Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 119: | Fanwai (5) Li Ye and Li Su

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When he first met Li Ye, although he was twelve years old, he was thin and small. At first glance, he looked like a seven or eight year old child. His face was dirty, he was wearing ragged clothes, and his emerald eyes were so striking on his skinny cheeks. There was not much glamour in his eyes, and the silence was like a standing pool of water.

Li Su watched him being called by someone. Someone smashed a full glass of wine in front of him, shouting something loudly, and then took another coin. The meaning was already obvious.

Li Ye is still very quiet. In the face of the coaxing of the people around him, he hasn't even had a slight change in his expression. Silently walked to the table, silently picked up the glass, like drinking water, guzzling away the wine in the glass.

This wine has been drunk and said that it is liquor, but it is more like white water mixed with industrial alcohol. The entrance is very spicy and bitter. Only the worst alcoholic can order this kind of thing.

The child drank the wine in one breath, and an abnormal blush floated on his pale cheeks. The green beautiful jade-like eyes were smudged with water. He put the cup back in place and reached for it. I raised money, but didn't mean to leave.

The man who drank the wine burst into laughter, and then stretched his hands to take a few dreams on the back of the child, and said something, and the bartender brought up several glasses of wine.

People around laughed and seemed to be accustomed to this situation. The child stretched out his hand again and took the wine glass. The glass was about the size of his head and filled with transparent liquid. He held it with both hands and slowly put it in his mouth. side……

Li Ye didn't look anymore, he stood up and walked in front of the child.

"Hey, kid." He said the first sentence to the kid in jerky Russian.

The child turned his head and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Don't drink it," Li Su said.

The child ignored him, and Li Shou's slender hand was trying to get rid of Li Su's shackles. But with such little strength, how can you break free from the hands of an adult, like a bug struggling in fate.

The person next to him also started talking. The loudest one was the **** who invited Li Ye to drink. The insulting words leaned out, and with an increasingly restless atmosphere, he finally couldn't help but stretch out his hand to Li Su...

Li Su grinned and scolded fiercely in Chinese: "Get off -"

This was Li Su's first fight in Russia. Although he suffered a minor injury, he still won.

Throughout the fight, the child stood in the corner, watching without a word. He wasn’t too scared, and he didn’t have any emotional emotions. He seemed indifferent as a bystander watching a boring drama. After Li Shu beat the man down, the blood wiped from the corner of his mouth came to him, squatted down and called him : "Child, what is your name?"

The child is silent.

"Hey, I ask you, what's your name." Li Su pinched the child's face and grunted dissatisfiedly-there was no meat.

The child should not be silent, staring at him in silence.

"Child," Li Su said, "I'll ask you something."

The child stares at the beautiful man in front of him, which is different from the Russian ruggedness. The Oriental man in front of him looks like an exquisite doll. His hair is rare white, his eyes are not clear in the dark, because of his white skin There were more eye-catching scars in the fight just now. He had thought that this man would be easily beaten down, but who knows, he turned the man who was one head taller than him...

Li Su was asking. The shopkeeper walked behind Li Su with cursing. Li Su heard a voice and glared indifferently behind him. The shopkeeper who had planned to fight against him closed his mouth immediately.

But he didn't make trouble for Li Su, but it meant that he had to send his anger elsewhere, so the shopkeeper shifted his target and stared at the thin child with a vicious eye. Although he didn't say a word, Li Su fully imagined what he would encounter when he left.

Li Su didn't ask any more and straightened up.

The child probably thought he was leaving. He looked at his boss and looked at him again. He still didn't speak. He suddenly opened his mouth and spit at him angrily.

For the first time, Li Su saw other expressions on his face. He remembered something and smiled: "Children, what about your parents?"

"Dead," he answered.

"You are alone?" Li Su asked.

The child nodded.

"Then let's go with me." Li Su said, "Go to China...I also... alone."

Seemingly failing to understand the meaning of his words, the child stared at him with puzzled eyes, and Li Su said nothing more, bending down to hug him directly.

Sure enough, he didn't have any flesh at all. Li Su hugged him like he was holding a bone shelf. In the fearful and angry curse of the bar owner, Li Su hugged the children and his friends.

