Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 835: : 出出北曜[7]

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Chapter 835: Sending Beibei [7]

And the other person's gaze, it is too strange, saying that there is no difference in substance! I am afraid that if I see it by the gaze, there will be an accident that I don’t know!

What kind of master is it? She really wants to see, but the team has gone far. If the person is vigilant, she will keep up with it and will be amazed.

I still don't know what kind of opponent I met, she still doesn't want to act rashly.

Everything, wait until the Northern Kingdom, and then slowly inquire!

Anyway, this time Wei Wuchen came, absolutely will not let him live to leave!

***********North Moon Dynasty***********

On the day of the arrival of Beibei, it was already late in the evening. The northern part of the country was in the north, and the weather was cold. This season was already snowing, and it was cold in the cold, but on the street of Huijing, it was a festive red. It’s really lively.

The cold in the north and the winter in the south are different. It is so cold that even the bones are cracked. The whistling wind blew over, and even the north of the phoenix hit a chill.

Cao Xiuzhi’s beautiful children were very weak. When they arrived at the museum, they fell ill, and Cao Gongzi, who was a newly married general, had to comfort one by one.

Sakura Night Princess has been a martial artist since childhood, and the body is not bad. When I arrived at the house, I quickly ran on the side of the stove. "I don't think the winter in Beibei is so cold, it is freezing!"

Huang Beiyue didn't feel anything different. It was probably because of the curse of the fire, so the body was always warm and not very cold.

It’s already late in the evening. In such cold weather, only a few vendors are still doing business in the streets. Most shops are closed and go home to cook hot pot.

Cao Xiuzhi was not lonely, and he also prepared a hot pot for the person. He placed a large table in the room and called Huangbeiyue and Sakura Night Princess to eat together.

His beautiful people are ill, and they are all resting. They don’t want to join in the fun. Three people plus a few maids are also lively.

"It's better to call the princess and the princess together. She is lonely and lonely." Sakura Night Princess is kind and considers that her aunt has no personal companionship around her.

There is a phoenix and North Moon guarantee again and again, she is not afraid of jealousy and the princess will recognize herself.

"That is also true!" Cao Xiuzhi also knew that the North Moon was not ordinary, and the Princess and Princess did not recognize the Princess Sakura Night and her.

"You are afraid of cold, I will go to the princess." Huang Beiyue stood up, did not want Aria to follow, and went out.

This museum is very large. The emissaries of various countries live in the museum. Each country has different courtyards. The distance between them is very far apart, and there is no fear of conflict.

A few big countries are especially far apart, and there are some small country embassies living in the middle.

The southern wing country is very large. The princess and the princess like to be quiet. They live with a few cronies in the quietest single courtyard in the east.

Along the way, everyone felt that the princess was majestic, but it also had a gentle side.

Huang Beiyue was very close to the house of the princess and the princess. The guard outside the house saw her and asked: "What is the girl doing?"

"The weather is cold, my family has prepared a hot pot, please princess to eat together." Huang Beiyue smiled and walked over, stuffed a few gold coins into the guard, whispered: "Big brother, help, the son asked me to invite the princess If you can't please, blame me."

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