Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1383: : Lei Wang driving to [4]

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Chapter 3: Lei Wang drives to [4]

Nothing, there is a natural majesty and it is daunting.

The moonlight night looks cold and frosty, slowly coming out of the enchantment of the red candle, saying: "In the floating forest, all walks of life, irrelevant, your shot seems to be too overbearing."

"Ha ha ha -" The man raised his head and laughed. He was not angry. He pointed at her and said, "You are very interesting to talk to this girl! The king has never seen anyone dare to speak to this king!"

The moonlight screamed coldly, and the cold eyes fainted through the tall man, and his mind slowly turned.

He claimed to be a king and his strength was so strong. It seems that he is not too small.

His appearance is to help them clear the threats around them, so the impression of him on the moon night is not too bad.

"I will wait for the water in the well with you, so don't let it go." She said coldly, turned and raised the red candle.

The man stretched out his arm and blocked them easily. He smiled at the beard and said: "Hey, don't be busy, the king has something to ask you."

I licked my lips on the moonlight and said, "What is it?"

"When you came in from outside, did you meet a team of more than 20 people, the people inside were masters, there were a few girls like you, and a red gold tiger, and a dream animal?" The man asked sincerely.

When he asked him, the red candle immediately raised his head, and he pinched her arm in the moonlight night, indicating that she would not open her mouth.

"You said that there are teams of the Red Gold Tigers, we have seen them, and they were separated from them two or three days ago." Moonlight said faintly.

"Oh? Is that dreaming beast really?" the man asked immediately.

Moonlight Road: "Weaving dreams are indeed there, but they don't let us get close, yes, there is a strange person in the team, with a horn on the head, I have never seen that kind of person, so the impression is particularly profound. ”

"That's definitely it!" The man laughed and clap his hands and seemed very excited. "Taro, take me to them!"

"We don't make the way." Moonlight said coldly, the identity of this person has gradually been guessed. "Why, we don't know who you are. The foggy forest is everywhere. I am a mercenary who is bloody. Dare to be willing."

"Hey! The king of the king of the king of the palace, the king of the king, will it hurt you a little girl?" The voice said loudly.

Secretary Lei Wang!

The red candle has been stunned with a sullen face, and the heart of the moon and night is also over the river.

Actually, Ray Wang came in person! The strength of his appearance just now is too horrible.

Dealing with such a person, no sinister tricks will not work!

Moonlight night, some shameless thoughts, but the face is indifferent: "Simple, I have never heard of it, you still have to sign the name."

"Name?" The man grabbed his head and widened his bell-like eyes. "I have forgotten this thing. This king is called Lei Fur, haha, Shantou, you should also report your name!"

"In the next day," said the moon and the moon.

Listening to her name, the cold, emerald-colored scorpion of the ice magical bird was filled with complex and shocking light, and some looked up at her.

Play days... This name, which is sealed in memory, once again came out of her mouth.

Still so cold, domineering, madness...

"Playing the sky, hey, good name!" Lei Fur looked at the cold and proud girl, and smiled. "The girl is worthy of this name!"

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