Chapter XXXVI Ivankov's identity!

When he learned that Luffy's grandfather was Karp, Ivankov was instantly dumbfounded.

He never expected that the person in front of him was actually the son of the dragon.

In the face of Luffy's inquiry, Ivankov spoke.

"I am a cadre of the revolutionary army, and as for the allies you say, it has a lot to do with your father."

Hearing this, Luffy was stunned again: "Dad? "

I am very unfamiliar with this father, and I only heard Grandpa Karp say when I was in the water capital before, and I always thought that I didn't have a father before that.

Ivankov nodded: "That's right, it's your father." "

"Because your father is the leader of the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army he single-handedly created, if you talk about it, I am also his subordinate."

When the words came, Luffy was a little surprised.

Indeed, I did not expect that I still had such a relationship with Ivankov.

At the same time, I also figured out why Ivankov would help himself with all his might when he was in the war on top.

Having said all this, Luffy was not idle, after all, there are so many people here in Ivankov, and there is Ivankov in front of him, who has strange means, and he must be wooed.

"What! Luffy, your father is actually the leader of the revolutionary army! "

Xiao Feng in the distance was not calm, Xiao Feng did not know about this at all, and at the same time did not expect that Luffy's father was a dragon.

For Xiao Feng's shock, Luffy was very calm.

"I don't know, but I've heard people say that, but I haven't seen what he looks like."

Xiao Feng was suddenly speechless, there was a son who had never seen his father's appearance.

At this time, Luffy's gaze looked at Ivankov.

"Ivankov, take your people and I get out of here."

As the words sounded, Ivankov blinked his eyes, looked at the shemales around him, and took a deep breath.

"It's a good place, but you can't stay here all the time."

"And now that you're also in, it's not so easy to get out, I have to send you out."

"However, I'm a little curious, why did you come here, this is Advance City, it is a very dangerous place!"

Luffy immediately said, "I'm going to liberate the prisoners and take them to Marin Fandor." "

"What! Marin Fandor! That's the headquarters of the Navy! Ivankov instantly exclaimed.

Luffy, on the other hand, had a serious face: "That's right, it's going to Marin Fandor, I'm going to save Ace." "

When he heard Luffy's last sentence, Ivankov had already thought of something, but when Luffy said it himself, Ivankov was not calm.

"Luffy, you're crazy."

"That's the headquarters of the Navy, and I've heard a little about Ace."

"In order to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, the navy made sufficient preparations, and even summoned His Majesty the Seven Wuhai for a meeting, you have to think clearly."

"This time the navy has made complete preparations, even His Majesty Qiwu Hai has gone, which means that the highest combat power of the navy may go at that time, and if you go, it will be completely sent to death."

Ivankov paused and said: "Although your current strength is good, but you are facing the highest combat power of the navy, even if you join forces with the whitebeard pirate group, it is impossible to fight the navy." "

"Listen to me, when we leave Advance City, you should leave quickly, after all, you will definitely cause a sensation if you break into Advance City, and the navy will not let you go."

Listening to Ivankov's words, Luffy's expression was so serious.

"Nope! No matter how dangerous it is, I will get Ace out! "

Luffy's words fell, and Ivankov was suddenly stunned.

He looked at Luffy in front of him, and vaguely felt that it was not Luffy standing in front of him, but a dragon.

In just one sentence, the momentum contained in it made him a little surprised.

And also saw that Luffy was going to Marin Fandor anyway, and wanted to say something, but finally shook his head.

"It seems that you have made up your mind, and I say that nothing can be changed."

"In that case, I'll take them with you."

When the words fell, Ivankov looked at Inazuma: "Gather everyone and prepare to rush out of the advancing city." "

Just as Ivankov said a word, Luffy hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, there is still a sixth layer that has not gone." "

"Sixth layer? You mean you're going to infinite hell? "

Luffy nodded when he heard this: "Well, there are some strong people in the infinite hell, and if they are liberated, it will definitely become a big help." "

"And Uncle Reilly is also on the sixth floor, I'm going to meet him."

"Renly!" Ivankov's eyes widened again: "Are you talking about Hades Renly?" Once the co-captain on Roger ship? "

"Well, it's him, this time I came to Advance City, and I came with Uncle Reilly."

Ivankov was shocked again when he heard these words, he couldn't imagine what this Luffy in front of him had gone through, not only was he so powerful, but he also strengthened such a terrifying person as Renly.

After the shock, Ivankov's expression returned to 'normal', and he spoke: "There are indeed many strong people in the infinite hell, but they are proud one by one, and it is not so easy to take them away. "

"I don't care what their temper is, as long as they can win them over."

Luffy said a word, and then looked at Xiao Feng.

"Xiao Feng, wait for you and them to go to the fourth layer first, and Ivankov and I will go to the sixth layer."

Xiao Feng hurriedly said when he heard this: "I'll go with you!" "

To this, Luffy shook his head: "No need, you are with them first, it is estimated that the city is also chaotic now, I don't know what the situation is on the fourth layer, if you are with them, if you encounter danger, you can also take care of it." "

"And I don't know what is in the infinite hell, and it is inconvenient to have too many people."

Xiao Feng could only nod when he heard this: "Then be careful yourself." "

When Luffy's side made arrangements, Ivankov also arranged for Inazuma to take everyone from the shemale kingdom to the fourth floor to wait for them.

When everything was arranged, Ivankov took Luffy directly to the entrance of the sixth level of infinite hell.

This is the most terrifying place in the entire city.

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