Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 462: : The world is the enemy [30]

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Chapter 462: The enemy is the enemy [30]

"If it wasn't for you to make him bored, how could he leave alone? In the final analysis, this responsibility is still yours." The cold male voice laughed.

"祁连聿, you will kill you if you say another word!" Red Lotus was furious, turned and turned a red whip in his hand!

The handsome man named Qilian Yan slipped back like a running water, saying: "Honglian, because you are so unreasonable, so Moline hates you."

"He hates not hating what I have to do with you? If you don't shut up, don't blame me for being rude!" Red Lotus angered, a delicate little face with a strong murderous.

"Okay, I won't say it." Qilian lazily smiled, suddenly listening to the sound of the wind, said: "The fluctuations in front are so big... Hey? How is it possible??"

"What are you doing with ghosts?" Red Lotus glanced at him. "There are people in front of you, you have never seen the world!"

Qilian’s indifferent face was a horror, saying: “No, what is that day? I seem to feel a terrible force!”

Honglian squinted at him, this Meng Yutian is specially sent to help them find the beastless, the strength can only be considered moderate, but this person is knowledgeable, knows everything, the terrorist power he feels must be very scary. of!

"What kind of horrible power, we don't know if we go to see it!" Red Lotus said, and turned and walked forward.

"Honglian, that power is much stronger than you, you don't want to be impulsive!" Meng Haotian shouted behind him, knowing that this red lotus is arrogant and arrogant, and no master can dare to challenge.

Fortunately, she was born in Guangyao Temple, and the strength was given by the Holy King. I have never encountered any strong enemies on the mainland of Karta, so I have never tasted a defeat!

However, no defeat, does not mean that she will not lose!

"Hey! The power of horror, I want to see and see!" Red Lotus looked at the arrogant expression that he was not afraid of, and strode forward.

Meng Haotian followed up and said: "Honglian, it is important to find something about Molin."

"In any case, we have to go forward. Is it because of the horrible power, is it shrinking? It’s too courageous!" Red Lotus looked at him with disdain.

Her most annoying thing is to be careful with this kind of thing, and look forward to the people behind.


Meng Haotian knew that she was bent on her own way and could not persevere. She had to sigh and follow her.

Not long after walking forward, Meng Haotian suddenly frowned: "Weird, the power of horror suddenly disappeared."

"What are you talking about?" Red Lotus turned to look at him. "Disappeared? How is it possible?"

"It just disappeared, suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared. It is really strange." Meng Haotian is also puzzling. It is reasonable to say that a horrible force suddenly appears, there is always a process of disappearing, never seen This sudden disappeared and disappeared.

"I really want to see what it is." Red Lotus is more and more interested, and suddenly speeds up and goes out from the floating forest.

Out of the floating forest, the air outside is much fresher than the inside, although the fog is heavy, but it makes people happy!

Honglian took a deep breath and suddenly felt the sound of a sorrow in the bush next to him. It was strange that a huge nine-headed bird suddenly appeared in the bush.

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