladimir scooped out of the bamboo forest, and there was more dust on his body, and there was a clear bamboo leaf on his forehead.

Zhang Zi'an asked the situation with his eyes.

"A cat has meowed, and there is no hair in the bamboo forest! But I'm sure, the guy was hiding there before, and I can feel the evil atmosphere left inside!" Vladimir spit out the dust with a sigh of noise. The spittle turned irritably a few times.

In front of outsiders, Zhang Zi'an was afraid to talk.

Vladimir clenched his fists, "You ca n’t go on like this, you ca n’t be led by its nose! Although the lotus is good, it also needs green leaves to support it! One fence and three stakes, and one guy with three gangs! We must find helpers and then take the initiative Hold your initiative firmly in your own hands! "

That makes sense, but where do you find help? Binhai City said that it was not big or small, but Zhang Zi'an couldn't find the statue of the cat **** because of lack of manpower. He even resorted to Xiaoxue's live broadcast room to ask for help from netizens. Even if all the elves were started, they couldn't search much.

Vladimir did not explain further, but it was still full of confidence and had no doubts about victory and success.

Teacher Sun lifted Wang Yaning from the ground, wiped off the soil on her clothes, and asked, "Student Wang Yaning, where is your home? Or should I take you home?"

It's noon right away, and Mrs. Sun's garrison mission is over. After such an episode in the middle, she has no intention of staying.

Wang Yaning shook her head. "No, thank you, Teacher Sun. I can go back by myself."

"How does this work? You were just scared, or I'll take you home." Teacher Sun was afraid that she would be stunned. Whatever happened on the road would be bad.

But Wang Yaning did not agree.

Teacher Sun turned around and saw Zhang Zi'an beside, and assigned the task semi-forced in the tone of the class teacher: "Mr. Zhang, you and Wang Yaning are together, or you should send her home."

Zhang Zi'an let out his hand helplessly, "I don't know where her house is ..."

"Then at least send her back to near Zhonghua Road Primary School." Teacher Sun insisted.

This time Wang Yaning was silent without objection, maybe Zhang Zi'an was a soft persimmon, so pinch ...

"Well, let's go now." Zhang Zi'an secretly said that this dog skin plaster could not be thrown off.

Teacher Sun urged: "Student Wang Yaning, be careful on the road. If you encounter any situation, please contact the adult in time."

"I see. Thank you Teacher Sun, good-bye!" Even though Wang Yaning did not forget to salute the Young Pioneers, he turned and left with Zhang Zi'an, half behind him.

Teacher Sun watched them disappear on the corner of the street and left the bamboo forest to go home.

After walking for a while, Wang Yaning suddenly said, "What's going on with that statue?"

She had been holding this question for a long time, and she wanted to ask it when she left with him.

But Zhang Zi'an didn't want to involve her in this incident, nor did she want to scare her, just perfunctoryly: "That's not what a child should know."

"Huh, what a fancy thing! I'll check it myself, even if I can't find it, sooner or later, I will force you to say it!" She threatened aggressively.

Zhang Zi'an said hehe, let's talk about it when you grow up.

"By the way, classmate Wang Yaning, let me ask you a question." He switched the subject.

But Wang Yaning was silent and didn't answer.

He had to ask directly: "Student Wang Yaning, what are you going to do when you grow up? I think you are sharp-headed and fit for a lawyer ..."

She asked, "What about you? You wanted to open a pet shop when you were a kid?"

Zhang Zi'an laughed and said, "That's not true. When I was young, I thought the military uniform was very powerful and wanted to be a general ..."

"Then why didn't you join the army?" She asked again.

"Well ... the ideal is the ideal, the reality is the reality, most of the ideals as a child will not come true ... When I grow up, I still feel safer to go to college," he said.

She snorted, probably because she felt that other people's animals were harmless and did not need to conceal. She said without a word: "If a relative who is a doctor asks me, I would like to be a doctor; if a relative who started a company asks me, I said I wanted to start my own business; if the teacher asked me, I said I wanted to be a glorious people's teacher ... "

Then, she gave him a sideways glance, "But I decided not to open a pet shop."

Zhang Zi'an felt deeply despised.

He felt that he had read her correctly, he was a villain!

"Then what do you really want to do?" He asked pretending not to understand.

She stretched out three fingers ~ ~ I want to do this. "

Zhang Zi's peace of mind said that this little girl was still playing a mystery, let alone, if she was idle, she would accompany you to guess.

"I see. You want to be admitted to the top 3 domestic schools!" He had a clever smile and laughed: "I was also distressed when I was a student at Peking University or Tsinghua University in the future. Later I found myself thinking more ..."

She showed an expression of "how stupid you are," and gave up the treatment and said simply: "I want to mix into the system and sit in the first three rows!"

Zhang Zi'an: "..."

The first three rows probably don't refer to the first three rows in the class? That should be arranged by size ...

Vladimir exclaimed: "It really is the sun at 6 or 7 o'clock in the morning! The ambition is commendable! The classmates are young and well-mannered; the book business is swashbuckling! The pointers are on the rivers and mountains, the words are stimulated, and the dung is old!"

Zhang Zi'an feels that not only will he have to flee Binhai City in 20 years, but he may not even be able to stay in China ...

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