Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1375: : Undead Tree [10]

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Chapter 1375: Undead Tree [10]

"Dead?" Among the tourmalines, the red flower is looming.

The dead spirit is the soul, in the mouth of the beast, the name is not the same.

"It is not a dead spirit, but it has not been taken away by the Secretary. I have seen it for the first time. You must have something different!" The red-eyed snake, Wang Yin, smiled and measured, and the hovering body slowly turned. The huge head was pressed from the top and slowly approached the moonlit night.

She was holding a snow shadow knives, and she also looked up and stared at the blue eyes.

The eater's flower behind him was unrelentingly chased out, but he was stunned by the breath of the safflower snake king. After looking at him, he retracted and did not dare to move.

The behemoth in front of her, the breath is strong, more than her numerous times, but, facing him, the moon and night are still calm and calm, and there is no fear at all.

This makes the safflower snake king more and more interested.

Over the years, I have never seen anyone look like this. I don’t think there is such a bold person in this world. Faced with him, I can still maintain such a calm look.

The general necromancer, will there be such a strong force?

When this girl is alive, she must be the strongest who is alarming.

So young, I can't think of a hundred years of retreat from the mainland of Calta, there is such a young man who is at a young age.

It is a pity that it is too early to die.

"Oh..." This red-eyed snake king looked at the moonlight night and laughed. The laughter seemed to bring a little bit of gloating.

All the young geniuses are all about the old days. What about the scenery? Can she always see the scenery? Sooner or later, it will fall like...

"Master!" In the midair, a silver-white dragon suddenly ran through the mist and slammed down.

The powerful spirit of the beast makes the safflower snake king unable to ignore, turned his head and glanced at it, and could not help but be a little surprised!

"The royal family?" Although it was a bit stunned, the safflower snake king soon snorted. "How can you be in front of me with your fire?"

Said, the body re-rolled up, the scales on the body were opened, and the fire on the whole was turned into white ice. At the moment when the red candle hit, the ice floated from the scales, suddenly like a nail. Cover the red candle!

"Be careful!" Moonlight exclaimed, the snow shadow knife turned, squatting at his scales, the ice is all in the body, the blade straight into his flesh and blood! Live and cut a whole piece of scales!


The red-eyed snake king gave a sharp angry roar, and was furious, and even ignored this little dead spirit!

"You dare to attack me!" No longer take care of the red candle, the red-eyed snake king suddenly turned his head and the triangle slammed down!

Moonlight night strikes, I have not expected to hurt him for the second time, so I have long pulled out the snow shadow knife, volley into the water, and the water generally turned up the branches.

The speed of the safflower snake king is very strange, so the huge head seems to be completely unaffected by the air resistance. In the blink of an eye, it wipes the body of the moon and night and slams into the ground!


During the time, the splashes of water and water, the rocks that were underwater, were all shattered. Some of the roots of the trees in the stone were broken by him!

I used to experiment with the snow shadow knives. The roots of the tree are just like fine iron. They are cut down all the time, but now they are hit by the red-eye snake king, and they are broken!

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