Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 525: : The old man reunited [3]

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Chapter 525: Reunion of the old man [3]

"Hello, my people are offended. I have expelled them from the family. Please forgive me." Lolo bent down politely.

Huang Beiyue glared at him and asked slowly: "You are". The sound sounds a little magnetic, an excellent killer, the skill of disguise, and absolutely brilliant!

"In the next Lolo • Bugier." Lolo did not get angry because of the temperament in her tone, the great master will have some such strange problems, he has long been eccentric.

However, in the face of this person, there is a strange feeling in my heart, and I feel that there is a sense of violation that cannot be said.

Obviously, there is such a good voice, and the figure is also looking slender and beautiful. Why do you have to wear such a scary mask?

This feeling, like the previous...she, is very similar!

Lolo looked up and glanced at the eyes behind her mask. She only felt very cold and had a cold, sharp edge that could not be seen directly.

Lolo was hit in the heart and wanted to continue to look at it, only to find that she had turned her head away without a trace. Although it was a subtle movement, the unpleasant breath was still easy to detect.

It’s so rude to stare at people’s eyes. Lolo coughed embarrassedly and said, “Excuse me, is...”

"Monthly night." Huang Beiyue just said a little, and did not want to go deep into the chat.

Lolo touched his nose. This move seems to be somewhat childish. The North Moon smiled softly and wanted to speak. There was a beautiful girl walking down the stairs, wearing a red riding suit and holding it in a heroic manner. A whip.

She turned the stairs and saw Lolo, and Liumei stood up and said: "Luo Luo • Bugier, isn't that going to leave? What are you still delaying here?"

Lolo’s face was immediately unhappy, showing a few minutes of juvenile contending, completely different from the majestic Bulgir family.

Mouth in his mouth: "How do you ask me when I came with me? Now I yell and put on the shelf!?"

"What do you say?" The girl walked down, and the sweet voice was like the singing of the yellow ostrich. I heard that everyone in the restaurant turned around.

At first glance, it’s a pretty girl! Although it is a bit savage, but it looks more cute and cute!

The average big lady in the big family will only make people feel disgusted, but this girl is only blinking, but only makes people feel pleasing!

"What do you want me to do? I am in charge of the pipe, and I am still pulling my fart!" Lolo frowned and said a very vulgar word, which led everyone to laugh in the restaurant.

The girl immediately blushes, probably not listening to people who have said such rough words in front of her.

"You are so rough!"

"What am I going to be rough? Who is better than you?" Lolo didn't care. He turned his head and saw the ghost masked people staring at them and quarreling. I felt embarrassed.

"Sakura Sakura, if you make another trouble, I will send you back." Lolo glared at the girl and motioned her to converge.

Although the girl was reluctant, she was still indignant and closed her mouth when she heard him.

Huang Beiyue has been watching their bickering intently, and his heart is awkward. This scene has been away for five years, but it seems to be the same as yesterday.

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