Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1012: Shocked China

Chapter 1012

"No need to spend?" looked at the judge with an iron face, "Why? As soon as the reward order is issued, once someone kills Ouyang Tiangong, according to the rules, you have to pay. Unless...violating the rules of Heishitie."

"It's not going to violate, but the judge is right." Luo Feng smiled indifferently, and said slowly, "First, the Ouyang family has a huge influence in the capital. It is hard to assassinate the head of the Ouyang family. Second, if Ouyang Tiangong, finally died in our hands?"

"We?" Tie Mian was taken aback.

The judge suddenly laughed, "It seems that you have forgotten that we have another level of identity, and even more, our boss...the top three!"

Iron Face's eyes brightened!

He got it!

I was eager to try, wishing to kill the capital immediately, hit Huanglong, and unscrewed the head of Ouyang Tiangong.

"One billion reward is enough to bring disaster to the east." The judge smiled and said, "I really look forward to, Ouyang Tiangong, what a wonderful expression will be when I see this reward order."


Luo Feng clicked to post.

A brand new blood evil post appeared dazzlingly!

Heishatie.com has a characteristic, but for any bounty for killing, the more the bounty, the brighter and more conspicuous the font color.


China, a hospital.

Xu Nian is the attending surgeon of the hospital, and he is quite well-known in the industry. After the one-night shift, Xu Nian felt that his eyelids couldn't open.

Sitting in the office, Xu Wei opened a website in a familiar way...Black Shatie!

No one knows that behind this gentle and elegant doctor, the identity of a killer is hidden.

Xu Nai, the codename of the killer world "Wish"!

You make your wish and I will fulfill it.

World Killing List, 59th!

"I don't know if anyone has completed the two hundred million rewards?" It has long become Xu Nai's habit to browse the Heishatie website every day. Two billion! Xu Nai's eyes flashed hot, but disappeared quickly. He checked a lot of information about Luo Feng and finally came to the conclusion that he couldn't kill this person!

Xu Wei never accepts a reward that is uncertain.


A reward order appeared in Xu Nai's eyes.

Coquettish and dazzling!

After Xu Nian finished watching, his breathing couldn't help but hurried.

Billion! !

He has always been very sensible, but this time, his eyes instantly showed crazy colors.


A golf course in the UK.

A caddie is holding a mobile phone in his hand, with blood-red rays in his eyes.

Suddenly, he turned around resolutely and walked away.



United States!



As soon as this reward was issued, it almost detonated the entire black shatie network in a very short time!

Countries in the world, the killer world, are shocked!

Take China as the best!

The huge reward of one billion has made countless people jealous.

Shocked China.

Almost ten minutes after the reward was issued, Ouyang Tiangong suffered the first wave of assassins!

This is a member of the killer world lurking in the capital.

One billion can make countless people go crazy.

Of course they have to start with the strongest!

Moreover, the assassination at this time has a greater success rate. After all, Ouyang Tiangong has not seen the reward order, and the defense around him is relatively weak.

Crazy assassination!

The focus of the entire Heishatie network, instantly concerned.


Even a lot of senior killers who had been washing their hands for a long time were bombed out.

"Billions! The old man has to try it too!"

"What a feud! A billion yuan is offered as a reward for Ouyang Tiangong, the Patriarch of the Ouyang Family!"

"No way, no way, I have to do it first! Ouyang Tiangong's head is mine! Haha!"

"In contrast, the temptation of one billion is greater. I decided to leave for the capital immediately."

twenty minutes!

Half an hour!

One hour!

The entire Heishatie network is boiling!

One by one, the blood-red handwriting was shocking.

It caused a lot of shock!

World Killing Star List!

They threatened to take over the task!

"Fifty-ninth on the Killing Star List, I made a wish!"

"The 51st Killing List, Mariaski took it!"

"The 46th Killing Star List, the Blood Demon took it!"

"The 45th kill star list, Leopard Shadow took it!


"The 37th Killing Star List, Teacher Cang took it!"

"Twenty-third of the Killing Star List, I've taken it!"

"Nineteenth on the Killing Star List, the judge took it!"

"No. 8 on the Killing Star List, Huaxiang took it!"

One after another, it caused a strong earthquake, shaking the eyes, and shaking the soul.

Finally, a post pushes the climax to the extreme.

"No. 1 on the Killing Star List! Yama! Take it!"



Capital, Ouyang Family.

Ouyang Tiangong's face was gloomy. Today, he traveled as usual, but just half an hour ago, Ouyang Tiangong almost suffered a suicide assassination.

Ouyang Tiangong is a martial arts expert, although he was finally turned into a disaster, but he was shocked in a cold sweat.

Order someone to investigate now!

"I want to see, who is it, who ate the bear heart and leopard courage, dare to attack and kill me Ouyang Tiangong!"

Ouyang Tiangong was angry, his eyes surged with killing intent.

Finally, the black shadow in front of him flickered.

"Have you found it?" Ouyang Tiangong said coldly, "No matter what it is, this time, I will not tolerate it."

The shadow was silent for a while, not daring to speak directly, suggesting that Ouyang Tiangong had opened the Heishatie network.

Three minutes later.

Ouyang Tiangong's eyes widened stubbornly, and his eyes were filled with blood-red dazzling light.

For a long time, a chill of coldness came out from deep in my heart, like a bone marrow sting, causing Ouyang Tiangong to convulsions involuntarily.

Inhaling cold breath, at the same time, furious!

"Luo Feng!! I, Ouyang Temple, will never die with you!"

At this moment, Ouyang Tiangong also tasted the taste of being watched by the black shatie.


He can imagine that in the following period of time, he may be in danger almost every moment.

"Shadow!" Ouyang Tiangong said vigorously, "Immediately mobilize the strongest defensive force, I want a fly to fly into the Ouyang family!"

"Also, it is announced to the public that I will retreat for a period of time and decline all visiting guests!"

Ouyang Tiangong made urgent arrangements.

At this time, Julongwan District.

After issuing a reward order, and then logging in with Yama King's account, after announcing that he had taken up the task, Luo Feng closed the black shame page.

"Next, let Ouyang Tiangong slowly get a headache!" Luo Feng squinted.

"Unexpectedly, the two boys, Leopard Shadow and Blood Demon, are also paying attention to Heisha Tie.com!" The iron face smiled and couldn't wait, "Boss, when will we enter Beijing?"

Kill Ouyang Tiangong!

Luo Feng glanced at the iron face.

Strike mercilessly.

"Your current strength, even if Ouyang Tiangong is in front of you, you can't kill it either." Luo Feng waved his hand, "Hurry up to look at the judge and become a Jiuding strong!"

Luo Feng didn't say much. After beating Tie Mian for a few words, Tie Mian knew his shame and courageously turned around and shouted that he wanted to retreat and practice.

Luo Feng also went into the room to rest.

I haven't had a good night's sleep since this time.

Luo Feng lay down like this, his sleepiness hit, and he woke up until the phone rang.

"Xiaofeng, are you here?"

The voice of Ni Yuanhang.

"Professor Ni." Luo Feng sat up, glanced at the sky outside subconsciously, and said without changing his face, "I'm already in Julong Bay."

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