Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1084: Westbound fire fighting

Chapter 1084

For a time, the international arena was turbulent, and special agencies from various countries seemed to be uniting consciously or unconsciously, seizing this "wrong decision" of Xuanyuan Pavilion, pursuing it, ridiculing and criticizing it.

"It seems that the Xuanyuan Pavilion's popularity over the years has been too high for these so-called Western hegemons to see and want to jointly suppress it." The Ironmian crowd still did not leave at Yunju Temple. At this time, the Ironmian sneered, "In Coupled with the fact that some pugs around China are wagging their tails, this time, some storms have been created."

"Now the eyes of all countries are focusing on China, waiting for Xuanyuan Pavilion's response." The blood demon snorted coldly. "However, there has just been news from Zhang Xian Shige, the outside world's doubts, don't bother!"

"Just let them shout."

Luo Feng looked at the judge, "Is there any news?"

Huh huh!

The eyes of several people fell on the judge.

"What news?" The iron face was curious, and his eyes glowed, "Boss, are you hiding something from us?"

The blood devil's heart kicked, his eyes widened, and he was immediately surprised, "I guessed that Xuanyuan Pavilion can ignore these sounds, but the boss can't! This kind of person who stretches his face should be slapped!"

The judge had already prepared, and took out a world map in his hand and put it on the table.

"The circle sign on it is from this day that most of the countries that have made various noises to China Xuanyuan Pavilion are concentrated in the West." The judge said in a deep voice, "It is very likely that they have reached an agreement to jointly suppress China Xuanyuan. Ge, maybe this is just to build momentum for the World Special Warfare Show two months later."

"It's quite a lot." Tiemian glanced at it, "Boss, you have rushed out of the country for your hatred."

Luo Feng, "..."

"Then, what does this human face sign represent?" The Blood Demon noticed a little and asked in a deep voice.

"This is an old castle in the UK." The judge's expression wiped a blazing light. "The message passed by Leopard Shadow, this old castle located in the UK, is very likely to be famous internationally. The headquarters of the WISP organization!"

"WISP headquarters?"

Everyone was shocked.

"The WISP organization is one of the most active organizations in the world in recent years, and it is extremely arrogant, especially recently, it has done several earth-shattering things, and it has the title of the world's number one evil terrorist organization." Said, "All countries in the world are suppressing the WISP organization, but the effect is average. The activities of the WISP organization are too mysterious, and they are powerful. The special forces of various countries have more or less eaten under the WISP organization. Unfortunately, unexpectedly, the headquarters of the WISP is actually in the UK!"

The corner of Luo Feng's mouth lightly raised, "Leopard Ying, that kid, has some skill."

The ability to uncover the headquarters of the ghost fire in such a short period of time is enough to show the ability of Leopard Shadow.

"It's more than a simple loss." The judge took out another piece of information in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"In May of last year, just after the tropical rain forest, the WISP organization entered into an arms trade with an underground force. The local army detected it and dispatched firepower. As a result, it was suppressed by the powerful firepower of the WISP organization. In the end, the WISP organization managed to escape."

"In August last year, the WISP organized a bank robbery that shocked the world in the island nation of Tokyo. In the end, Tokyo suffered heavy losses. The WISP members managed to escape."

"Last Christmas, the WISP organization hijacked an elementary school in Germany and demanded that the German government release a small leader of the WISP organization that was once captured. Finally, the German tank was also planted."

"Oh, the clamoring American Cheetah Special Forces. At the beginning of this year, a fifty-man team was active in the Middle East. It was ambushed by the ghost fire organization and the entire army was wiped out!"

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath.

This evil terrorist organization is rampant in action and powerful. It can be said that it is a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of all countries in the world.

Every country wants to uproot it, but no one can do it.

"However, the powerful ghost fire has been planted twice in a row in front of our boss." The judge smiled, "Once in Australia, once in Zhejiang and Hangzhou a few days ago!"

"What kind of ghost fire, ghosts and sprites, the boss will be wiped out as soon as he blows it." The iron face laughed, with a look of disdain.

"Boss, you... collect these data, is it..." The blood demon's heart was stunned.

"The ghost fire organization took the initiative to provoke me and treat me as a soft persimmon." Luo Feng raised his mouth, "Since they don't put the whole world in their eyes, then, just so, I also need to give Xuanyuan Pavilion power!"

Everyone was startled.

Xuanyuan Pavilion Liwei!

Take the world's No. 1 evil terrorist organization WISP!

If it is spread, it will inevitably cause turmoil.

The wildfire organizations that are helpless by countries all over the world have been listed by Luo Feng on the beheading list.

"Go and extinguish the ghost fire!" The iron face is gearing up, eager to try, with a look full of excitement and expectation, "It's exciting to think about it! When the ghost fire is extinguished, I will **** look at the faces of those countries!"

"Screaming that there is no one in China? Let's do a big vote!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Luo Feng, waiting for him to give orders.

"Leopard Shadow also said that many of the members of the WISP organizations scattered around the world have flooded into the UK recently. It is very likely that they will go to the headquarters to gather, and then there will be a big action." The judge said.

"Then there is no need to say more." Luo Feng looked terribly calm, like a lake, cold to the bones, "Be prepared, go through the formalities, and let Leopard Shadow go to the UK in advance to meet him. We... three days later, go west to put out the fire! "


"There are three fires for the new official. Your fire is a bit too big." Yan Guilai looked at the four young men with firm eyes, couldn't help sighing, and immediately laughed, "However, the old man seems It's been a long time, it's useless to kill quickly."

"Need to inform Elder Ge?"

"No." Luo Feng shook his head, "A few of our brothers, and Leopard Shadow's influence abroad, plus Senior Yan...enough to calm the ghost fire!" Luo Feng's expression showed arrogance, he was sure.

"Master Zhang Xian also said that if you don't respond, we will give them a surprise."

"Let those countries continue to laugh for a few more days, and soon they won't be able to laugh."

"The boss is really a good person, and all countries have suffered under the hands of the ghost fire organization. The boss vented everyone and put out the ghost fire."


They all laughed, their eyes gleaming sharply.

The **** team is in desperate need to get out of the sheath!

The first battle of the comeback was directed at the ghost fire.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Master Xuyun stepped into the hall and told Luo Feng that two female donors had come down from the mountain and wanted to see Luo Feng.

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