Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1037: opening ceremony

Chapter 1037 Opening Ceremony

Tang Dal's nose was gray, very embarrassed.

At this time, he realized that he had overlooked an important issue. The hole dug by the pangolin was too small to get in.

"I'm busy in vain!" Tang Dal sat on the ground, a little puzzled. The plan to escape the MLM den was strangled just after it sprouted.

A little unwilling, Tang Dal bumped it again.

Give up!

I really can't get in.

"This **** formation." Tang Dal couldn't help cursing.

Fei Tian, ​​Escape, after trying various methods, but can't get out of this MLM nest.


The king of the forest next to him suddenly let out a low growl, and then walked towards the distance. After more than ten meters, the fierce tiger stopped, turned around, and roared at Tang Da'er again.

Tang Daer was stunned for a while, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he rushed over, "Sister Baihu, what you mean...you know how to get out, fuck, why didn't you say it earlier."

While talking, Tang Dal was already sitting on the back of the tiger, the tiger sniffed, found the right direction, and ran straight along.

"Are you looking for the smell of pangolins?" Tang Dal's eyes widened. Nima's, the poor mountains and the evil waters come out of trouble, wrong! It is the beautiful mountains and rivers! Haha!

Speedy all the way!

Soon, Tang Dal was really sure that Sister Baihu could get out of this formation left over from ancient times.

I couldn't help but feel excited.

"Chong! Escape the MLM den!" Tang Dal was excited, "Haha! Sister Baihu, you are my demon spirit! Save me from the MLM den."

"Hey, Sister Baihu, I think of your name." Tang Da'er had been distressed and wanted to give Sister Baihu a resounding name.

Finally thought of it!

"Monster Yaoling! You will be called Yao Yaoling from now on!" Tang Da'er laughed and patted the tiger's head, "After going out, I will tailor a set of clothes for you to make you a pet dog!"

Tang Da'er smiled triumphantly!

Half an hour later, Yao Yaoling jumped, and jumped directly off a hill ten meters high.

Whizzing away!

Due to the mysterious formations, this ancient ruins is extremely green, and various beasts are stronger than the outside. This tiger is the king among them.

Moreover, being close to Tang Da'er and absorbing the breath released by him when he practiced "The Classic of Controlling Beasts" benefited the tiger a lot.

The ten-meter hill, leaped easily, and disappeared in the mist lingering in the blink of an eye.

All the way, the forest retreated.

With the stars dotted the starry sky, Tang Dal suddenly coughed loudly and frowned, "Damn, why is it so unpleasant..."

At this time, Yao Yaoling let out a low growl.

Tang Dal was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but take another deep breath of the ‘pungent’ air, and stayed there. For a moment, he screamed in excitement.

"Outside air!" Tang Dal was breathing desperately, as if he was a person accustomed to eating famous seafood dishes. Suddenly he saw salted fish and cabbage, and his appetite was greatly appreciated!

It's finally out!

Life in it day after day. Tang Dal had already forgotten the time.

"Go home first, and see Dad!" Tang Dal planned, "Then, go and meet with Brother Feng." Tang Dal's eyes showed expectation, and he patted the tiger on the head, "However, the demon demon spirit, here is Before, let me pretend for you!"

The tiger roars away!


The night faded.

Luo Feng didn't stay in the Kyushu Hotel for long, so he left Situ Mingzhi and returned to Julong Bay. He woke up after sleeping, and the sun rose.

On Monday, early in the morning, Luo Feng walked out of Julong Bay and went straight to Zhejiang-Hangzhou University.

Standing at the gate of Zhejiang-Hangzhou University, I felt a sense of cowardice in my heart, and I was filled with emotion.

In the real sense of university life, Luo Feng enjoyed a day. After the military training began, he skipped class in Quancheng, so that a series of things happened and he re-entered the campus today.

Looking at the young and energetic figures around him, feeling the breath of youth, Luo Feng smiled heartily, and just about to step in, he put a hand on Luo Feng's shoulder.

Luo Feng grabbed the ground almost conditionally and turned hard.


A scream!

"Fat brother, why are you?" Luo Feng released his hand unexpectedly.

The boss of 358 bedroom, Shi Panzhi.

Shi Panzhi felt as if his hand was about to be broken in just a moment, but he escaped the catastrophe thanks to the fat protection.

"Second, you really gave me a big surprise!" Shi Panzhi put on a smile that was more ugly than crying.

Luo Feng was a little embarrassed, just standing in a trance, Shi Panzhi appeared too mysterious.

"Fat brother, you are coming back from outside. Getting up so early is not your style." Luo Feng asked.

"Don't you know what day it is today?" Shi Panzhi waved his hand vigorously, and Luo Feng realized that he was holding a few small red flags.

Luo Feng looked at Shi Panzhi puzzled.

Shi Panzhi laughed, "Then it's too timely for you to come back today! Today is the day when the China-South Korea Exchange Conference officially opens. The opening ceremony will be held in the school's largest auditorium, which can accommodate thousands of people! In order to promote my Chinese prestige, Of course we also have to cheer and cheer! Let the clubs see what the gap is!"

Luo Feng glanced at Shi Panzhi. He hadn't noticed before. Fat brother was also an angry youth.

"Come on, give you a flag. As the flag dormitory of the new world, 358 must set a good example for the people behind."

Luo Feng was curious, "When did you comment on the flag bedroom?"

The fat man looked solemn, "In my heart, I will always be the banner!"


After a long period of trouble, it turned out to be self-selling and boasting!

Seeing the red flag handed by Fat Brother, Luo Feng also took it, and then went back to the dormitory with Fat Brother. The other two people in the dormitory were surprised when they saw it.

"Brother Feng!" Qi laughed and shouted, giving a hug.

Dongfang Ji's face was also full of smiles.

In the days without Luo Feng, bedroom 358 seemed to be missing something forever.

"Welcome back!"

Feeling the enthusiasm of the brothers in the bedroom, Luo Feng also smiled.

Eight thirty in the morning!

"Let's go!" Shi Panzhi waved his hand. "The opening ceremony of the China-South Korea Exchange Conference is at 9:30. We will go there early to occupy favorable terrain."

You are ready to go to war!

The three people in the dormitory stared at Shi Panzhi.

Finally, following him, the four people in the dormitory strode towards the auditorium.

Luo Feng couldn't help being dumbfounded when he went to the auditorium.

too many people!

Can be called a sea of ​​people!

There are also many students holding red flags like Shi Panzhi. After all, this is a competition between two countries, which is called "communication".

The vantage point is destined not to be occupied. Shi Panzhi has sharp eyes and wide body. As long as he does it, he has occupied four positions and waved back to the Luo Feng trio.

"Fat brother is simply a nuclear weapon!" Qi smiled with emotion.

Time passed by every minute.

The auditorium, which can accommodate thousands of people, is full of seats. This can also be seen. The school also attached great importance to this exchange meeting.

Luo Feng's cell phone rang.

It is Ni Yuanhang.

Luo Feng answered the phone.

"Professor Ni."

"Xiaofeng, are you here?" Professor Ni obviously distrusted Luo Feng.

"Listen to this voice." Luo Feng smiled, "I'm already in the auditorium!"

"That's good!" Professor Ni hung up the phone in a hurry.

Nine twenty.

Student representatives from Zhejiang Hangzhou University enter the venue.

Thunderous applause!

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