Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1350: :西法乌拉 [1]

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Chapter 1350: West Faula [1]

West Faula [1]

The old woman was shocked. "This, this is"

"Auntie, go to rest, there is nothing wrong with you here." The red candle smiled at her.

The old woman nodded, there was a tiger like this beast, and the old woman did not like to stay here.

The red candle slowly stood up and went out to the wall.

The lock-up building was very tall. She stood on the side of the horizontal bar and looked down. I saw Jike, a dozen of them, surrounded by a white fox, and screamed ‘Master! the host! ’

The fox was scared and shrunk into a ball, his tail wrapped around his body, and he did not dare to move.

"What are they doing?" There was a cold chill on the top of the head, and the sound of the moonlight night also rang.

The red candle raised his head and saw the ice magical bird fall on the roof. The moon in the black coat jumped down and the action was exactly the same as the phoenix moon.

She also saw the following Jike and others, confused.

The red candle ‘has slammed’ and laughed and said: “Master, you are too bad!”

"I?" Holding his hands on the moonlight night, he said that he was innocent. "I didn't do anything."

The red candle smiled and smiled, and the eyes were red. "They miss the owner very much, no matter what you become, they swear allegiance and never change."

Looking at the people below, I suddenly jumped on the handrail with one hand and jumped from the three-story building.

The red candle was shocked, but the exclamation did not make a sound, it became a smile, overflowing the lips.

At the moment she jumped out, the ice spirit illusion bird also flew down, and the claws gently grasped the shoulders of the moonlight night, letting her fall safely on the ground.

The owner and the ice magical bird are still so tacit!

Asare and others also felt the cold wind rising behind them, and could not help but look back, just to see the black girl who descended from the sky.

The huge ice magical bird spreads its wings behind her, and the snow-colored light illuminates the night sky in an instant. The wings open and close, bringing a huge wind, the grass in the yard is shaking, and the snow falls from the tree.

The little white fox was so scared that he buried himself in the snow and shivered.

After a short stay, Asare muttered, "Who is this pretty girl?"

Moonlight smile, the ice magical bird left her shoulder, flew to the height of the lock on the moon floor, proudly kneeling on the eaves, in a guardian posture behind her.

"Not going to be our family?" Asare turned his head and said to the stunned Jike, but in exchange for Jike a fist in his head!


Jike stepped forward and kneeled down on one knee, his left hand across his chest, and respectfully said: "Welcome to return, cover the king of the night!"

The sound of the squatting brush on the back, even the hippie smiley Asare also put away the joke expression, very serious, very serious.

"Wang, welcome home!" Asare said loudly.


Moonlight night, I was confused, remembering the words of the former Prince of War.

She used to want a home?

Looking at the young, **** face, the twinkling eyes sparkled with sincerity, and her heart suddenly moved.

Home, maybe she had mistaken the definition of home before?

She used to be a cold and stubborn guy, so she didn't find out that she always had a home.

Looking forward, striding forward, never knowing to stop and look around.

She has been wrong before.

From behind, there was a cold breeze, and the snow flakes fell from the sky.

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