Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 908: : wrong kill three thousand [6]

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Chapter 908: False killing three thousand [6]

Sure enough, it is a beautiful woman.

He looked at her face without a reason, and for a while, his heart was vague and he felt like this. He waited for this moment and seemed to wait for an endless long time and finally waited.

She lowered her head, silent, and even the eyelashes did not move, like a fake doll.

"Why don't you talk?"

Huang Beiyue gently moved his eyelashes and smiled quietly. What does this mean?

It seems that he did not find out that she is the moonlight or the identity of a black cloak. Otherwise, how could he be so polite?

Moonlight and play days are extremely dangerous people. Even if he is conceited again, he will not be so close to her, and there is no place to guard her in her arms.

She is now Mrs. Cao Xiuzhi’s wife, and he even sent someone to steal her from the room in the middle of the night, and then quietly sent it to this other house. What did he want to do?

Before she didn't want to understand, she didn't want to talk, and now she is being acupuncture points, can't move, can't say.

Seeing her motionless, silent, the wind and the wing, she was ordered a point, so she reached out to solve her acupuncture.

Huang Beiyue moved a bit, then pulled a big cockroach on his body and said: "What is this for you?"

She lowered her head and did not intend to look up at him. Such an action could not be said because she was afraid of him and did not dare to look straight. Instead, she did not want to look up in arrogance and did not put him in her eyes.

The wind and the wing raised his eyebrow slightly. Why is this woman so bold?

"Cao Xiuzhi, not worthy of you," said the wind and cold.

Huang Beiyue laughed and said: "He can't match, who is worthy?"

After that, he lifted up the clear scorpion and gave him a glimpse.

The light was so amazing that the wind could not help but sigh, saying: "He can't protect you, so you still stay here."

"Your majesty is too wide, and even the family affairs of others must be managed. Can my husband protect me, it seems to have nothing to do with His Majesty?"

The lavender eyes flashed a raging color, the wind stood up with wings, and turned cold and turned around. "You are just a woman who is helpless. If you want to take your life, it's easy, you're better off!"

"Oh....." Huang Beiyue smiled twice, leaning his head and looking at him obliquely. "To be honest, I don't understand what it means, what I mean, it means letting me have a pregnancy." A weak woman, can’t come to serve?”

"Hey, there is no such idea..." The wind and the wing clenched a fist tightly, wondering why it was so angry.

He brought her here, never thought about that kind of thing, not to mention that she is a pregnant woman, even if she is not pregnant, he will not ask her to serve him.

There are countless women in his harem, he wants, what kind of woman can get, no shortage of her!

He is just that he does not want her to be blamed for the disaster. The people of the South Wing country dare to hide the assassin who assassinated him, and openly confront him. He will not let them go!

But she, he didn't want her to die.

Huang Beiyue looked at him coldly. "It turns out that, please tell me, what should I do? Thank you for letting me separate from my husband?"

In a word, it is easy to get angry and he wants to kill!

The wind and the wing snorted and strode out, not wanting to answer her sharp questions!

Looking at his back, the face of Huang Beiyue also cooled down an inch and an inch.

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