71 Karp's decision!

"Huh? Why is there no sound, is it said that the battle is over? "

On the large sea outside the bay of Marin Fandor, on the submarine that had just surfaced, Solon appeared one by one.

When they heard that Marin Fando actually quieted down at this time, they were both a little puzzled.

Instead, Luo said.

"Leave Marin Fando alone, there is a huge task ahead of us."

As Luo's voice fell, Solon and they looked around, and at a glance they saw a dense array of naval warships docked all around.

"So many warships, it seems that the navy is really well prepared this time."

"With so many warships, I'm afraid the number exceeds the Demon Slaughter Order."

"Hey, since we met "Three Zero Zero", we must give a big gift to the Navy. "

As everyone spoke, Luo said directly.

"We try to act together, in order not to attract the attention of the navy for the time being, we must not make too much noise, otherwise, it will not be good to be discovered by the main forces of the navy."

Yamaji nodded when he heard this: "Indeed, it's just that the speed is too slow in this way." "

Luo shook his head at this: "It's not slow, and even if we act separately, it is impossible to destroy all these warships, what we have to do is to destroy as much as possible." "

When everyone heard this, they all agreed.

"In that case, let's start preparing a big gift for the Navy."

At the time of Solon's preparation of a big gift for the navy, at this time above Marin Fandor.

Under the gazes of countless people, Karp was still silent.

"Renly, what do you say Karp will choose this time?"

Barrett asked Reilly.

In this regard, Renly shook his head: "It's really hard to say, Karp has a very strange personality, and it's really hard to guess how he does it." "

"But their family is really strange enough, they are naval heroes, their son is the leader of the revolutionary army, and their grandson is a pirate, and their strength is so strong, it has reached the level of the four emperors."

Barrett bowed his head slightly when he heard this: "Yes, his family completely occupies some of the most important organizations on the sea." "

At this time, Whitebeard also looked at Karp, and he was also curious about Karp's choice.

If Karp really insists on justice in his heart, I am afraid that today's battle will be even harder.

Although Luffy's strength is good, he faces the naval hero Karp, and he is also his own grandfather!

The focus of everyone's gaze at this time is where Karp is.

Karp himself is also thinking, thinking about what he should do if Ace really dies in Marin Fandor.

As a navyman, do you have to watch your grandson die in front of your own eyes?

So is he really worthy of the word "grandpa"?

At the same time, he recalled the words that Roger entrusted himself to when he was advancing into the city.

At that time, he personally took Ace and handed it over to Dadan, if Ace died in front of his eyes, he would regret it many years later.

Karp, who was thinking about it, turned his head to look at Ace.

Looking at this child who watched him grow up, his eyes constantly flashed with a look of struggle and pain.

Now Capdo wants to go down and find someone to fight, but he can't.

At the moment, only he can cope with this situation.

After a long time, Karp finally made a decision.

Karp looked at Luffy, his eyes changed, and said, "Luffy, maybe what you said is right." "

"If Ace really died here, I wouldn't have forgiven myself for many years, and..."

While Karp was still talking, Luffy had already extended his fist. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The fist faced Karp, without the slightest hesitation, and a punch fell directly.

It's just that this punch doesn't use any strength, it's only symbolic.

After all, there is a naval hero standing in front of him, and naturally it is impossible for everyone to watch a naval hero make way for a pirate.

"Stinky boy, I'm not done yet! You actually dare to hit your grandfather! "

Karp was stunned at first, and looked at Luffy with some anger, he didn't expect Luffy to be so decisive 0.........

And when Karp spoke, he was even more cooperative.

When Luffy's punch fell, Karp's whole person flew out directly upside down.

Obviously, Luffy's punch did not use much strength, and he was still facing Kapu, but Kapu's whole person flew out instantly.

Under the countless shocked gazes, it fell directly into the ruins below.


A loud noise came, and countless people reacted.

Especially some navies, their eyes widened for a moment, looking at Luffy in disbelief.

"What! This straw hat kid actually blasted Lieutenant General Karp away? "

"How is this possible! That is Lieutenant General Karp, how powerful is it, but it was bombarded like this? "

"And how much power was used in the punch of the straw hat kid just now, even Lieutenant General Karp didn't react."

"No, didn't you say that Straw Hat Kid is the grandson of Lieutenant General Karp? Doesn't this mean that the straw hat kid hit his grandfather? "

"Shhh! First solved Lord Akainu, and now he blasted Lieutenant General Karp, how strong is the strength of this straw hat kid! "

There were continuous exclamations from the mouths of countless navies, and they naturally did not see what was happening, but they just thought that Karp was bombarded by Luffy by 0.1.

But some big people see it clearly.

When Renly saw Karp being blasted away, he couldn't help but smile.

"Karp, it seems that you still made a choice, and you will definitely not regret this choice."

At the same time, watching Karp being blasted away, Whitebeard smiled, he already understood everything, and knew that Karp had made a choice.

But at this moment, as a naval marshal, the Warring States have a gloomy face.

His gaze was fixed on the ruins below.


ps: kneel for an automatic subscription and a tip, but where there is one, the author continues to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!。

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