Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 514: : Mercenary King Order [2]

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Chapter 514: Mercenary King Order [2]

"Xi's country sent a lot of people to arrest me. I ran to the edge of the cliff and thought it was mortal. It was a moonlight night. Suddenly, all the light in the sky disappeared, and then the flames rose, and the god-like person appeared. He has a wing of flame on his back, and with the black sword, the people of Xiqiao are all dead!"

"He saved me and defeated the army of the Western Kingdom with one man. The children who were turned into monsters also recovered because of the refining of his refining. He took our tribe into the dangerous floating forest. Clear the obstacles all the way, take us to this happy valley to settle down, teach us to use the grass to avoid the light, teach our spiritual techniques and swords, and turn this into our new home of the Genara tribe ""

Huang Beiyue listened to God. It turned out to be such a past event. The people of Helanah thanked the person, so he was king.

"The king of the night"

The Hellara long-lane said: "It was a strange thing. At that time, he started the battle mode. He was surrounded by black air and closed the moon. Therefore, we regarded him as the king of the night!"

"Black gas rushing?" Huang Beiyue jumped in his heart, thinking of his own beasts, and the strange blackness every time he used it. Is there any connection between them?

Speaking, I have already arrived at the head of the patriarch. The patriarch pushed the door open and took her to a room similar to the ancestral hall. The light of the torch illumined everything in the ancestral hall. It was just a simple arrangement, with a table in the middle. On top of it, there is a tablet with no words on it. It is a no-card position.

The patriarch of Henala picked up a bead from the desk and then read a few words in silence. The bead glowed with red dazzling light. In the light, a painting on the wall appeared in sight.

When Huang Beiyue saw the person in the painting, he stunned and couldn’t help but walk a few steps forward to see it carefully.

The flaming hair is exactly the same as her. In the red light of the black sword in his hand, the eyes of Huang Beiyue flashed slightly, and there was a strange feeling in my heart.

The black sword, when the spirit of the time suddenly became strange to become another person, the black sword held in the hand is exactly the same!

The young boy in the painting is very young, handsome and beautiful, proud and confident, as if the light of the whole world is around him, it is an absolutely stunning person!

But why was it a young age when it was set up?

“Hey?” She heard a screaming voice in her heart, all with a tremor.

The embarrassment in the body, no response, no sound, her voice sounds like echo, empty in the bottom of my heart.

“Hey?” She tried to scream again, and there was no response.

I don’t know what I am doing?

"When the old man saw you for the first time, you used the spell, exactly the same as the king of the night. The old man doubted that you must have anything to do with him. Now, you can be sure, you are indeed sent by him. ”

The gendar of the Genara said excitedly.

Huang Beiyue didn't feel much, just looking at the people in the painting, the mood was a little subtle.

However, no matter what, her heart is very indifferent, and her heart is gradually calming down. It is hard to be broken.

"Why did he die?" Huang Beiyue asked calmly.

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