Chapter 92 Set sail, Miles of Sunshine!

A few days later.

Zefa and Ain have officially become members of the Straw Hat Group, and with the help of Miss Xia Qi, they have successfully coated the Wanli Sunshine with a thick film.

This is a necessary procedure to enter Fishman Island.

That's right.

Luffy's next target is naturally Fishman Island near Chambord.

"I didn't expect Chambordi Island to be a huge mahogany." Robin raised his head and looked at the roots in front of him, starting from above and spreading all the way to the deep sea.

"It's also the first time I've seen it, I'm afraid this is the magic of the new world." Solon sighed, and Sanji immediately stunned: "With a road idiot like you, it is already lucky to be able to come here!" "

He still fights a little.

Luffy watched all this and felt the voyage with a little relief.

After a few days of running-in, they have not achieved nothing, at least except for themselves, Solon and the others have become stronger and stronger under the teachings of Zefa, and they are getting closer and closer to the original goal.

Solon and the others have gradually begun to master domineering.

"Mr. Zefa, do you know anything about Fishman Island?" Nami walked over first. She wants to have a good relationship with 09 Ain, and naturally she has to talk to Zefa first.

"It's not clear."

Zefa shook his head: "Fishman Island has always been isolated from the outside world, except for knowing that it is the rule of the four emperors and white beards, there is not the slightest clue.

"But the Fishman King has always submitted to the world government."

"People who are ostensibly white-bearded have always been associated with the world government."

Nami thought for a moment and shook her head again: "I'm afraid that's not the case." "

"We have dealt with the Fish-Terrans during our travels before, and although they are ostensibly members of the World Government, they have not actually had much friendship with the World Government."

"In my opinion, I'm afraid that people who are on the surface of the government are white-bearded people behind them."

Nami's hometown was destroyed by the Fish-Terrans.

Now that I think about it, I still maintain a lot of vigilance against the Fish-Terrans.

"Are you all right?"

Luffy raised a mouthful.


Nami smiled: "Not all Fish-Terrans are threatening, so don't worry about me, just continue to take risks." "

Ain, next to Zefa, immediately pulled Nami and walked aside to chat.

Luffy ignored it.

At this time.

The roots of the mahogany tree are getting bigger.

When everyone saw this tree root dragging the Chambord Island, they all showed their admiring eyes, which had increased dozens of times since just now!

In the end, it is the root of the tree that carries the island, and the diameter alone is already impossible to estimate, let alone its size.

"Wow! What a big fish! "

Choiba suddenly shouted.

Usopp looked back and saw a large fish hundreds of meters long stuck in the gap between the mahogany heels, and its system was far greater than everything they had seen.

Including the general Aquaman class!

"That's the magic of the seabed." Robin laughed gracefully: "Fishman Island is separated from the world, and it may be separated by civilization, but in such a magical seabed, there must be something extraordinary." "

"There is such a wealth of seafood here, it is estimated that there will be no shortage of food."

"Yes, in this kind of place where there is no shortage of food and clothing, it must be much better than our hometown." Nami felt it again.

Solon looked sideways at the chattering people and continued to lean against the mast to speak.


Yamaji, who had been silent, spoke: "Look at some turbulence below, it should be the entrance to Fishman Island that Miss Xia Qi said!" "

The entrance to Fishman Island is located in the deepest part of the seabed, and from here, you can feel the various beauty of the ocean, as well as submarine volcanoes and turbulent currents.

This is also the reason why the Navy has not attacked Fishman Island for so many years.

"Guys are ready! I'm afraid such turbulence is not so easy to get through! After gesturing at the size of the turbulence, Frankie immediately began to retract the sails.

Under the control of French, the Miles of Sunshine soon entered dive mode.

"Everyone! Hold on to me all! "

Franky, who was at the helm, used all his strength.

The huge steamer entered the unstable turbulence under the shaking dash!

"Luffy! Look what that is! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Usopp suddenly shouted.

In the depths of the turbulence, there was actually a huge super octopus rushing towards them. This body size is not as big as the previous big fish, but in this dangerous area, it has become a far-reaching threat.

"Sea Kings! This is the Sea King class! "

Choiba trembled.

Animals have a strong instinct for danger.

Choiba is an animal.

Although he devoured everyone's fruit, he still had the basic instincts.

"Luffy! We won't be eaten by octopuses! "

Choiba pulled Luffy nervously.

Luffy immediately patted his chest: "Don't be afraid!" Even if it's a real sea king class, with my strength, I can solve this thing with just one punch. "

He subconsciously waved his fist.

As soon as Choiba wanted to relax, Nami punched Luffy in the head!

"You're killing yourself!"

The ship is full of waterproof membranes, and once it is blasted by Luffy, all the people here will turn into corpses.

The bottom of the sea is pressurized.

The coating is strong in prevention.

In addition to the pressure, there is endless seawater, once the devourer of the devil fruit inhales the seawater, it will completely sink to the bottom of the sea, at that time, let alone Nami, even Luffy himself can't stand it!

Luffy was definitely looking for his own death.

"All right! Don't panic, give me the rudder and I'll solve it! Zefa took the rudder, and he pulled it hard, and actually stabilized the ship in the rapid turbulence. 700

"It is worthy of being a former iron-blooded instructor, and in the face of such a situation, he can deal with it safely, it seems that it is really a wise move to invite you to join our team."

Nami raised her thumbs.

Zefa did not answer.

This is when the helmsman is really tested. Huge octopuses came from the small space.

They go towards the bottom.

The location of the Sunshine is in the middle of the turbulence, and entering Fishman Island from here will inevitably collide with the underwater octopus, such a dangerous octopus, I am afraid that one blow can knock the ship over!

"Don't be afraid, look at me!"

Zefa pulled the rudder hard, and he began to master the technique.

Although Zefa's driving skills are not really top-notch, in the current group of people, he is already very powerful.

After bringing the ship slightly closer, the Sunshine bypassed the large octopus.

"Now is the most critical time!" Zefa reminded. After he asked everyone to help the cabin, he began to hover rapidly, and after breaking through the turbulent interior, he actually followed the direction of the chaotic flight and came in differently!

"The messier the more you go, the more you go to the bottom of the sea! Guys, let's all get your spirits up. "

After a series of struggles, everyone finally entered the edge of Fishman Island.

ps: kneel for an automatic subscription and a tip, but where there is one, the author continues to explode with 30,000 words tomorrow!!!!。

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