Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 1461: : Floating half inch [10]

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Chapter 1461: Floating half inch [10]

"Reassured, I have all the words in my mind, and then write a copy for you." Meng Haotian said gently.

"I am not afraid of losing! But it is clearly that she took it, and I am not lying. I don't understand why you want to cover her?" She was angry not to lose the file!

Meng Haotian glanced at her and suddenly patted her shoulder. The temperature was mild and it was a brother who was concerned about her sister.

"Winter, I am not covering her, but doing what you most want to do."

A thousand generations of winter children, she did not understand what he said, want to explain to him, but he smiled, not willing to say more, just let her rest early, they have to leave.

"You and Merlin both cover her, I really don't understand..." Qiandai Donger muttered.

Meng Haotian smiled and turned away. If you know her identity, there will be no such doubts.

Donger, I want to tell you that the person you are waiting for is back, and the real Phoenix North is back.

Can you say that you will definitely leave the Guangyao Temple?

I haven't returned to the lock-up building. I saw the information in the files in the minds of the moonlight night. While watching, the smile on the corner of the mouth is deepening.

She also rarely admire anyone, but this Meng Haotian, really a peerless and intelligent person, if he is enemies with him, it is really troublesome.

An eye for an eye is indeed irreversible, but Meng Haotian said that this technique does not hurt the eyes, but the curse makes her eyes blocked.

Generally, irreversible curses can't be lifted, but in this world, one thing is down, and the ancient language is too cumbersome to explain.

But the moonlight night is explained by the language of the developed technology era, which is probably: material conservation, equivalent exchange.

These reasons, no matter in which era, are irreversible!

In the ancient books of Guangyao Temple, there is a record of 'transfer technique', which is classified as a forbidden because it is cumbersome and complicated and will endanger the life of the surgeon.

Meng Haotian found this technique and did not dare to use it without authorization. However, with his ingenuity, he naturally developed some reliable methods.

As long as you can provide the same cost as an eye-catching spell, you can use the ‘transfer technique’ to remove the spell!

In other words, the spell is also a way to know how to lose!

With this breakthrough, the mood of the moonlight night was great, and a loud whistle was blown, patted the neck of the ice magical bird, and said: "I have more peace of mind in this matter!"

"The owner feels happy." The ice magical bird answered her in the heart, and when the wings shook, they quickly slid into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

After they left, in less than ten seconds, a dark shadow slowly emerged from the night.

A strange blood red eye, flashing cold cold in the moonlight.

The beautiful face, when looking at the sound of the disappearance of the girl, revealed a bloodthirsty expression.


"Oh...hey..." A little fox sneaked out of his sleeve and looked around, finally staring at the man's face.

The expression was a little scary. I remembered the cruel things he had done recently. The little fox couldn’t help but shudder and shy in the sleeves.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling appeared, the little fox snorted, and the ice-blue eyes turned and saw nothing.

However, the sleeves swayed, her body rolled a big circle, and almost fell from the air!

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