Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1066: Amazing defense

Chapter 1066

At the same time, Nan Fengyun’s divine sense was all over the surrounding area. Although he noticed a few unusual auras, in the eyes of Nan Fengyun, none of them were mentioned. The only thing that Nan Fengyun was afraid of was whether there would be hidden behind Tang Daer. The strong of the Canmo organization.

"The seventh in the sacred list? It seems to be very powerful, but my master seems to be the number one in the sacred list." Tang Da's heart is straightforward, as if he doesn't know at all, his master, but the public enemy of the martial arts world, is known as the number one demon. .

"Are you a disciple of the Great Demon King?" Ouyang Tiangong's face changed, his eyes grew cold, and a deep dread was wiped from the depths of his eyes, and he subconsciously glanced around.

The name of the Great Devil, in the martial arts world, everyone hears of discoloration.

"He insisted on accepting me as a disciple, and I can't help it." Tang Dal stretched out his hands rather helplessly.

Nan Fengyun saw Tang Dal's confession of his identity so unscrupulously, his face became more solemn, this guy was even more confident? There must be some support.

He didn't know that it was Tang Dal's nerves at all. From Tang Dal's point of view, there was Brother Feng, no matter what he was seventh on the sacred list, he beat him.

Luo Feng had seen Tang Dal's thoughts a while ago, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he winked at Tang Dal's secretly. Tang Dal was startled, and immediately realized that... Feng could not beat this person!

"Luo Feng, I thought that you are a disciple of somebody. It turns out that you are associated with demons." Ouyang Tiangong sneered, "If I read it right, it is an evil thing in your hand, Jiuli Holy Sword."

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Ouyang Temple with cold eyes.

There is nothing to talk about between them. If it hadn't been for Nan Fengyun to stand here, the knife in Luo Feng's hand would have already swung towards Ouyang Tiangong.

"Collaborate with the demon, adjust the tiger away from the mountain." Nan Fengyun stared at Luo Feng and slowly said, "It's a good calculation, but unfortunately, you were wrong from the beginning."

Nan Fengyun burst into laughter, "I used the return of Yan to break into the Shackles Realm as a bait. I want to make an appointment with Nan Fengyun. Do you really treat me as a fool?" The corner of Nan Fengyun's mouth raised a wave of contempt. , "Although Yan Returned is fifth in the holy list, his strength and this seat are still in the same position, he even wrote to tell this seat that he broke through to the'Shackle Realm' overnight, which is simply ridiculous."

No wonder Nan Fengyun didn't go to the appointment!

It turned out that he didn't believe it at all.

Luo Feng's expression was cold, "It won't be long before you will find that the really ridiculous person is you."

In one week, Yan will return to recover her strength!

In today's situation, Luo Feng only wanted to get away, and it would be very difficult to kill Ouyang Tiangong.

The plan completely failed.

"Really?" Nan Fengyun smiled carelessly, and the communicator in his pocket vibrated.

There is a response!

Nan Fengyun lowered his head and took out the communicator.

turn on.

One line.

"Kill the Demon King disciple, you can get back the Purple God Order."

At this moment, the killing intent in Nan Fengyun's eyes suddenly became stronger!

"Big ears! Do it!"

Luo Feng was always paying attention to Nan Fengyun's every move. After feeling Nan Fengyun's killing intent, Luo Feng did not hesitate and drank loudly. At the same time, the holy sword in his hand was suddenly cut off and headed towards Ouyang Tiangong!

Nan Fengyun's task is to protect Ouyang Tiangong, and he is absolutely not wrong to attack Ouyang Tiangong!


A fist wind swept away.

Absolutely fierce attitude, blasted at the Jiuli Sacred Sword in Luo Feng's hand.

With a bang, Luo Feng's body was shaken off.

The strong man who observes the inner realm is far more powerful than him. Even if the third bead is integrated, it can't make up the gap.

Almost without hesitation, Luo Feng took a powerful pill, his strength suddenly skyrocketed, and the holy sword in his hand was cut again.

