Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1002: Please also be smart

Chapter 1002

Resplendent, the hall and the wounded have been sent to the hospital. Luo Feng is telling Mrs. Xiaozheng some last things. Finally, he is about to leave, "Remember, if someone comes to me, you must not be impulsive. Those people are not you. Deal with it. Remember, no matter what happens, find a way to notify me first."

After repeated warnings, Luo Feng patted the winning shoulder and turned away.

This night, the Australian province was surging.

Luo Feng appeared resplendent and the news spread out quickly, and the group of strong Heavenly Sects who lived in the Xuanyuan Pavilion branch of Australia was also quickly alarmed.

Luo Feng was not mistaken. Someone came to the door that night. It was a police officer from the Australian province who searched all the rooms in Jinbiguang in the name of investigating wanted criminals.

You know, with its magnificent status in the Australian province, this is unprecedented.

Behind it, naturally Xuanyuan Pavilion was pushing it.

However, in the end there was no trace of Luo Feng.

Xuanyuan Pavilion, Australian branch.

"Senior Chen, our people, in two batches of light and dark, almost turned all over the magnificence, and there is no news of Luo Feng." One person said in a deep voice.

Sitting in front of him, the man in black clothes had a sharp aura, his eyes were like cold arrows, his fists were lightly clenched, and an invisible pressure made the rest of the room breathless.

The eleventh holy list, Wang Chen!

The rise of Wang Chen is quite magical.

The young man has ordinary talents, but he has adventures. He entered the ancient ruins and obtained powerful exercises. As a result, he was a blockbuster and was accepted as a disciple by an elder of the Mantian religion.

Sing all the way.

Now the eleventh of the holy list, only forty years old, in the rest of his life, very hopeful to step into the top ten of the holy list! Even, there have been rumors that the strength of King Chen is not lost to the tenth Taoist strongman, Huang Chen.

"He is still in Australia, and I feel right in this seat." Wang Chen said slowly, "Nan Fengyun has already left, but Wang Chen is enough to deal with him Luo Feng."

Wang Chen's eyes flashed sharply.

"According to the order, all industries related to the winners in Australia will be investigated, and Luo Feng must be hidden in them."

Everyone led away.

In the room, Wang Chen stood up gently, with his hands on his back, walked to the window, overlooking the streets of Australia at night, lost in thought.

The night was extremely restless.

Under Luo Feng's reminder, he was mentally prepared to win. After the winners and his sons arranged everything, they let the storm hit and stayed still, unchanged and should change.

At dawn.

A villa.

Luo Feng raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"It's done."

In Luo Feng's hand, a black banner the size of a palm, flowing with mysterious light.

"Seven Steps of the Lost Array", the first array flag, successfully compiled.

Luo Feng's eyes couldn't contain joy.

This means that his perception of the formation method is an official entry.

As the so-called one is connected, everywhere is connected.

With this array flag, Luo Feng believes that it will not take long for him to compile all the seven array flags required for "Seven Steps of the Lost Array".

Next, there are various formations.

Dead array, live array!

"One Word Long Snake Array"!

"The Iron Ring Locks the Empty Array"!

"Green Mountains and Flowing Water Array"!

and many more.

Of course, the research on "Zhu Shen Arrow Array" and "Haitian Line Sword Array" is indispensable.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

Outside, there was a sound of footsteps, and Luo Feng took advantage of the situation and put away the flag, went out, winning the footsteps in a hurry.

"Brother Feng, I can't stand it anymore." Winning saw Luo Feng and immediately cried, "Those people are about to turn my winners up."

"Calm down." Luo Feng smiled, "A big basket, after tonight, Australia will return to peace."

The goal of the Australian delegation has been achieved.

After Luo Feng attended Bai Si-nian's concert tonight, he left. Everyone thought that Luo Feng would not go back to Zhejiang-Hangzhou University, but Luo Feng decided to go back.

The person he was looking for has not yet appeared!

Xiao Jun!

If you don't find her, how can you explain to her when you see Jade Rakshasa in the future?

Also, Luo Feng has not dared to answer a phone call these days.

University Students China-Korea Exchange Conference!

If Luo Feng remembers correctly, it seems to have passed.

There is no time in the mountains.

