Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1452: : Floating half inch [1]

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Chapter 1452: Floating half inch [1]

"You..." quietly shuddered, and Beiyuejun’s main face tried to pile up a smile and bend his knees slightly. "See Princess Royal Highness."

"The county magistrate is still so many miles. According to the ceremony, you are sealed by a prince, who is equal to me and does not need to salute."

A girl in a red-brown skirt walked up the stone steps, and the bright makeup covered the unnatural paleness on her face.

Her appearance is exactly the same as that of the North Moon County Lord. It is just a light, like a valley, and a strong fire like a ruin.

The red lined her, and she immediately improved her beauty. This red girl is Honglian.

The cold fingers lifted the arm of the North Moon County, and she immediately retired.

"The county owner is still afraid of me." Honglian did not care to sit down and sit down. When she saw the golden mat on the table, she asked: "There are experts who have seen the eyes of the county owner. How do you say this time?"

The maid saw the red lotus and looked angry. This inexplicably ran out of the princess, so that everyone can't like it!

I remembered the former Sakura Night Princess, who did not say anything and loved it, but the Princess of Yongning, which appeared later, had the same appearance as the county owner, but it was so annoying!

"The singer said that the eyes of the lord can be cured!" the maid said loudly.

"Oh?" Honglian gently tapped the table and looked at the North Moon County Lord. There was a trace of doubt in his eyes. "Which high-ranking person dares to be so arrogant?"

An eye for an eye is the curse of the Holy King himself, irreversible, what masters dare to say can solve?

When the maid heard her, she obviously didn't believe it. She didn't want the county's eyes to be cured. She suddenly became angry. She said, "It is the master of the war prince! It is not an ordinary generation!"

"I know most of the masters on the mainland, you talk about his name?"

The maid glimpsed and looked at the North Moon County lord. She was a weak temper. She did not dare to avenge anyone. The red lotus was such a powerful person. The North Moon County owner first feared three points from the heart.

"She, she is called the drama..."

In the middle of the cold flash, the red lotus gently tapped the nails on the table, and suddenly it was hard, and it was painted with 蔻丹红艳指甲, and it was suddenly broken!


The crisp voice shook the North Moon County owner and unconsciously stepped back, leaning against the pillars in the pavilion, a little nervous.

The momentum of Honglian’s body suddenly became different. Zhang was fierce and full of murderousness. The little pavilion suddenly became as terrible as Shura’s hell!

The maid saw the strong hatred that could not be hidden in her eyes, like a sharp blade, which could be a thousand people!

"Women?" Honglian turned her head and stared at the North Moon County.

North Moon County nodded, his eyes were red, and tears were looming inside.

"Hey!" Red Lotus snorted, and Huo stood up and said coldly, "There is such a master, it seems that I have to go to meet her!"

"Princess--" North Moon County Lord weakly opened, but in the pavilion, there is no red lotus figure, she still looked at it blankly.

The maid voice trembled: "She, she is gone..."

I used to know that the Princess Yongning was not flattering, and often came to the Princess Palace, so the maids did not like her.

I only know today that the original Princess Yongning’s skill is so good!

It just disappeared in a flash, and it seems that it is no less than that of the big man!

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