65 reinforcements arrive, supernova Luffy appears!

Originally, the Whitebeard Pirates had been forced into a corner, and the Warring States also thought that the overall situation had been decided.

But at this moment, three warships appeared directly from the waterfalls on both sides of Marin Fandor, and fell rapidly.


There was a loud noise, and three warships fell on the ice in unison, attracting everyone's attention ~ attention.

"A group of prisoners? How did they come about? "

"And how come there are so many prisoners, and how did they show up on warships?"

"There are so many prisoners, there are tens of thousands."

"Look! Why are the people on the warship in the middle so familiar. "

The exclamation came, and the eyes of the navy looked towards the warship in the center.

As they watched, they saw a figure standing on the deck, wearing a red vest and a straw hat.

It is precisely because of seeing this person that the navy is not calm, especially the yellow ape.

"It's actually you supernova."

The yellow ape looked solemnly at Luffy.

Sengoku's gaze was also locked on Luffy: "This is the supernova that defeated the yellow ape?" "

He was more puzzled by Luffy, but the person standing behind Luffy made his eyes widen.

"It's you!"

The voice sounded, and Renly on the warship spoke.

"Sengoku, we can also be considered old friends."

Reilly fell, and the expression of the Warring States instantly became solemn.

"Hades Renly!"

It is precisely because of this exclamation of the Warring States that all navies cannot calm down.

"What! He is Hades Rayleigh! Once the deputy captain of One Piece Roger's pirate ship. "

"Why is he here? Could it be that he was coming to participate in this war? "

"That's the deputy captain of the One Piece ship, how terrifying will the strength be?"

While countless navies exclaimed, another person like a small mountain looked at the Warring States with a smile.

"Speaking of old friends, how can you be less of me."

This time, seeing Barrett, the Warring States were completely unable to calm down.

"Barrett! You should be imprisoned in Advance City, how could it be, there are so many prisoners, can you say..."

Sengoku thought of something bad, and his expression was extremely gloomy.

And Barrett's name has also shocked countless navies again.

"Barrett! Wouldn't he be Barrett from the legendary descendants of Warcraft! "

"Known as the most vicious criminal in the history of Advance City, Barrett!"

"Why did he show up here?"

"What happened to the fall of Push City!"

The exclamations became more and more, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the people on the warship, and the shock on their expressions was so intense.

And Sengoku, who is the marshal of the navy, in addition to shocking their appearance, there are two people next to Renly.

"Klockdar! Very flat! "

"You used to be His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, do you want to join the pirates!"

When the voice came, Klockdar smiled up to the sky.

"Join? I don't want to join, I can only help each other, I have a common enemy with them, why can't I cooperate? "

Jinping on the side did not speak, but his serious expression proved everything.

"Oh my God! What kind of monsters are on this warship. "

"Not only is there the deputy captain of the One Piece ship, Rayleigh, but also Barrett, a descendant of Warcraft, and the two kings Qiwu Sea."

"Don't tell me they're going to join the fight."

"I'm curious about how these people brought them together, is it a straw hat boy?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It's impossible, although the straw hat kid defeated Lord Yellow Ape before, it is definitely not so easy to win over these ruthless people."

Voices of doubt and shock continued to sound in this world.

Similarly, at this time, Sengoku's eyes were also locked on Luffy.

He is also thinking that Barrett and Rayleigh are both first-class characters, especially Barrett, how proud he is, but now he is actually standing behind a supernova?

What's so awesome about this supernova?

And their appearance also proves that they definitely want to join this battle.

For a while, the Warring States' expression changed, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

"It's people who do things!"

Sengoku sighed, for this battle, he had completely calculated the Whitebeard Pirates, but there were still accidents.

The appearance of these prisoners and the straw hat boy completely disrupted the follow-up plan he had made.

Similarly, the pirates naturally saw Luffy appear, and they all laughed.

"You're finally here."

"If we don't come again, our Whitebeard Pirate Group will be destroyed."

"It's finally here, otherwise, I dare not imagine what the consequences will be."

"Next, we finally have a chance to win!"

The voice of relief continued to sound, and all the pirates let out a sigh.

After all, according to the original situation, their Whitebeard Pirate Group is really going to be destroyed, and even Whitebeard, who is the captain, is about to make a move, and it is at this critical juncture, fortunately, Luffy is coming.

At this time, Whitebeard, who had just left the Mobiak, saw Luffy and their appearance and laughed.

"Haha, Warring States, it seems that today's result will not be as you expected."

When the voice sounded, Luffy, who was standing on the warship, turned his head to look at Whitebeard.

"Uncle Whitebeard, I'm sorry we're here."

"Leave it to me next!"

As he spoke, he looked at the execution table and looked at Ace.

"Ace, wait for me!"

At this moment, Ace was already in tears, looking at Luffy who appeared with so many people, his whole excited body continued to tremble.


A shout directly started this big war.

Karp, who was next to Ace, saw Luffy's appearance and shook his head helplessly.

"This stinky boy, you are too good at finding trouble for me."

ps: kneel for an automatic subscription and a tip, but where there is one, the author will continue to burst with 30,000 words tomorrow!!! Knife!.

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