Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 540: : Counterfeit Qi Wang [8]

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Chapter 540: Counterfeiting Qi Wang [8]

"No wonder, it turned out to be the people of Guangyao Temple." Lolo squinted, some rude.

Dare to talk to the people of Guangyao Temple, only the young Lolo of the Bujier family, no way, the background is too strong, can not fear anyone, so that reincarnation is really a technical job.

Moline is not a good temper. After listening to Lolo, the murderousness of the body is a bit rich, and some of them look up dangerously. The platycodon flower in the corner of the eye is a little blurred under the illumination of the roadside lights.

Seeing that it was going to be a dispute, Aria quickly said: "Master Lolo, thank you, my son is in the restaurant, you want to talk to her."

Along the way, vaguely still can feel that Lolo is very fond of their king, and they want to win.

"Oh?" Lolo listened, and he didn't go to Guanlian with a straightforward personality. He strode to the restaurant and just walked to the door and saw Phoenix North coming out.

"Monday, Lord, are you here too?"

Huang Beiyue nodded with a smile, looked up, and glanced at Aria. Aria bit her lip. She didn’t know that the boy who couldn’t see the eye was the person of Guangyao Temple. If he knew it, he would not be so arrogant. Out.

Sure enough, Wang sees more and more knowledge, knows what is the matter, and what should not be managed. She is still too tender, she does not understand anything, and wants to do good things, but it has caused a lot of trouble.

When I thought of it, Aria was a little embarrassed. I glanced at the pale and strange teenager and said with a low head: "It is dangerous to not come out alone next time."

Moline’s attitude is very indifferent, as if she did not hear it at all.

Lolo over there turned his head again and said: "Aria girl, there is nothing to say to such a person, you helped him, he did not know thank you!"

"Merlen will not quarrel, do you want to bully people?" The sound of arrogance came from afar. After a while, the people of Guangyao Temple were surrounded by red lotus.

The same face as Huang Beiyue scared Aria, and quickly turned to see Huangbeiyue. If she didn't know that Wang had been with her, she would have thought that the woman was their night-watching king!

The face is similar, but the man is more proud and arrogant, and his eyes are all the same, their king will not be like this!

Huang Beiyue flashed a trace of cold in the eyelids behind the mask, and his face was cold and cold.

Red lotus, stay away for many years, don't come innocent!

Hong Lian strode up, stood beside the ink lotus, looked at the crowd arrogantly, and finally looked at Lolo: "It turned out to be the people of the Bugier family, no wonder so arrogant!"

When Lolo saw this woman, she was even more angry. The most annoying thing was her face like Master. When she saw it for the first time, he really admits it!

Hey, is this woman also having the same face as Master?

"Hey, how can we compare the Bujer family with the Guangyao Temple? Lord Hong Lian, still go back with the Lord Merlin. In Beibei, you have also made a lot of enemies!" Lolo did not look at that. The woman glanced at it and said disdainfully.

Hong Lian smiled and stared at him with a smile: "Master Lolo, how did I see this attitude so different? Who was the last time excited to kneel down?"

Lolo’s face suddenly turned red, and she glared at her with resentment: “You shut up!”

"Do you dare to order me? I want to say it!"

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