Luo Feng was lurking in Australia to heal his injuries and studied the "Record of the Formation".

Forget it, go back and apologize to Mr. Ni.

When Luo Feng calmed down and won, he also made up his mind.

Not long after winning, he answered the phone and left in a hurry. Looking at the back of winning and leaving, Luo Feng also sighed.

This time, I also dragged down the winners and made them suffer a lot of losses.

Before leaving, make up for them.

Luo Feng muttered to himself, then turned and walked to another room.

Various medicinal materials are piled up like a mountain.

The formation has made a big breakthrough, Luo Feng is not in a hurry, and haste is not enough. Before leaving, Luo Feng refines some elixir.

after an hour.

"Huh!" Luo Feng's eyes were full of surprises. After a short pause, he was replaced by ecstasy.

After fusing the third mysterious bead, the Purple Qi Donglai Divine Art broke through to the third layer, not only the strength was greatly increased, but the speed of alchemy was also increased a lot.

"One hour, thirteen nine-revolution pills." Luo Feng squinted at this furnace of nine-revolution pills, and shook his head with emotion, "It's really an influential spirit pill!"

The level is high, and the horizon is high.

In Luo Feng's eyes, this nine-turn pill, which was regarded as the most treasured by the martial artists of the world, was completely reduced to a third-rate.

Continue alchemy.

Next, in addition to the Nine Revolving Pills, Luo Feng had refined a lot of Power Pills and Qili Pills. As for the precious blood pill of the next level, time was limited and Luo Feng did not refine them.

In a blink of an eye it was evening.

The Xuanyuan Pavilion was in the dark, and the Australian police officers were in the morning. In one day, the entire Australian province was turned upside down, and there was still no trace of Luo Feng.

But just when everyone was about to give up, this figure appeared Shi Shiran and walked into the golden glory with a calm expression.

"I'm going! This... is this Luo Feng?"

"It's really him! Nima, everyone looked for him thousands of times, suddenly looking back, Luo Feng is in the golden and brilliant place."

"Stop talking nonsense and report quickly."

One by one stared at the magnificent gate like a chicken blood.

Luo Feng did not intend to conceal his whereabouts.

After tonight, he will leave Australia.

Moreover, we must be open and righteous to leave. In this way, the turmoil faced by the winners can be calmed down.

What's more, when Nan Fengyun isn't there, what's his fear?

Luo Feng walked into the elevator lightly.


The elevator doors opened.

Luo Feng immediately felt an extremely unkind look.

Bai Miss's agent, Ye Wen.

Ye Wen didn't know what happened in the lobby on the first floor last night. In Ye Wen's eyes, it was the appearance of Luo Feng that made Bai Sinian suddenly change.

Bai Si-nian is about to be blocked by Xingying Entertainment.

This son, the culprit.

"Huh!" Ye Wen curled his mouth, "Come with me."

Ye Wen turned around, came to the door of a room, and pushed the door straight away. In the room, Bai Miss was dressed in a white long dress. He outlined a graceful figure, beautifully beautiful, and charming. He turned his head and smiled, "I thought , You are two hours late again."

Luo Feng coughed slightly.

This little girl, which pot is not opened or which pot is raised.

Bai Sinian stood up with a sweet smile on her face, "Let's go, it's not too early."

Luo Feng nodded.

"Wait a minute." Ye Wen said suddenly.

Bai Miss was startled and turned to look at Ye Wen.

Ye Wen's expression hesitated, and immediately became firm, staring at Bai Si-nian, with a solemn expression, "Si-Nian, I don't allow you to go on like this."

Bai Si was puzzled, "Why am I messing around?"

"You offended Young Master Wang and ruined your future for him. Aren't you fooling around?" Ye Wen's voice sharpened, "I miss you, you have one last chance. Young Master Wang will definitely be there for tonight's concert, you Don't take this kid over, I don't care what his status is, but in the entertainment industry, Shaocai Wang is the god! You leave him aside and go and apologize to Shao Wang!"

Bai Si-nian twisted his eyebrows and glanced at Luo Feng. Seeing that his expression hadn't changed much, he felt a little certain, "Sister Wen, sorry."

"Well, I can only apologize." Ye Wen's voice became cold. "From now on, my team will officially terminate the contract with you. If you still need an agent, then... please be smart."

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