Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1047: Zhejiang-Hangzhou change

Chapter 1047

This night, Tang Dechang was drunk.

He was happily drunk for the first time in his life, for his son.

He said that he had never been happy.

In the room, Tang Dal's eye sockets were always moist. He helped Tang Dechang, who was already so drunk, onto the bed. Tang Dal's hit a bucket of hot water, washed his face and wiped his father, with great earnestness.

Finally, the quilt was covered.

Tang Dal sat on the sofa and made a pot of hot tea.

"I'll stay with my dad for two days at home, then set off, Beijing!" Tang Dal muttered to himself, his eyes exuding coldness.

After coming out of the lofty mountains, Tang Dal was also deliberately inquiring about the news, knowing that Man Tianjiao had ordered Luo Feng to kill, and he knew that Ouyang Family, Ouyang Tiangong, offered a reward of 200 million yuan to take Luo Feng's head.

Today at Mandala Company, Tang Dal confirmed the news to the Jiuxing security guard.

He thought, before seeing Brother Feng, give him a big gift.

The head of Ouyang Temple!

For Tang Daer, he had two more inverse scales, one for his father and the other for Brother Feng. If anyone offends, Tang Dal will fight hard.

Tang Dal drank a cup of tea and his mind became more clear.

He knew that Ouyang Temple was not easy to kill.

I started to sketch the plan to go to Beijing...


The night is extremely dark.

There is a dead silence on the campus of Zhejiang-Hangzhou Normal University.

call out!

A figure appeared like a ghost, flashed away, and merged into the night in a blink of an eye.

Girls' bedroom.

The door was opened quietly.

In the moonlight, the grimace mask was terrifying.

An evil organization that tried to use the most precious crown of the British royal family as a coronation ceremony once appeared in Australia. It appeared on the campus of Zhejiang Hangzhou Normal University.

This ghost fire member was obviously a martial artist, and did not disturb anyone. He raised a sleeping figure, turned around and left quickly.

The figure woke up, opened his eyes, his face turned pale, but before he could make a sound, he was hit by a palm and passed out into a coma.


Night bar.

Mei Mei walked out the door in frustration. Bai was busy all night without even catching a sister. It was a failure.

Ni Mei sighed as she walked out.

Suddenly, a figure with a grimace in black clothes seemed to fall from the sky.

He grabbed his hand and rushed towards Ni Mei.

Ni Mei's blood seemed to stiffen all at once.


A figure rushed out to the side of Ni Mei, resisting the blow of the grimace mask figure.

"Stay back!" This person yelled to Ni Mei with a solemn expression. He was the one who was arranged by the judge to protect Ni Mei secretly.

The figure in the grimace mask let out a sneer, and rushed forward with great momentum.

The fierce battle fought instantly.


Zhejiang Hangzhou University.

Almost the same was done, and several more grimace masks appeared at the same time, rushing to different places.

Male dormitory building, 358 bedrooms!

The door opened, and the grimace mask strode up.

The coming is fierce.

The girls' bedroom, the bedroom where Qian Yilan is.

The moment the ghost face mask figure opened the door, a sword light flashed, and it was cold.

call out!

The arm of the ghost mask figure was almost cut off, wounded and retreated.

Qian Yilan's expression was indifferent, and he leaped to chase it out.

At the same time, Luo Feng's phone was connected.

"problem occurs."

Because, when Qian Yilan chased it out, she had discovered that there were several accomplices of the Grimace Mask members, who carried the brothers in Luo Feng's bedroom and swept away outside.

Something happened!

In Julong Bay, Luo Feng woke up with a serious expression and walked out of the hall.

At this time, Tie Mian and the judge also stepped out almost at the same time, and they also learned of the incident from the news reported by their subordinates urgently.

"Almost at the same time, all people related to the boss were attacked by strong men wearing grimace masks." The judge looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "They should be the notorious evil organization in the world. Ghost fire!"

"What's the specific situation?" Luo Feng was anxious, because Qian Yilan gave him the latest news. Several members of the grimacing mask stayed to attack her. Although she repelled all the opponents and killed two people, she captured herself. The brothers in the bedroom have disappeared without a trace.

Although Qian Yilan has now contacted Dongfang Yunxiao, trying to find traces of the ghost fire organization through the power of Xuanyuan Pavilion, Luo Feng was not relieved.

"Because it is late at night, our people are all slacking off." Gritting their teeth, "Moreover, the number of people sent out by the WISP organization is extremely large, and many of them are strong. Many of the people we arranged were injured or even killed. So far, those who have lost contact are the Ni family’s brothers and sisters, Ni Mei and Ni Xiaoqing, Zhejiang Hangzhou Normal University, Zheng Wei, and the three brothers in your dormitory, the boss."

"The proprietress of Miao Nv Tea Bar was also attacked. Fortunately, she had seven older brothers desperately rescued, and Qian Yilan arrived in time and repelled the ghost mask figure." The judge looked solemn, "The ghost fire organization seems to be in control After receiving a lot of detailed information from the boss, they even dare not set foot in Julong Bay. I am afraid, they also know that we are here."

"Add more people, no, all the staff are dispatched!" Luo Feng's eyes contained anger, "Be sure to find out their whereabouts in the shortest time!"

"We took timely measures to stabilize the situation, and the abducted people seemed to disappear mysteriously."

Soon, Qian Yilan also had news over there.

Zhehang Xuanyuan Pavilion refused to provide any support.

Dongfang Yunxiao was furious, but was suppressed.

"In Xuanyuan Pavilion, there is a force specifically aimed at you." Qian Yilan said on the phone.

The meaning is already obvious.

Ouyang Family!

"If Ouyang Family has nothing to do with this incident tonight, I will unscrew his head!" The iron face slapped the table angrily.

The judge’s face glowed with cold light, “The WISP organization is an evil organization that is also notorious internationally. If the Ouyang Family uses the ghost fire to get rid of the boss, this method tonight would be too despicable."

"If there is no information provided by Ouyang Family, the WISP organization is just an overseas organization, they will know the relatives and friends around the boss in such detail? Moreover, there was no news about the fact that such a large number of WISP members entered Zhejiang and Hangzhou before."

"Someone escorted the WISP organization."

A teacup in Luo Feng's hand was crushed directly.

The whole body exudes an extremely cold breath.

"The family of Ouyang, count it afterwards." Luo Feng took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "Save the people first."

"Our people have all gone out to find." The judge said in a deep voice, "They took people away, not directly assassinated. Their target is the boss."

Luo Feng looked cold and nodded, "I'll wait for them."

In this instant, both the iron face and the judge felt the strong evil spirit on Luo Feng.

The monstrous anger, pressed deep in my heart, urgently needs to erupt!

Ten minutes later, outside the Julongwan community, two figures came.

Gorefiend and Leopard Shadow.

They also brought a message.

"Master said, if he needs to take action, he will be notified."

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