Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 934: : Late night chase [4]

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Chapter 934: Late Night Hunting [4]

The condensed face has a sullen look, a black dress, and a bright dawn. Anyone who sees her like this will be trembling and trembled, thinking that it is definitely a Shura that comes out of hell!

Such a beautiful Shura is rare in the world.

Slightly wrinkled an eyebrow, Huang Beiyue quickly noticed something wrong, here is her cold ice, but she can not feel the breath of some people, it is absolutely impossible.

Her mind was clear, and she soon thought of the strange yin and yang mirror, which is what Xuanyang is doing!

Closed his eyes, holding a snow shadow knife a little longer than her, the girl wearing a black robe did not panic.

"Sure enough, it is a master, so I noticed something is wrong." There was a cold voice in the cold ice, with a bit of appreciation.

Huang Beiyue’s mouth is rising: "You are also very powerful."

"Over the award, North Moon County Lord, you provoke who is not good, but it has provoked my family, it seems that today is your death!" Xuanyang said coldly.

"Before I die, Wei Wuchen must be buried!" Huang Beiyue said arrogantly, in the thick ice fog, she stood proudly, and her black robe had no wind and moved, and she was slender and arrogant!

Xuanyang snorted disdainfully, only when she was dead before her death!

"North Moon County Lord, you know, from the moment you saw my eyes, it has already fallen into my trap." Xuanyang said with great confidence, "The so-called sun mirror looks at the Yin world, it is because As long as someone sees my eyes, I can send him to the underworld."

Huang Beiyue sighed slightly, and it turned out to be the case. The so-called Yang Mirror is also a kind of illusion.

In her opinion, this kind of illusion is not as terrible as the yin of the yin yin, you can see the ability of any place, but you don't know who is peeping at you? where is it? It is indeed taboo.

The power of Xuanyang is even more terrible compared to it. However, he is nearby and kills him. The chance is still great!

"I heard that on the way to the yin world, I was full of fascinating Manzhu Shahua. If I can, I really want to see it." Huang Beiyue said carelessly that he did not appreciate Xuanyang's words at all.

That Xuanyang’s heart was unhappy, and few people could hear him say this, but still maintain a calm look!

This girl is still very rude and rude! Soon, he will let her know, the price of arrogance!

This girl is still very rude and rude! Soon, he will let her know, the price of arrogance!

"The North Moon County owner wants to see Manzhu Shahua, and he will be generous once in the next. I will send you to see you for free!" Xuanyang said coldly, after the words were finished, a group of black crows stood in the ice fog of Huangbeiyue. Noisy flying over.

Huang Beiyue fell from the knife, and the crows were killed by her, and the black feathers fell to the ground, and then the white water mist dissipated in the air.

Sure enough, it’s a fantasy, then...


There was a sharp pain on the back, and Huang Beiyue gritted his teeth and took a step. The blood in his mouth permeated.

"Oh, here, I can control everything at will." Xuanyang's cold voice screamed and laughed.

A sharp sword, straight from the back into the back of the phoenix moon, has been running through the chest, the sharp pain shows that this is definitely not an illusion, she is in the illusion, but the wound is real!

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