Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 473: : Fengqi Linhuai [1]

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Chapter 473: Fengqi Linhuai [1]

Huang Beiyue clenched the handle and waited for it!

Moline's hand slowly lifted up, pale fingertips, a finger like a white jade, just the white color of the white jade, only the pale white.

The dazzling thunder flashed between him, unable to reflect any look in his eyes that could not be seen.

Xiao Yun’s eyes were slowly widened, and some excitedly looked at the movements of Mo Lian. It seemed that she had seen the scene of the murder of Huang Beiyue. She really wanted to laugh loudly!

Suddenly, the dazzling thunder suddenly appeared in her eyes, and the smile on Xiao Yun’s face instantly solidified, and the slender neck was held in her hand by the ink lotus.

Xiao Yun looked at him incredulously and shook his head desperately.

Not her, not her!

Is the person he wants to kill not red-haired? Isn't it Phoenix North?

Moran's face was cold, and suddenly her fingers tightened slightly. The thunder suddenly spread from his hand to Xiao Yun's body, and she screamed in pain.

"Phoenix North Moon - I will not let you go to ghosts! Ah--" Xiao Yun screamed screamingly, and Lei Guang made her flesh and blood quickly and wretched.

When Melan let go of her hand, she had become a dry corpse, fell to the ground, and her eyes were still screaming, staring at the direction of Phoenix North!

The kind of death method, people who look at it will feel a goose bump, and Huang Beiyue only slightly blinked his eyebrows, and there is not much emotional change.

Moline slowly walked up to her, holding her arm in one hand, the voice was very low, with a little bit of it, how could not hide the excitement.


Huang Beiyue looked up at him: "Why help me?"

When Mollian stunned, he said, "You are helpless, I will help you." After a pause, Moline asked again: "Are you afraid?"

"How can I be afraid?" Phoenix North did not open his face, although his eyes could not be seen, but she still did not want to see those eyes.

That night she told him that when she was isolated, she hoped that someone could help her, so she would not be afraid.

She just said this casually. She never thought that someone could help herself. Master told him from an early age that this world can only rely on himself. If he wants to rely on others, he will eventually become a weak person.

She remembers Master's words, this life depends on his own hands, and absolutely does not rely on anyone. ,

But this boy who had only seen it once, but he firmly remembered her words, and helped her when she was most isolated and helpless.

The breath of the red swallowing is getting closer and closer, and Honglian has already caught up.

Mo Lidao said: "I will take you away."

Huang Beiyue blocked one of his hands and said: "I still have things, can't just leave."

She wants to meet with the spirit, but also to find the tiger and the donkey, as well as Dongling.

"I am going to stop her, wait for me." Moline smiled softly at her, very gentle, and never thought about embarrassing her, what she said.

She is in danger, he takes her away, she does not want to go, he will solve the threat to her!

Huang Beiyue supported the trunk and turned to look at him: "Merlen."

Molian’s figure glimpsed a little and slowly turned back. There was a slight worry on the pale face. “You know.”

"I know that you are the ink lotus of the Guangyao Temple, the person who chased me, the red lotus of the Guangyao Temple."

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