Chapter 1092 Aldous

"Dare to come back?" Jiang Xiaohai stood up suddenly and looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded, "Go out and have a look."

A group of people walked out of the medicine hall hall. Several mates and the brothers brought by Jiang Xiaohai were cleaning up, but they all stepped aside, holding various weapons in their hands, and staring at the entrance of the medicine hall warily.

Andre and others who have gone back and forth.

However, Luo Feng had noticed that in front of Andre, there was an old man with wrinkles, blue pupils and white hair.

In front of the white-haired old man, he was sitting in a wheelchair with his wife, but his eyes were tightly closed and motionless.

"That one is the former Patriarch of the Cavendish Family, Andre's father." Jiang Mingwen said in a deep voice, introducing and telling Luo Feng that Andre's father was Aldous.

"He was looking for my grandfather for treatment." Jiang Xiaohai's eyes still couldn't conceal a touch of anger. The experience of Ben Caotang today was because of him.

"Do you still dare to come?" Jiang Xiaohai said vigorously, "What do you want?"

Andre glanced at Luo Feng subconsciously, cold light flashed across those cold eyes.

Andre suddenly shook his head.

The look reveals bitterness.

"Don't apologize yet!" Aldous's voice was furious.

After hesitating for a while, Andre stepped up, stood at the door, and bowed to Jiang Mingwen inside, "I'm sorry." After speaking, he turned around and retreated back to Aldous's back with a face. Distorted, unwilling flashed.

Asking him to apologize to such a quack doctor, Andre felt very aggrieved.

But the father's words, even the younger brother who is the head of the family should listen, not to mention himself.

"Is this an apology?" Jiang Xiaohai murmured and was immediately drunk by Jiang Mingwen. After all, the Cavendish family is not easy to provoke. Luo Feng will help today, but what about next time? Luo Feng can't always protect his family here.

"Doctor Jiang, I'm really sorry." Aldous walked in slowly, pushing the wheelchair, with an apologetic expression, "I didn't know that this rebellious son actually made his own mind and brought someone to smash your shop. Don't worry. We will definitely compensate you for all losses."

Andrei's expression flashed with intense pain.


I just lost 10 million fucking!

Andre wanted to vomit blood.

Jiang Mingwen shook his head and said that Andre had indeed compensated Ben Caotang for the loss.

Aldous’s voice was sincere and he didn’t mention Andre’s thing again. He told Jiang Mingwen that he had already fed his wife the prescription Jiang Mingwen had prescribed. “Doctor Jiang, you said last time that you still have to cooperate. Acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine may have some effects?" Aldous said with expectation.

Behind him, Andre stopped talking and shook his head secretly. His father was really confused and believed in the most useless Chinese medicine in the world.

However, in front of Aldous, Andre did not dare to brush his mind.

The Cavendish family, Aldous, is the spiritual pillar!

Jiang Mingwen looked at Aldous for a moment, and sighed for a while, "I'll tell you, your wife's disease, I can be cured, it is too slim." Jiang Mingwen did not go to the wheelchair. The old woman of shook her head at Aldous after checking her pulse.

Jiang Mingwen is very clear about Aldous's deeds.

For his wife, Aldous almost searched for famous doctors and used advanced medical equipment from various countries, but he still couldn't wake up his wife.

First-class hospitals all over the world have tried, but to no avail, Aldous began to look for private doctors.

Chinese medicine is his first attempt.

When Aldous found Jiang Mingwen, Jiang Mingwen was also a little surprised, but he still tried his best to heal.

But now, encountering this unwarranted disaster, the Cavendish family, apart from Aldous, no one believes in Chinese medicine at all. Jiang Mingwen himself is not sure to cure his wife, so naturally he can't take on this thankless job.

Please also be smart!

Aldous looked at Jiang Mingwen. He was not confused. He naturally understood what Jiang Mingwen meant. He sighed softly, took out a mask from his pocket and put it on, then walked to his wife and bowed his head. , Holding a pure white blanket, gently covering her legs.

Carefully, hands wrinkled.

"Huh! You still know what you know." Although Andre was afraid of Luo Feng, he couldn't help but said, "The most famous experts in the world are helpless, you Chinese medicine..."

The corners of Andre's mouth disdain.

"Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, how much do you know?" Qian Yilan couldn't help but speak.

"By the side." Andre didn't want to say more, standing next to Aldous, "Father, let's take my mother home. I just contacted an expert in the United States two days ago. He said that he was 30% sure that he could make my mother. wake up."

Aldous nodded slowly, walked back to the wheelchair, and turned slightly.

Qian Yilan still wanted to speak, glanced at Luo Feng and saw that Luo Feng didn't say anything, Qian Yilan gave up.

"Since they look down on Chinese medicine, why do we have cold faces and hot butts?"

Aldous and others have walked out the door.

Many people were talking at the door.

"Aldous, he is 70 years old this year."

"That incident, many years have passed, does anyone remember it?"

"what's up?"

"Of course you young people don’t know. That happened more than 30 years ago. At that time, Aldous, who was only in his thirties, was already the head of the Cavendish family. Encountered an assassination! Aldous almost died. His wife Vanessa was said to have blocked the bullet for him and was seriously injured and unconscious."

"Finally, Vanessa became a vegetative, and Aldous gave up his position as the head of the Cavendish family in order to save Vanessa, and took Vanessa to seek medical advice. In the following year, Aldous's hair turned white, but his wish to rescue Vanessa has never changed."

"Is an old man who is extremely infatuated."

"Have you noticed that Aldous will wear a mask when he walks in front of Vanessa? Do you think this is because Aldous is worried about some bacterial infection? All wrong!"

"A famous doctor once said that Vanessa’s condition is likely to never wake up forever, but there is also a glimmer of hope, and suddenly wakes up. Aldous wears a mask, afraid that Vanessa wakes up suddenly. When I saw him, he looked old."

This sentence made Qian Yilan in the room feel a little shock.

If what I heard is true, then Aldous's love for Vanessa is enough to move heaven.

"This is indeed the truth." Jiang Mingwen also said. In the UK, many people know the story of the old Cavendish family.

"Aldous also said that if anyone can rescue his wife, he will give up all his wealth. It is said that Aldous has a bead in his hand. The degree of preciousness is comparable to that lost by the British royal family some time ago. A bead inlaid in a crown."

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