Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1050: Slaughter

Chapter 1050

Two minutes later, at the gate of Julong Bay, a car galloped out.

Luo Feng took the driving position.

The car whizzed away.

Inside the car, there was a moment of silence, everyone was silent, and there was a flame burning in his eyes.

There is no doubt that tonight, if you see members of the WISP organization, they will definitely kill.

However, they were also puzzled that Luo Feng drove like this, can he really find the WISP organization?

Several people looked at each other worriedly.

"Boss..." Tie Mian couldn't help but speak.

"Don't make a sound." Luo Feng frowned tightly. He felt that Qili Tracking Dan's breath was very weak and might disappear at any time.

The iron face covered his mouth.

It was almost dawn, and there were very few vehicles on the road, Luo Feng stepped on the accelerator pedal to the bottom, racing wildly.


Luo Feng's car rushed into a park, the front door came in, the back door came out, the park door did not open, and Luo Feng forced it open.

In order to track down the breath of Qili Tracking Pill, Luo Feng had already desperately.

Heavenly corpse, only give him an hour.

Twenty minutes have passed.

Suddenly, Luo Feng braked sharply.

He pushed the door and got out of the car, his eyes sparkling while looking into the distance.

A huge lake.

"It's no wonder that Qili Tracking Pill's breath is so weak. It turned out that it came from the surface of the water. Most of the breath was covered by water vapor." Luo Feng took a deep breath and looked into the distance, completely dark.

"Boss, how did you bring us here?" After a few people got out of the car, the judge's expression was taken aback.

"Do you know this place?" Luo Feng asked.

"Not only he knows, but I also know." Tie Mian said, "Isn't this the lake where the mysterious water palace is located? Boss, the bank where we visited last time is right there." Tie Mian pointed in a direction. .

Luo Feng's eyes were cold, "Can you find a boat?"

Tie Mian was shocked, "Boss, why are you suddenly entering the Water Palace?"

"They are in this direction." Luo Feng pointed to the depths of the lake.

All of them were stunned, looking at Luo Feng with puzzled expressions.

They have always stayed by Luo Feng's side. When did Luo Feng get the news?

"There is no time to explain to you for the time being." Luo Feng said, "Can you find the boat?"

"No problem." The judge said in a deep voice, "During this time, due to the appearance of the mysterious water palace, many forces have appeared around the lake, and even some forces have directly chartered a large ship and stopped on the lake. Go up and observe the movement of the mysterious water palace. The boss has explained that we should pay attention to the situation of the mysterious water palace. I have prepared a few ships around here and can set off at any time."

"Go right now."

Luo Feng waved his hand, the cold light in his eyes grew colder.

Tonight, a sudden change occurred, and he was led by the corpse of the sky to walk around, feeling very aggrieved.

It's time.

To calculate this account.

"Members of Ghost Fire, kill without mercy." Luo Feng gave the order to kill.

Not only is it because I hate the ghost fire, but also because it's a bit of a beast.

Whoever wants to deal with him Luo Feng, just come at him.

Using this method, the result is a price.

The ship approached slowly in one direction...

"There are still three hundred meters." Luo Feng pointed to a direction, the judge held the sight glasses in his hand, his pupils shrank, "That's Xuanyuan Pavilion's ship!"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of several people changed at the same time.

"That's right." Ironmian gritted his teeth and said angrily, "No wonder I couldn't find these little ghosts, and hid in the Xuanyuan Pavilion." The ironmian's eyes were chilly, "Very well, to protect the ghost fire organization's attack, today Tonight, we will clean the door of Xuanyuan Pavilion."

"The last two hundred meters."

Suddenly, Luo Feng kicked.

A wooden board fell into the water whizzing.

Almost at the same time, the figure swiftly swept, Luo Feng pointed his toes on the board, the board moving faster than the boat.

He flew away.

Luo Feng has noticed that the situation has changed.

On the opposite ship, the two daughters Ni Xiaoqing and Zheng Wei were taken out of the cabin, their faces panicked, and the sky corpse sat on the sofa with a red wine glass in their hands.

"Half an hour has passed." Tian Shi looked at the two women with a smile, "Theoretically, you only have half an hour of life left."

The second woman pressed her lips tightly.

"However, I can give you a chance." The corner of the sky corpse's mouth raised. "Within this half an hour, if you two serve me comfortably, maybe I can pity your young beauty and reluctant to ruin it. flower."

"Now, take off your clothes and climb over." Tian Zu took a sip of red wine and looked down at the second woman condescendingly.

The second woman's face was pale, her fingers clasped tightly.

"You have the ability, just kill us now." Zheng Wei wiped a touch of determination and hard-heartedly, "Otherwise, when Luo Feng comes, he will definitely kill you."

"Haha!" The corpse laughed, "It is really wishful thinking, do you know where this is? I tell you, even if I tell him now, where we are, when he rushes over, it will be enough for us to shake the sky. Haha!" The corpse stood up suddenly and licked his lips with his tongue, "To be honest, it's been a long time since I had **** with such a savory girl. You may resist... the harder you resist, the happier I will be."

The corpse approached step by step.


The second female Huarong backed back again and again with bleakness.

The corpse laughed grinningly.

boom! boom! boom!

At this time, three voices broke through the air.

Almost at the same time, the three figures directly smashed through the ship window, their bodies flew in, and fell severely in front of the corpse.

He died of anger.

Suddenly, the sky corpse's pupils shook in an instant, his body jumped back, and suddenly turned his face to look.

At the window, a figure appeared, his expression was cold, his messy black hair was flowing, his eyes were like two sharp swords, pointing at the corpse.

"Luo Feng!" The two girls looked over, almost in unison, shouting in unison, excited and crying with joy.

"Attack these two women! And, the four people inside, all subdued!" The sky corpse's voice was flustered, but decisively gave orders, and his eyes looked at Luo Feng in horror.

He never dreamed that King Yama had appeared out of thin air.

He knew his strength, it was impossible to compete head-on with Yama.

At this moment, the corpse just wanted to escape.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Many figures with grimace masks appeared like ghosts, holding daggers in their hands, cold light flashed across, without a word, murderously, and rushed towards the second girl.

This strategy of the corpse is to surround Wei and save Zhao.

Luo Feng did want to do a clone to save the second daughter.

Wherever the figure came, the corpses were everywhere.

Luo Feng opened his slaying precepts, his palms were scorching, and the silhouettes of grimace masks fell like straws, without any resistance.

However, this is just a blink of an eye.

The corpse of the sky didn't even have time to escape, and a dozen figures with grimace masks had already died under Luo Feng's palm.

At this moment, the cold hair all over the corpse rose!

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