Chapter 23 Heading to Nine Snake Island!

"Report! The Straw Hats rushed through our encirclement and left Chambord. "

The room was planning something, when a sudden voice interrupted his thoughts.

After hearing the report, Sengoku's expression instantly became gloomy.

Recently, he has received a lot of news about the Straw Hat Kid, and his whereabouts are very strange, first defeating the Seven Wuhai, then going to Chambordi Island to defeat the yellow ape, and then lurking on Chambordi Island with so many supernovae, and now he is breaking out of their encirclement.

"Could it be that he has discovered the plan for the war on top?"

During this time, the elite of the navy has been dispatched, although it has been trying to cover up, but there are so many movements, it is inevitable to be detected.

If it was before, he would definitely not care, but before the straw hat kid defeated the admiral and had extremely strong strength, if he really found something, the plan would be redeployed.

Sengoku thought about it, but he never thought that Luffy suddenly left Chambordi Island, and with the imminent war at the moment, there must be no mistakes.

Then Sengoku looked at the sailor and ordered.

"Monitor them as much as you can, and remember not to be discovered by them!"



Wang Yanghai, the Wanli Sunshine looked ahead, and before he saw through the phone booth that the female emperor had helped himself many times in the future top war, and the female emperor was obviously his own group.

However, now she doesn't know the female emperor at all, could it be that the nine days have something to do with her?

"Luffy, the daughter country of Nine Snake Island, you may not know, it is a country that is not allowed to be entered by men."

While Luffy was thinking, Robin came up to him and said.

"Don't let men in?"

Luffy was also stunned when he heard this, he really didn't know this, he originally wanted to come to his daughter's country for a short period of shelter.

Robin nodded when he heard this: "Yes, there are no men in the entire daughter's country, and they are also very repulsive to men. "

"If you say so, the daughter's country is heaven!"

Robin's voice was very small, but Yamaji also heard it, and his whole eyes burst out with excitement.

"This is my dream, can I finally go to my daughter's country!"

Sanji was completely excited.


And what he got was a punch from Nami.

"Bastard, calm me down."

Hammered by Nami, Yamaji hurriedly came to Nami's side and said with a foolish face: "Nami-chan, don't worry, even if there are many women, you will always be the first in my heart." "

"If men are forbidden to enter the daughter's country, it seems that it is really difficult to enter."

Luffy also had a hard time.

Before I just saw that it was just the female emperor who helped herself in the war, but what happened to her before, I didn't know at all, and I didn't know how to enter my daughter's country.

Just as Luffy was thinking about how to enter his daughter's country, a huge island appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

And there were ships leaning in.

"The daughter country is coming!"

"Daughter country, I'm coming!"

Fortunately, Yamaji at this time jumped up with excitement in an instant.

Solon was calmer, his hands already on the hilt.

At the same time, those ships gradually approached the Wanliyang Pass, and they could see that the ships were full of women, and some bows and arrows in their hands.

As the ship approached, Yamaji was the first to rush to the front to look at the women.

"Hello! Hello guys! "

The moment Sanji's voice sounded, the women on those boats were stunned.

"Men? It's actually a man? "

"How can a man come to us!"

They had never seen a man, they had only heard of it, and now they saw Yamaji and the others with curiosity written on each other's faces, and they were also wary.

"Who are you, why are you here, and what is the purpose."

For the strange Luffy, the people of the daughter country still remain hostile.

"Of course we came to see you, we want to enter the daughter's country, and..."

"Shut up!"

Before Yamaji's words were finished, Nami gave another ruthless punch, and Yamaji was instantly dumbfounded.

At the same time, Luffy stepped forward to look at the surrounding ships and said, "I want to see the female emperor." "

Upon hearing this, the women instantly made a fighting stance, and their bows and arrows were pointed at Luffy.

At the same time, Solon comes to Luffy's side, intending to protect Luffy.

"Lord Hancock is the king of our nation, and no one can see him."

"Hurry up and leave, or we'll be welcome."

Luffy turned to Solon when he heard this, and said, "You guys wait for me here for a while now, I'll go out." "

"You have to remember not to hurt them."

As he spoke, he took a deep look at Yamaji, and among so many people, he was most worried about Yamaji.

Nami obviously saw Luffy's thoughts, and immediately said, "Luffy, don't worry, Sanji doesn't dare to do anything." "

After giving instructions, Luffy took off into the air and flew directly towards the island in front of everyone in his daughter's country.

"It's not good, someone broke into the daughter's country! Quickly inform the second sister of them! "

Seeing Luffy actually take off and walk past them made them anxious.

"I'll go back and inform my second sister that you are optimistic about these outsiders."

The division of labor was clear, some sailed back to the daughter's country to report the message, and the rest guarded Solon and them.

Solon was fine, but when Sanji saw Luffy leave them alone for their daughter's country, he was instantly anxious.

"Luffy! Take me with you! "

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