Chapter 84: The Establishment of Subordinate Forces

"Roar, roar, roar!"

Singing on the deck.

Binks' wine sounded in the campfire along with the crowd's celebration.

Brooke as a soul singer.

Rejoicing under the coconut trees, everything seems so harmonious.

"Straw Hat Kid, thanks to you this time, if it weren't for you, our Captain Ace wouldn't have come back so easily." The Diamond Man cheered from the side.

Other crew members were also toasting.

"Haha, everyone is friends, kill that gang of world governments!"

"Yes! Right! That's right! "

The pirates on the side did not see the slightest anxiety.

Compared with the world government, the white-bearded pirate group can be said to be in good spirits, not only easily rescued Ace, but also put the entire world government in trouble.

When the navy is in trouble, they can naturally be much easier.

Not only are many secret sentries gone, but they can even peacefully rejoice on ordinary islands.

This is a small New World island that is relatively remote from Marin Fandor, and although the route is relatively simple, it is safe on the island and there is no strange danger.

If it weren't for Marin Fandor being blown up by Luffy, I'm afraid that these pirates would never have the opportunity to come to such a beautiful island several times in their lives.

"Straw Hat Kid 250! Anyway, you saved my son, come! This glass of wine toasts you! Whitebeard picked up a glass of wine cheerfully.

Ace next to him smiled embarrassedly, and he didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

"Luffy, this is daddy's wine, ordinary people can't drink it."

Luffy doesn't usually drink much, but under such a happy event, he still drinks it all.

"Haha! Uncle Whitebeard is so interesting. "

Solon saw that Luffy was drinking, and also drank a large bowl happily, and the rest of the pirates immediately cheered up again.

A group of sea pirates who have just experienced life and death celebrated on an unknown island.

About a few hours passed.

The wine banquet also ended one after another.

Whitebeard saw the pirates next to him and thought.

The adventure is over, but Luffy's pirate group is far from over.

Following Luffy out of Marin Fandor, there are also prisoners of Advance City, the female emperor of Nine Snake Island, Renly, Lao Sha, Barrett and so on.

These are powerful forces, and if left unchecked, they will definitely cause a certain amount of impact.

Especially these people from Nine Snake Island.

The female emperor also has her own people, and there are many who have to be guarded.

"Luffy boy, how about it, do you want to suggest that you always be affiliated with the pirate group."

"Affiliated pirate group?"

Luffy froze.

He had just grabbed the last piece of meat with Solon and was eating it.

"Well, that's right! Since you destroyed Marin Fandor, you are naturally a sea thief like us, and there is a sea thief who does not have his own team. "

The power of the four emperors almost all included various subordinates.

It's not just your own team.

For example, Whitebeard has Fishman Island, Kaido is connected to Doflamingo, and even occupies the capital of the samurai, it can be said that the people who can be called the Four Emperors have their own groups.

Luffy alone is not enough!

If you want to occupy other islands in the future, if you don't have a mercenary group attached to it, you won't even have the strength to defend yourself!

The captain never has to do everything himself.

"Huh? Do pirates still need this? Luffy froze, he really hadn't thought of that. Luffy gathers everyone and goes to Marin Fandor, in itself to save Ace.

Even if it is to overthrow the world government, it is only to follow the trend, and there is no other mind at all.

As for the Four Emperors?

He does want to be One Piece, but he is not clear about the concept of the Four Emperors. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Becoming the Four Emperors means having a huge power of your own, otherwise you have no power, and you can't get any territory, just like the powerful Hawkeye.

In the end, it can only be a Seven Martial Sea.

"Don't I want this line? Trouble, trouble, it looks so troublesome. Luffy looked at Whitebeard with a look of embarrassment, and Solon next to him also had an expression.

"It does feel like a hassle."

The two have the same personality, (ajfe) naturally have an idea.

At this time, Nami crossed her waist: "Luffy, do you still want to become One Piece?" If you want to become One Piece, how easy is it!

"If you don't have your own territory, you definitely can't!"

Nami is still a little clear about this.

"Huh? And that's it. "

Luffy clearly put on a look of disgust.

"Well, since that's the case, then I'll set up an affiliated pirate group." He waved his hand, indicating that he understood, and the piece of meat in his hand was still sent to his mouth.

It feels very vague.

Nami felt helpless, but since Luffy agreed, it was naturally a good thing.

The Straw Hat Regiment can naturally go further.

The prisoners next to them immediately cheered when they heard Luffy's approval!

"I join!"

"I join in too! We just don't have a place to stay, and if the Straw Hat Kid is willing to join the Pirates, of course we do! "

They all followed Luffy out, and now Luffy wants to advise the sea pirates, how could they not be willing.

If he is exiled, I am afraid that he will have to be hunted down by the navy.

"Oh? Affiliated with the Pirates? If Darling suggested a subsidiary pirate group, how could he not have a share of the credit of our Nine Snakes. "

Hancock spoke.

The female emperor originally liked Luffy, but now that she heard that he wanted to component forces, how could she disagree.

Immediately raise your hand and agree.

The other prisoners heard that the female emperor agreed, and they all agreed, and even some people in the Whitebeard Group were a little stupid, no way, it was too tempting to be able to become a partner with the female emperor.

"What about you?"

Margau looked at Klockdal, among these people, Klockdar gave him a bad feeling, after all, he used to be His Majesty Qiwuhai, and Klockdar's previous character was not good.

Now seeing him silent, he naturally asked.

To be honest, not everyone is as nervous as Luffy, at least as is Pony, and Ace, who has been worried about him.

Many people have their eyes on these strange powerhouses.

"Huh! Since everyone agreed, what else can I say. "

"Luffy overthrew the New World, I'm afraid that the Great Voyage no longer has a chance for me to pass, right?" The main forces of Klockdar were generally in the Great Passage.

And the world government has set him as a key criminal, the great shipping route is now the main entrenchment of the world government, if you want to talk about it, I am afraid that there is no chance.

Defecting to Luffy was almost his only way out.

Renly next to him and Barrett looked at each other, and naturally expressed their willingness.

The two of them have long been willing, although they can only be named, but the strength of the two is definitely not covered, and being able to nominate is already very powerful!

ps: kneel for an automatic subscription and a tip, but where there is one, the author continues to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!。

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