Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1326: : Ling beast recognizes the Lord [5]

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Chapter 1326: Spiritual Beast Recognition [5]

The two men only looked at each other briefly for a while, and the illusion was over.

Returning to reality in an instant, the room in the lock-up building seems to be extraordinarily cold.

Shaking his green stem on his head, he looked at her in a weird look, and a pair of eyes thieves brightened the thief.

I didn't look at him on the moonlight night. I picked up the ring from the ground, then stood up and looked at the weapon in the ring with my mind. I saw the snow-white sword used by Huang Beiyue in the fantasy.

He also followed her up, and the two big eyes fluttered and flashed. How do you think it is... very dogleg!

"Look at what? You can go out, there is nothing wrong with you here." The lock soul clock is included in the ring, and there are so many good things in the ring, she intends to fill the pocket.

He didn't stop it, but instead saw her walking, she jumped up and hugged her leg, holding it tightly!

"What are you doing?" Frown at night, bending over and pulling, but how can't open it, can't help but be angry, "I hit you!"

吱吱 Close your eyes, hold her legs, and die without letting go!

What do you want to do with this potato?

Looking at him on a moonlit night, his eyes turned and said: "I want to leave from here. If you keep holding my legs, I will get you out together. When there are no people to protect you, don't blame me for bullying you!" ”

He nodded hard and happily ‘oh yeah’ two more.

Is it not stupid?

On the moonlight night, I grinned and said, "Okay, in this case, you use illusion to help me get out of here."

I didn’t say anything, the green stems on my head swayed, and the sound of ‘噗通’ was heard one after another. Someone fell down.

On the moonlight night, I opened the door and went out to see it. I found that the people around me were all in the hallway and screaming.

A happy heart, this potato is really a fool!

She did not delay, grabbed her hand in one hand, and quickly jumped from the lock-up floor. There was no one in the house. At this moment, quietly, she turned out from the wall and no one noticed.

When Aria took the good cakes and went up, there were only a dozen people who slept and slept under the gallery, and the little fox and the cockroaches were gone, but they were gone!

The tray in my hand fell to the ground, the cake was broken, the tears burst out, and Aria turned and ran out.


Jike and Asare, who just went out to find someone, also came back. They followed a man and a woman, respectively, Meng Yitian and Chiyoda.

"Brother! They are gone!" Aria quickly greeted her and said while crying.

Asare was shocked: "How is it possible? It is not to use illusion..."

"Oh, I am gone!"

This time, even Jike can't be calmed down. He is a dream animal, and the illusion is so powerful. How can the first-order little fox escape and be **** with Yan?

When the three of them spoke, Meng Haotian had already been in motion, stepping on a gust of wind, and went to the fourth floor of the Lock Moon Building, where the moonlit night and the hustle and bustle were closed.

His eyes glanced around and saw the Helana warrior who fell asleep on the ground, but who had fallen asleep and had no worries about his life. He shook his head slightly.

"He won't have anything, he helped the little fox escape."

"How is it possible?" Asare also smoky, ran to the fourth floor, and saw the people under the gallery, and quickly checked them one by one.

"They are all fine, just in the middle of the illusion, they are asleep."

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