This time he came to Russia to perform a mission. Before the mission was completed, he first picked up a child. Li Su made people check the background of the child, and it was almost the same as he thought. The child's parents died prematurely and were sent to the fence. Social security in Russia is much worse than that in the country. Many people die from murders and accidents all year round. The child has no parents and can only be maintained by relatives. Unfortunately, the economic conditions of the relatives are not good, so the child was finally reduced to it. To the point where the bar eats together.

Li Su is not a person who likes to wrestle with injustice. He saw his shadow on this child.

"If I came back alive, would you like to go back with me?" Before leaving the mission, Li Su left the child in the hotel, he touched his head and gave a promise, "I can take you to China, raise Holding you until you reach adulthood..."

The child didn't say good or bad, opened his green eyes and looked at Li Su in silence.

Because he was afraid of an accident, Li Su gave him all the money he had carried before leaving, and asked him to wait for himself at the hotel. The money was not too much, but it was enough to support it for a long time.

Before, being alive was not a thing to look forward to for Li Su, but this time there were subtle changes.

Returning alive, Li Su completed the formalities and left Russia with his children.

When he arrived in China, he knew that the child's Russian name was Ivan, but this name was no longer applicable. He gave him another Chinese name, Li Ye.

Li is with his surname, Ye is the place name of Li Su's hometown, this name carries something that Li Su is afraid to forget.

Li Ye grew up gradually, and he came to China like a sapling transplanted into fertile land, growing wildly.

But a few years later, he was born higher than Li Su. The Russian pedigree gave him a beautiful western appearance, and the jade-like green eyes became darker and darker, making it as elusive as a lake.

Li Su thought he knew Li Ye until he saw Li Ye's name on the base recorder's name.

It was the first time that the two had a fierce conflict. Li Su regarded Li Ye as his own and treated Li Ye as a brother. Naturally, no one would want to watch his brother die.

"What the **** are you thinking about, have you ever thought of me?" Li Su said, "you just go to school, grow up well, marry a wife... and have a child..."

Li Ye said, "I don't want it."

Li Su said: "So what do you want?"

Li Su didn't speak, staring at him quietly. The look of Li Su had never seen him, and made him a little flustered for a while.

"You..." Li Su still wanted to say something, but Li Ye turned around and looked at his back, Li Su smiled bitterly.

Li Su used to have many things, but now he has nothing, only Li Ye, like the sand he holds, will slip away from his fingers at any time.

The death rate of the person who recorded it was well understood by the people at the base. Most of those who do this job are serious desperate men who lack money and money. Li Su dare not think about the future, he may never have such a thing.

Li Su knew that Li Ye would not obey his own words, he chose to give up.

The weather was good. Li Su sat on the balcony and took a nap. He seemed to be asleep but not asleep. He felt a black shadow stopped in front of himself in the haze and blocked the sunlight. A soft feather fell on his mouth, awakening him from a misty sleep, Li Su opened his eyes and saw Li Ye.

"How come back." Li Su asked vaguely, he remembered that Li Ye had left the mission and said he would not come back next month.

Li Ye said, "I'm back." He turned his head and looked out of the window. "How is the sun."

"It's a cloudy day." Li Su said, "It's okay to get a little sun."

Li Ye raised his hand and opened the hair on Li Su's forehead. He looked at Li Su's lazy expression, and the coldness often seen in the green eyes faded away, and a warm glow appeared.

"Not hurt?" Li Su asked him.

"No." Li Ye answered.

Li Su looked at him up and down and tilted his head: "How come you seem to be tall again."

Li Ye stood straight in front of Li Su, facing his question, his eyes narrowed: "I have a gift for you."

Li Su froze: "What?"

Li Ye reached into his pocket, and after a while, took two things out of it.

He spread his palms and put things in his palm. Li Su looked up and saw two black and white dice in his palm.

This die is familiar to Li Su, and it is a symbol of the identity of the monitor-only if he becomes a monitor, he is eligible to have such a thing.

"You--" Li Su straightened his waist, stunned.

"I don't want anything." Li Ye said slowly, "I just want to be with you."

Not as a burden, but as a dependency.

Li Su dumbly stared at the dice in Li Ye's hand for a long time without talking. From the recorder to the monitor, the danger to be experienced is insignificant. This is a miracle of choice.

No, perhaps from the beginning, their encounter was a miracle.

"I want to be with you forever." Li Ye whispered, "Okay?"

Li Su looked at Li Ye's backlit face and heard his hoarse and indecent voice: "Okay."

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