Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1291: : Contractor [20]

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Chapter 1291: The Contractor [20]

The ice spirit phantom suddenly gave a low humming sound, but for a moment, the vortex broke, the snow splattered, and his body fell heavily and hit several trees!

But the wing that protects the little fox is still tight.

Li Xie strolled up and reached out to pull out the little fox from his wings. The other wing of the ice magical bird immediately lifted up quickly. The sharp ice rushed around the body of the evil spirit, and the brow frowned. I didn't do it myself. Instead, Wu Hao grabbed it and grabbed the wing of the ice magical bird. He threw him out!

"Ice Bird! Meet two World of Warcraft, do you think you will have a chance of winning?" Wu Hao disdainfully raised his head and laughed.

The fierce face is expressionless, and the left-handed sword can't catch the ice-winging magical bird to protect the wing of the little fox.

The ice spirit illusion bird was shocked, afraid that the sword would hurt the moonlight night, so the wings were slightly loosened, and the evil spirits, like ghosts, flashed in front of him, carrying the tail of the little fox, and dragging her out.

The little fox had ice on his body, and he was frozen without consciousness. He pulled his head and let it go with the evil spirits.

"Let her go!" The ice spirit illusionary bird was furious and wanted to stand up. Then one wing was suppressed by the black scorpion and could not struggle.

The deep purple scorpion swept him and smiled. "I heard that the ice spirit illusion will only be faithful to a master in life, no matter what she looks like, you will find her."

"she is not!"

"Is it not for you, the contract will naturally tell me the truth." After the evil spirits finished, they no longer watched the ice magical owl, and glared at the little fox, and the figure disappeared.

Wu Hao was shocked: "Extremely evil! Where are you going? Wait for me!"

"He went to the Seven Towers!" The ice spirit phantom did not know where the strength came from, and suddenly broke the suppression of the black scorpion, and the wings fluttered, and quickly rushed toward the Seven Towers.

Wuhua stayed for a while and quickly kept up.

The six towers form a triangular array, the direction of the corner, facing the seventh tower, forming an arched position.

The spires of the seven towers are different. Looking up from the top, if you look at the spire, you will find that it is a complex formation symbol.

Can arrange such a formation, there is only one person in this world, although he died, but the person who left the contract.

Li Xie slowly walked to the middle of the formation of the seven towers, and his mouth was slightly raised.

"What do you want to do?" The moonlit night in the seal finally asked.

Lixie smiled a little, picked her up, pressed one hand on the head of the little fox, and said lightly: "Let me lend your strength."

When the voice fell, the moonlight night felt suddenly a violent wind in the seal. The black gas emanating from the black jade, like a storm, ran wildly in the seal.

Overturned, there is no place in the seal that can be attached to the moonlight night. The body is swaying, and suddenly it feels extremely painful. The black gas that she absorbed into it is drilled out of her eyes.

"Ah--" screams sounded in the seven towers.

Li Xie raised his hand and a black smudge in his palm. He painted a strange symbol in the air out of thin air. The surrounding air swayed and the space seemed to be distorted.

The smile on his face slowly expanded, and he said: "It is really you, without the suppression of black water, the power of the soul of the contract is just beginning to show up."

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