Chapter 11 Wooing Renly into the gang.

After a brief exchange, Luffy intends to woo Renly.

At this moment, the two of them were walking on Chambord Island, and Renly slowly spoke with memories on his face.

"It's been so long that mine almost forgot my own name."

"I vaguely remember that people used to call me Hades, and my captain's name was Roger."

As soon as the words came out, Luffy suddenly stood in place, his eyes widened, and he looked at Renly's back with great shock.

A moment later.

"You!! I know you, you are Roger.... Deputy captain of Roger's Pirates, Hades Rayleigh! "

"It's One Piece's deputy captain!"

Luffy was instantly not calm, although it was not simple to guess Renly's identity, he never thought that he was the deputy captain on Roger's ship.

Who is Roger, that is the legendary One Piece, the world's number one pirate, although he has been executed, his reputation has always been there.

And to be able to become the deputy captain of the once One Piece ship, that is the left and right arm of One Piece, if this identity spreads, the whole sea will be sensational!

If you can win him over, it is too beneficial for the top war.

Hearing Luffy's shocked voice, Renly was very calm.

"I heard that Shanks put an arm on the East China Sea for you."

"Shanks!" At the sound of Shanks' name, Luffy was excited again.

"Have you seen Shanks! Where is he. "

Reilly smiled and shook his head: "For some time, Shanks used to be a member of our ship." "

"By the way, I'm curious, you are a supernova, why is your strength so strong? Could it be said that you people in the East China Sea are all perverts? "

Hearing Renly's words, Luffy instantly calmed down, and this moment thought of Ace.

There are only nine days to go, but this is not the time to say that.

Luffy looked at Renly with a serious face, and immediately said, "Uncle, I want to ask you for a favor." "

"Help?" Reilly was stunned, then shook his head and smiled: "With your current strength, don't say here, even if you enter a new world and meet the four emperors, I'm afraid you don't need my help." "

Luffy didn't hesitate when he heard this, and directly said what he knew.

"Nine days later, at the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, all the highest combat forces of the navy will gather and execute Ace."

"Although my strength is good now, let me face the three admirals, the marshal of the navy and countless powerful navies, I definitely have no chance of victory, so I want to ask my uncle to help me and go to Marin Fandor to rescue Ace."

When this sentence came, Renly was even more puzzled: "Let's not say whether I can help you or not, what I'm curious about is, how do you know what happened after nine days?" And who is this Ace. "

Listening to Renly's words, Luffy took a deep breath.

"I've encountered some things that I can't explain, but what I said is also true, nine days later Naval Headquarters Marin Fandor will execute Ace, and eventually Ace will be killed by Red Dog, one of the three admirals of the Navy."

"As for Ace, he's my brother! It's my older brother who grew up with. "

"Now that I know what is going to happen in nine days, I have to make a change, I have to change the tragedy."

"The main purpose of my coming here is to find some strong people who are strong enough to lean on top of the war."

"And Uncle is obviously the person I'm looking for!"

Luffy said a lot in one breath, and Renly was silent.

But Renly's silence didn't last long.

After a moment, Renly looked at Luffy and shook his head, "Although it seems that what you said is true, I am already old, and this old bone can't help you anything." "

"For me, all I have to do now is live my retirement job and drink and gamble every day."

Hearing Renly's refusal, Luffy's face changed and looked deeply at Renly.

"Uncle, don't be in a hurry to refuse, listen to me."

As he spoke, Luffy found a place to sit down, and then said in a deep voice: "Ace is not only my brother, but also the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates. "

When these words came, Renly's eyes froze slightly, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

"Is your brother actually a crew member on the Newgate?"

"Haha, if all this you said is true, with Newgate's character, he will definitely go, you don't have to worry too much."

Luffy shook his head: "In addition to the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace's mother is Portcas. "

When the words 'Portcas' sounded, the expression on Renly's face instantly froze, and his emotions were also slightly excited.

"Go on."

Seeing this, Luffy said again: "Portkas doesn't need me to say more, since he is Ace's mother, then his father is Roger, the former One Piece." "

This time, when Luffy's words fell, Renly fell silent again.

He thought back to what had happened, and he had never heard Portkas say that Ace was her son, nor had he heard Roger say it.

At that time, Roger disbanded the pirate group, left alone, and he also left without following Roger.

He didn't know what had happened since Roger left, and when he learned about Roger, that is, when Roger was arrested, he didn't even know that Roger had a son.

Now listening to Luffy say this, he went through everything and roughly understood everything.

And not only that, he did feel that the navies stationed outside Chambord Island were a little stupid, although they seemed to be catching supernovae, but more like they were guarding themselves.

After all, it was the son of the former captain who was to be executed.

After Renly thought for a long time, Luffy looked at Renly.

"Uncle, I have said everything that should be said, make a decision."

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