On the other side, Tang Da'er also reacted, eyes wide open, yelling straight, and in a moment, the flames on his body were burning like a phoenix, and the strongest power burst out.

Tang Dal was also heading towards Ouyang Tiangong!

"Huh!" Ouyang Tiangong's gaze was cold, and his expression was even more livid in response to Tang Daer's attack. He was the Patriarch of the dignified Ouyang family, a powerful Jiuding powerhouse, but now, whether it is Luo Feng or Tang Daer, they all regard him as soft. Persimmon.

Feeling the humiliation, Ouyang Tiangong became even more angry, and went all out, threatening to kill Tang Dal.

Tang Dal didn't know what secret technique he used, and his strength skyrocketed in a short period of time.


Luo Feng was once again shaken by Nan Fengyun.

The body seemed to be shuttled by countless lightning, Luo Feng hurriedly suppressed it with luck.

Thor Nanfengyun!

Become famous and unique, lead thunder fist!

However, what made Luo Feng strange was that Nan Fengyun didn't seem to mean to put him to death, only to repel him.

But just now, I clearly sensed Nan Fengyun's murderous intent!

Soon Luo Feng understood that Nan Fengyun's murderous intention was aimed at Tang Daer.


The fist ignited thunder, the power was destroyed, and he faced Tang Da'er fiercely.

Shot is the ultimate move.

Nan Fengyun looked at Tang Dal's eyes, also full of fierce murderous intent.

"Hurry up, Big Ears!" Luo Feng shouted, his body rushed up.

But Nan Fengyun’s offensive was already here, Tang Dal could not avoid it, and he stiffly took a punch from Nan Fengyun, his body was swept out, and he slammed into a big tree, and the trunk was directly broken. With a bang, thick smoke billowed...

"Big ears!" Luo Feng shouted with red eyes. Under such an offensive, he would suffer serious injuries if he died.

"Nan Fengyun! If my brother dies, I will never spare you!" Luo Feng was murderous, staring at Nan Fengyun gnashing his teeth.

Nan Fengyun stood with his hand in his hand, and looked at Luo Feng without a straight look.

If it weren't for the order of the leader, Luo Feng's order, the leader would personally take it, but he didn't care, and he would solve Luo Feng easily.

However, now, it is enough to kill the disciple of the Great Demon King and get the Purple God Order back!

There was a trace of longing in Nan Fengyun's eyes!

The Purple God Order is the key to breaking through the shackles!

As for the return of Yan...let him dream, don't even think of breaking into the shackles in this life.

Nan Fengyun slowly walked towards the place where the smoke subsided. If Tang Dal was not dead, he would make up another punch.

"It's numb, it hurts me to death." Suddenly, a voice rang, and immediately, a figure jumped out.

It was Tang Daer!

Tang Da'er's hat was knocked off, exposing big ears, and his clothes were messy, stained with dust and embarrassed, but that was it, there was no trace of injury at all!

Tang Dal was still rubbing the place hit by Nan Fengyun, muttering words, "This girl has electricity in his hand."

Luo Feng was stunned!

Surprise afterwards!

The defensive ability of Big Ear seemed to be more terrifying than he had imagined.

Nan Fengyun who watched the inner realm deliberately took his life punch, but he even took it unscathed.

In this scene, Nan Fengyun also showed an incredible color. Then, his face sank and he slammed his fist again. Tang Da's ear was caught off guard, and he was beaten into the air again. However, in the same way, he stood up when he patted the dust. If you are strong, I don’t care.

Those who saw this scene were stunned.

At this moment, behind them, there was a sudden change, three figures shot out, and the children of the Ouyang family were laid to the ground.

Ouyang Tiangong looked back and wanted to stop him, Luo Feng slashed and smashed Ouyang Tiangong!

If Big Ear can really contain Nan Fengyun, then, today, it may not be impossible to kill the old thief Ouyang!

The murderous look in Luo Feng's eyes surged.

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