Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 558: : Shura City [6]

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Chapter 558: The City of Shura [6]

Honglian also frowned slightly and said: "No wonder she will lose to a seven-star little girl. It was not a summoner but a refining pharmacist."

The general refining pharmacist's combat strength is not very strong, this month and night will be very normal, as long as her refining power is very strong, it can also be above the countless masters.

Even a prefecture-level refining pharmacist will have supreme status in this entire mercenary alliance, even above their Guangyao Temple!

How can Red Lotus be tolerated in this kind of thing? They shine in the temple, will they be suppressed by a small refining pharmacist?

I glanced at Huangbeiyue, and my heart had secretly hated her. I was cold and cold, and Honglian turned her head. Meng Haotian smiled and said: "What’s wrong with the idea? The man’s refining is for us, you Don't be impulsive."

"Do you think that I am so stupid? Of course I have to use her before, I will start!" Red Lotus said at his own risk, he wanted to turn around and ask Molin, but when he looked back, he found that Missed. "What a nasty guy, where are you going?"

"His strength, in fact, no one is worried." Meng Haotian faintly said, "Hong Lian, you must not mistake the big thing this time, otherwise ...."

"I know, don't need to say more!" Red Lotus interrupted him coldly.

After the discussion, everyone came out of the conference hall. Yu Wenqi came out one step at a time and caught up with Huangbeiyue. She smiled at her. The two walked to a secluded place, and Jike and others held hands. Yuwen’s voice was low. : "The North Moon County Lord, that hundred poisonous Dan, can you really practice in one day?"

"Bai Dudan can be interpreted, but into the suffocating forest, it is impossible to avoid poison." Huang Beiyue said faintly.

Yu Wen stunned and his face looked anxious and said: "What can I do?"

The matter of entering Shura City has been discussed. If you let everyone know that Baixun Dan can't avoid it, then it is bad.

"Since I promised you, are you still not worried?" Huang Beiyue said with a smile.

Yu Wenyu breathed a sigh of relief. This Beiyue County master was really a wonderful person. In one sentence, he let the big stone in his heart fall down. He couldn’t help but smile: "Does there anything that I need to help?"

Huangbei nodded to the moon and hooked him. Yu Wenqi bowed his head. Huang Beiyue whispered a few words. His face was slightly surprised and he smiled a little distorted: "This, really?" ?"

"It should be no problem." Huang Beiyue also had some grievances, and the voice was slightly smiling.

"That's good, I am going to prepare." Yu Wenyi looked at her and couldn't help but gossip. He nodded and turned and went.

Huang Beiyue started his hand and walked out leisurely. Asare asked: "Wang, why did Qi Wang smile so much... strange?"

"Ask for so much?" Huang Beiyue looked at him and walked forward.

"Monday night!" There was a man shouting behind him. Then a man with a squirrel ran over and smiled at her and nodded. "The original moonlight night is actually a refining pharmacist. It is a peerless genius! Admire!"

It was Zong Nan, who was the rude and arrogant of the mercenary battalion.

Huang Beiyue is too lazy to look at him. What kind of person does he care about?

This Southern Heaven is savvy and will be the most eloquent. It has been rude before. Now, let's say that this prefecture-level refining pharmacist can work with them and cooperate with each other.

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