Chapter 1097

Five p.m.

Charity Manor.

Political dignitaries from various countries, business giants, international stars, film buyers, reporters from all walks of life, and those holding invitations all entered the venue.

The entrance inspection is extremely strict, the police are hoarding, and the air is full of murderous air.

Because the police also got news that terrorist organizations are very likely to be involved in international charity evenings.

Actively arm.

The captain of the British Royal Special Guard, Pierce, and the Interpol's special operations team leader Garnett are directly responsible for the safety of the charity estate.

The two gathered around a fence to negotiate specific defense issues.

"Tonight's defense can be called a copper wall and an iron wall." Pierce said confidently that it would be fine if the WISP organization does not appear. If he dares to appear, it will definitely make him come back.

"Don't underestimate the WISP organization." Garnett's expression is solemn. He comes from the special operations team of the Interpol, similar to the position of Xuanyuan Pavilion in China. He has a lot of criminal information about the WISP organization.

"In recent years, the WISP organization has become more and more rampant, and it has shown superior combat quality, which should not be underestimated." Garnett vibrated. deficit."

"So tonight, James Hughes is also suffocating." Pierce said, "He vowed to justify the Cheetah Special Warfare!"

"James Hughes is indeed a strong man. With him sitting in town, the safety factor of the charity manor can be raised to a level. But, this is not enough." Garnett rubbed his temples, after busying these days, let He was a little tired, "There is one person who hasn't arrived yet."

"Hahaha, my friend, are you talking about me?" A bright laughter sounded, Pierce looked sideways, his expression instantly lifted, and he blurted out excitedly, "Mr. Lelen!"

The comer has a long body, a tall nose, a handsome face, and an extraordinary breath.

His name, in the United Kingdom, is like Lei Guaner.

Royal guest of honor.

Britain's number one master.

Nicknamed "Junzijian", Mr. Lei Lun.

Mr. Lei Lun has always seen the dragon without seeing the end, and his whereabouts are secretive. Although Pierce is the captain of the British Royal Special Guard, he is not qualified to invite Mr. Lei Lun.

Garnett also laughed, and bluntly said that with the "junzi sword" Lei Lun joined, he welcomed the arrival of the ghost fire organization.

Very confident.

British royal escort, Interpol special operations team, plus Britain's first master "junzi sword" Lei Lun.

The three giants unite will surely sweep everything.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

There is still one hour left before the international charity gala officially begins.

Almost all the invited VIPs were here, and many reporters were disappointed.

"That Luo Feng really didn't dare to appear."

"It seems that it is not too stupid to know that this place is not good."

"I suspect Luo Feng has been ordered to return to China and accept punishment."

Important people have already entered the hall. The reporters in the front yard of the manor were idle and started chatting in groups. Of course, among the reporters, Wardgo was naturally the protagonist.

Many people want to get more information about Luo Feng from him.

The charity manor is very large, and the passenger flow is divided into several areas.

"Even the high-quality red wine is used. Such a large supply is indeed luxurious enough." Tiemian held a glass of red wine in his hand, half-lying on the chair next to the swimming pool, closing his eyes and rested.

The judge, the gorefiend, and the leopard shadow have all entered the manor one after another, reacting accordingly.

"Boss and Master, they should have arrived there." The Gorefiend's eyes flashed with blazing light.

He is looking forward to how wonderful his expression will be when he hears the news that his lair has been taken away if the wildfire organization comes in large numbers.

It's half past seven in the evening.

To the west of the Charity Manor, in a villa about five miles away.

Under the light, it turned out to be a group of grimace masks.

Everyone has a strong breath, and under the mask of grimace, there is a huge murderous intent.

A dozen people were arranged in two rows.

Someone seems to be waiting for.

Soon, another figure with a grimace mask burst into the air. The figure was as fast as electricity. After entering the hall, his footsteps were silent, and he stepped forward slowly.

"Well, Lord Ghost!"

Everyone knelt down.

"All get up."

The figure is like the wind, sitting in the upper position, wearing a grimace mask is extremely hideous and terrifying, and his burly body faintly reveals a terrifying aura, "Thousands of ghosts come out of the abyss and conquer the world! Tonight, it is my ghost fire organization that sends the most to the world. Are you ready for the strong voice battle?"

All the ghost faces and masks are like rainbows, "Thousands of ghosts come out of the abyss and conquer the world!"

Give me the domineering!

"In the past few years, our WISP organization has only shown 50% of its power to the outside world. This is enough to shock the world." Master Ghost said proudly, "After tonight, we will make all countries in the world tremble."

All the faces in the masks were excited and excited, clenching their fists, and wishing to set off immediately and smooth everything out.

Blazing eyes!

For a long time, they thought that there was only one lofty ghost and god, but only these few days have they understood the terrorist power of their organization.

There are three ghosts and gods.

Each of them possesses the power of shocking the world, enough to suppress everything.

Now, one of the ghosts and gods has successfully mixed into the charity manor, the ghost and god, codenamed "Ghost Babbler!"

In front of me, Lord Ghost, code-named "Red Fire God"!

There is also a ghost fire master, sitting behind the town, code-named "Xie Tian Shen"!

The three big ghosts are invincible.

ten minutes later.

The Scarlet Fire God stood up suddenly and waved his hand violently, "Go!"

The night shrouded the charity manor.

"There are four gates in the Charity Manor, all of which are tightly guarded. There are ten minutes left before the international charity party officially begins. The more this time, the less you can slack off." Garnett said in a deep voice.

"The ghost fire organization dared to appear, let him come back and forth." With the addition of "Junzijian" Lei Lun, Pierce was full of confidence.

"Nothing is absolute, but care is the best." Lei Lun said calmly, "The three of us, each of us, guard an entrance, just in case."

"Mr. Lei Lun is right. The WISP organization is not an ordinary evil force. We are the most careful."

The three moved separately.

Lei Lun came to the west entrance, and the people in charge of guarding the entrance obviously knew Lei Lun and nodded to him.

"Is everything normal?" Lei Lun asked.

A small team leader grinned, "Everything is normal. Mr. Lei Lun is sitting here, and the younger ones are so scared that they are so scared that they are so scared that they dare to commit crimes."

Lei Lun smiled.

A person next to him also spoke, "There is the "Junzi Sword" Lei Lun is here, here is a golden soup. I don't know if there is a chance to see the power of the Junzi Sword tonight."

Lei Lun narrowed his gaze slightly, "Do you... all want to see the power of the gentleman sword?"

"of course."

"Yes indeed."

"That's right."

The corners of Lei Lun's mouth rose slightly, with a brilliant smile.

Like the blazing sun shines light.

Draw the sword!

The flaming sword light shrouded and bloomed instantly.

The smiles on the faces of the people nearby instantly solidified, and the next second, they became frightened.

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