Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 475: : Fengqi Linhuai [3]

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Chapter 475: Fengqi Linhuai [3]

Moline's face is expressionless, she simply ignores her problem, just opening her mouth coldly: "What?"

"I came here to catch a woman, she offended me, I must unload her eight!" Red Lotus and Moline lived together for a long time, for the mode of talking about Mollian, Honglian has been very adapted.

So even if his question is not clearly stated, she knows what he wants to ask.

Hearing her saying this, the face of the ink lotus is obviously unpleasant, and the pale and strange face is even more shrouded in a layer of chill.

Red lotus eyes: "What happened to you? You just came over from there, did you notice someone?"

"No." Moline said briefly.

Red lotus is wondering, is there no one there? He didn't doubt the words of Mo Lin. After so many years, she would not understand the character of Mo Lilian?

This guy went straight and didn't understand anything. He didn't even know how to lie. In fact, he didn't know how to lie, but disdain.

His whole person is like an unpolluted white paper. No matter how much ink is poured on it, there is no way to tarnish him and let him change a little.

"That swearing, don't know where to go? Let me catch her, I will not let her go!" Red Lotus said evilly, turned to look at Mo Lin, with a little girl-like smile on her face. "Merlen, you came out this time and ate a lot of suffering?"

Moline ignored her, sitting on the back of the black illusionist, he was wearing black clothes, not a little bit of color, the whole person, only the skin is pale, he has nothing to look like is very beautiful, just that year The pale complexion and the strange smell of the body make people feel that he is terrible.

"Let's find somewhere else," said Moline.

Honglian was ignored by him, and his heart was somewhat lost. No matter how many years he used to, he turned around and looked around: "Where is the girl? It is really difficult!"

Moline drove the magical beast and went in the other direction. When Honglian looked at his movements, he knew that he wanted to tell her that he searched here and let her go to the other side.

Honglian bit his lip and smiled softly. "After leaving me for a few days, I finally know that I should be considerate to me."

She happily drove the swallows and turned to the other side to search for the other side of the foggy forest.

And Mo Lian just walked for a while, then folded back and quickly rushed to the place where he had just spoken with Huang Beiyue.

But there is no one there.

Moline jumped from the back of the illusionist, and the invisible eyes turned around, unable to see through the eyes, only to feel the atmosphere around.

“Month?” shouted softly, no one answered.

In the heart of Mollian, he fell down deeply, and his pale face did not hide the look of loss and sadness.

"Wait for me, no." Muttered what others could not understand.

He actually wants to say: Why didn't you wait for me?

The misty mist filled the air, and Moline slowly lowered his eyes, and the black platycodon flower in his eyes seemed to be in tears.


Huang Beiyue walked in the foggy forest for a long time, until he could no longer hear the sound of swallowing red, and then stopped to rest for a while.

The body is full of sweat, this time the embarrassing escape has had a great impact on her future life!

She is already on the outskirts of the foggy forest, and it will take a long time to go out.

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