Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 885: :Love humming sound [3]

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Chapter 885: Affections [3]

I was thinking about handling all these guys one by one. Then suddenly there was a familiar snoring in the Weiyang Palace in the distance, screaming, lingering, screaming in the cold night wind, like drifting The soul, constantly looking for the roots that can land.

The phoenix moon slammed a bit, and the ghost-like figure suddenly stopped and looked at the direction of Weiyang Palace.

That is the jade that Princess Hui Wenchang left for her. The unique and perfect snoring, she will not admit her mistakes.

And the tunes that the snoring sounded were the "Moon of the Moon" that she had not had time to learn.... In the same year, Yu Wenzhao gave her the score of "The Moon", but then there were too many things that have been delayed. When she wants to learn but has no time, she puts the score on the jade ring adorned with jade. The jade ring is a piece, and it can be loaded by gently unscrewing it.

In the Yuhuan, the hidden things were very secret. When the jade was taken away by Wei Yuran, she was once worried that Wei Luran would find the score, or lost it. Later, I thought that few people on the Yuhuan could find out that she In a few days, it’s good to find Wei Weiran to get back to Yuxi.

But where did she think that there would be so many things after that.

Now she finally knows that her original thoughts are too naive. Wei Weiran is such a clever woman. How could she not find the secret in the jade ring?

Now, in the middle of the night, Wei Weiran, right?

She raised her mouth and had some cold and ironic smiles.

"It's a ghost face! It's the ghost face! The ghost face man appeared!"

She stayed for a while, and was caught up by several masters of Shura City. Under the brilliant lights, her figure was not covered, so she was exposed.

Her unique mask is unique, but it is painted on the emperor's list. It is rewarded in all parts of the country. The reward is so tempting. Those people naturally keep her in mind.

In the snow and ice, the shadow of death is revealed in the horrible ghost mask.

Seeing such a horrific scene, the people of Shura City did not dare to care about it. They stopped and surrounded her from all sides and looked at her with contempt.

"Go to the emperor, the ghost face is from the net!"

"Hey! See where she is going this time?"

When Huang Beiyue returned to God, he realized that he had already fallen into a heavy encirclement. Just now, he was distracted.

Slowly raised his head, under the mask, a pair of cold scorpions faintly glanced at these people, the coldness of the monks shuddered in the hearts of several Shura City masters.

This person is a terrible breath, but they are many people, will they be afraid that she will not be successful?

Weiyang Palace

The snoring gradually subsided, and the sad tune seemed to have a soul. It was still floating quietly on the beam of the eaves. However, the whole dormitory was quiet and there was no sound. The dragon slowly emerged from the tin furnace. The smell of musk, white smoke, quickly dissipated in the air.

The emperor has fallen asleep, every night to night, sleep is extremely extravagant for him, so once he falls asleep, no one will dare to bother, otherwise it is not enough to die a hundred times.

Wei Yanran put away the jade, stood up lightly, and even dared to lick a sore knee, and slowly quit.

After the curtain, he couldn't help but look back at his quiet sleep.

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