Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 63: : Yin you a hand [5]

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Chapter 63: Yin You a [5]

There is no big family to rely on as a background, and with the guidance of high-ranking people, it is almost impossible to cultivate into this realm.

"Come here." Huang Beiyue looked up and looked at Xue Che.

Xue Che’s heart trembled, and the eleventh-order red spider was too lethal. If it was in the past, if the accidental red spider was angry, he might not be left with slag.

But if this time shows signs of weakness, the singer may be disappointed with him, and his bright future may be ruined.

Xue Che bite his teeth, or dared to go over.

"Start the relationship."

Xue Che swallowed a slobber, nodded, slowly reached out, carefully pressed on the back of the red spider, pressed for a while, determined that nothing, began to read the contract, and the red spider to conclude the contract.

A faint golden light oozes out from Xue Che's palm, and when it shines, it sneaks quietly. At the same time, this flamboyant red spider is finally docile.

No one saw that when the golden light flashed in Xue Che's palm, there was a touch of black flowing into the body of the red spider in the palm of the phoenix.

Follow me, see if I am not dead!

"Successful!" Xue Che has been able to feel the breath of the red spider in his heart, tried to call out, and also got the response of the red spider!

He became the master of an eleventh-order beast! It has become a master of the South Wing country!

With a red glow on his face, Xue Che immediately gave a 90-degree gift to the North of the Phoenix: "Thank you for playing!"

"Don't thank, congratulations to Xue Gongzi." Huang Beiyue said faintly, her natural character was cold, and she did not like people to be too busy, so she nodded and went out.

Still as proud as when I came.

"Playing adults!" Lolo chased out and handed a Lamb card that marked the Bukit family to her. "This is the amount of the recent auction, no commission, a total of 300 million coins!"

Huang Beiyue pinched the Lamb card, and my heart was a bit dark. This is 300 million gold coins. I earned 300 million gold coins a day, and she suddenly asked for poverty.

All this is the credit of this young man. Without him to give her advice and help her auction, she may have to worry about money for a long time!

Thinking, Huang Beiyue reached out and patted Lolo’s shoulder: “Thank you!”

Lolo’s handsome face was immediately red like the boiled shrimp. He whispered, “No thanks, I am very happy to help you.”

Huang Beiyue has not spoken yet, and the voice of Prince Edward’s battlefield is heard from behind: “Lord of Heaven, the palace feast tonight, I look forward to your visit.”

"I will, thank you for your kind invitation from His Royal Highness." To this ruthless prince, there is no bad feeling in Huangbei. This person is powerful but not arrogant.

Like Xue Qi Xiao Yun's stream, the strength of the **** is not good, but likes to sway the arrogant, is the type she hates most.

"Lord of Heaven, when you attend the palace banquet, you can't wear such a black body." Sakura Night Princess looked at the black cloak of Phoenix North Moon.

I really don't understand, how can a strong man of the nine-star summoner be draped in such a cloak?

When I heard the Princess Sakura Night, Huang Beiyue really had a bit of shame. Participating in the palace feast was a formal occasion. Even if she was so arrogant, she should show her respect for her master.

At least, clothes must be decent.

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