Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1099: Sweep the castle

Chapter 1099

"Evil thief, this is not a place where you can run wild!" James Hughes shouted loudly, and smashed out like a wolf.

Several ghost mask figures were blasted out, vomiting blood and fell to the ground, convulsing and shaking.

Behind him, many strong men took action one after another, sniping the WISP organization, and in an instant, the fierce battle escalated.

Gunshots broke out.

The strong fight fiercely.

Although there are crises everywhere, there are also reporters who risk their lives to sneak out, raise the camera in their hands, shoot the material, and look excited. This is all first-hand information.

If it weren't for the signal here was blocked, they would have liked to broadcast live.

Charity Manor Center.

"James Hughes led the crowd to arrive in time, and now they have a fierce battle with the terrorists, and there is no victory or defeat."

The latest news comes back from time to time, and every news affects the hearts of everyone present.

"Although we can't contact the outside world, once the headquarters finds that we have not heard from us for so long, we will definitely find out and support it."

"It must be blocked."

Political dignitaries, business magnates, celebrity reporters, etc., are all praying and nervous.

This time, the terrorist attack was obviously different from the ordinary one. The other party was violently killed and the strength was too strong.

The four judges have gathered together.

Did not shoot.

They are waiting.

"Boss, it's probably time to start acting."

His eyes revealed a sharp light.

The night was like silver, and the moonlight was thrown down, flooding the land, reflecting the cold air everywhere.

The flames of war in the Charity Manor were on the verge of breaking out, and on the other side, Lei Lun and others would never think that their lair had already been targeted.

The silhouettes of the two peerless masters rushed away and quickly approached the castle. Soon, they found all kinds of secret whistles, but these were nothing to Luo Feng and Yan Return.

Waving and breaking.

"Senior Yan, let's compare, how about?" Luo Feng raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and said with a smile.

"How to compare?"

The two have successfully rushed into the castle silently.

"With this place as the center, the seniors went all the way to the south, and I went to the north to kill, and finally merged to see who killed that big fish!" Luo Feng's eyes flashed murderously.

The "big fish" in the mouth naturally refers to the ghosts and gods of the ghost fire organization!

Luo Feng went west, the only goal was to destroy the ghost fire!

The killing begins tonight.

"Just come and be happy!"

Senior Yan went away with a sword.

The two peerless powerhouses entered the castle, like a tiger sweeping the flock, invincible, invincible, like a **** of war.

Soon, a sharp alarm sounded over the entire castle.

Whereabouts exposed!

However, to Luo Feng and the other two, they didn't care. At this moment, they only cared about killing.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of gunshots burst into bursts in an instant.

"Huh!" Yan Guilai held the sword in one hand, stood volley in the air, swept his eyes coldly, and flashed across the sky, and the sky-filled bullet stopped strangely about one meter around Yangui's body.


The faces of the grimace masks and figures suddenly changed drastically.


For them, this is a magical method possessed by ghosts and gods, and it is too scary.


"Hurry up,"

Enemies that bullets can't deal with are already invincible for them, turning around and running is the only way to survive.

No love war at all!

However, within the vision of Yan Return, it is not easy to escape.

The body was shocked.

In an instant, the bullets surrounding Yan Guilai's body reflected back everywhere. This power was stronger than a gun.

The screams sounded one after another.

The south of the castle collapsed instantly.

But on the other side. The nightmare has just begun.

When the figure moved, it moved mountains and filled the sea.

The fist blew up, the momentum was huge, unmatched, and crushed all the way.


Luo Feng made a fist to vent his recent suffocation.

The blatant provocation of the WISP!

The irony and criticism of various countries.

Tonight, I will use the ghost fire to fight back against the rumors of various countries.


The entire old castle fell into a **** storm.

At first, the senior management in the castle thought that they had been attacked by the army. Soon, through surveillance video and various reports, they understood clearly.

"There are only two people!"

Sitting in the headquarters is the third WISP, the evil god! It is also the strongest among the three big ghosts and gods, the evil god, named LeBron!

"Two people turned my ghost fire headquarters upside down." LeBron's eyes burst into **** cold light, "It seems that they are the Jiuding Warriors of the East!"

"Hmph, if it is divided according to the strength of the Eastern martial artist, Master Ghost, should stand at the peak of Jiuding." A person beside him said in a deep voice.

"Kill a young one first."

After comparing the video, the evil **** LeBron made a decision in an instant, "Dragon King, you lead someone to contain the Eastern Swordsman. After I cleaned up the kid, I went to support him."

The figure with a grimace mask beside LeBron is his absolute core assistant, code-named "Dragon King".


The Dragon King turned around and left.

"My ghost fire organization, even if most of the power is dispatched tonight, but no cat or dog can provoke it." LeBron let out a cold anger and strode out the meteor.

Luo Feng was killing happily.

Knowing that the bullet was useless to Luo Feng, the WISP organization quickly adjusted its strategy. At this moment, five Qiding warriors joined forces to besiege.

"It's all waste!"

Luo Feng talked and laughed wildly, breaking all his punches.

All the figures vomited blood and flew out.

The eyes of everyone around were full of fear,

This person is terrible!

And the swordsman in the south, the two peerless powerhouses, directly swept the castle!

Everyone can never imagine that one day the headquarters of the WISP organization will be bloodbathed in this way.


Luo Feng paused and looked forward.

A tyrannical breath is approaching him quickly...

"This breath, I'm afraid, is infinitely approaching the inner realm of Jiuding Peak View." In the depths of Luo Feng's eyes, a glow of excitement was instantly wiped out.

Lord Ghost!

There is no doubt that the ghosts and gods of the WISP organization must have appeared and selected himself as the target.

"Good come." Luo Feng smiled.

"Take your life!" LeBron's voice screamed from far away, billowing like thunder, and rushing over.

"Master Ghost!"

"Lord Ghosts come, we are saved!"

In the surroundings, the people of the Wildfire Organization who had been desperate had their eyes instantly restored.

Because the ghosts and gods they most admire appeared!

In their cognition, Lord Ghosts are invincible!

Lord Ghost, not defeated!

The absolute king!

The true god!

"The invaders of the East, wait to die!" someone immediately shouted sharply, "The great ghost and **** will punish you."

"kill him!"


All around, one by one was dancing and boiling.

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