Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 877: : Ice Curse [9]

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Chapter 877: The Curse of Ice [9]

Originally in the banquet, these people in Shura City have quietly experimented with the weaving dreams, and everyone will be brought into the illusion. Only Cao Xiuzhi is safe and sound, and he was almost noticed by him.

Cao Xiuzhi is a family son, only interested in women, how many people on the mainland want to be strong, have a strong interest in the summoner pharmacist, etc., but Cao Xiuzhi has no interest at all, and he likes to be tired from women since childhood. Together, fortunately, the Cao family has a large number of talents, and it is not bad for him. Therefore, Huaibei Hou is also particularly indulgent to him.

Therefore, Cao Xiuzhi is not only a master, but also a martial art is also flat, encountering the danger of no resistance at all, it is difficult to imagine such a person, the first time to come to a foreign country, actually dare to bring only a few masters.

That Wei Wuchen almost brought the masters around!

However, this Cao Xiuzhi is very admirable. He will not be confused by any environment. Even if he is an adult woven dream beast, he can't help him.

This point makes the people of Shura City very confused.

Not confused by the illusion, the wind and the wing frown unpleasantly, a district Cao Xiuzhi, he can't deal with it?

Feeling the murderousness of his body, the flame lion shuddered and did not dare to say more.

The wound on the heart gradually hurts. As long as there is no peace at night, the wound is tormenting him all the time.

His face gradually became cold, and the eyebrows in his eyebrows showed a painful meaning. The flame lion saw it and quickly said: "Your Majesty"

"Call Wei Weiran!" Feng Lianyi waited for him to ask questions and immediately ordered it.

"Yes." The flame lion did not dare to neglect, and quickly went out to let the palace people to inform.

This late night's Weiyang Palace, long nights, chills, winter snow, have been swaying.

Soon after, the Weiyang Palace gradually began to scream, and the sorrowful tune of the sighs rang through the night.


In the embassy hall of the Southern Wing country, Huang Beiyue slowly put on one piece of clothes, slowly tied the belt, and went to the window, opened the window, and saw a snake that had been stagnant and black. On the snow outside the window.

"The owner is really good, the original yin and yang mirror has such a doorway!" The red candle looked at the black snake, could not help but admire.

"I heard that the 'Yin and Yang Mirror' can't break the 'color|stop', but it can't be stopped, but it will abandon the eyes. Look at the snake's appearance. The 'Yin and Yang Mirror' is not in time to close it." Laughing, the clear scorpion flashed the slap in the face.

Is she so easy to bully and monitor? joke! There is a yin and yang mirror in the district, dare to provoke her, and you regret it!

The red candle was happy to be happy, but he still pouted a bit in a depressed mood and said, "Although this time broke the yin and yang mirror, it was also cheaper than the Wangba grandson!"

Huang Beiyue laughed happily: "Red candle, leather is the least valuable thing."

She is better. Some agents who have been trained by the state since childhood are selling colors. What they count, in order to complete the task, they can sacrifice even their dignity.

Master is different. He always tells her that even if no one in the world loves you, he must love himself.

Therefore, she will be refining such awkward means, something that can be solved by violence, she will never be soft!

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