Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1170: Its daybreak

Chapter 1170

"Master!" Bai Zipeng couldn't help but say again.

Jiang Tianya's expression wiped a trace of pain.

The position he was in made him the most uncomfortable. "You are right. Today's ancient medical school is no longer our ancient medical school. The opening ceremony of the ancient medical school is completely degenerate." Jiang Tianya looked bitter. "But, what can we do? The ancient doctors go up and down, hundreds of lives, we have to consider. All the disciples, have waited so hard for so many days, only waiting for the day of the opening ceremony, we..."

It's not that Jiang Tianya didn't think about resisting, but it was just the worm shaking the tree, to no avail. On the contrary, if the Luoshen's envoy is completely angered, the ancient medical school will face the disaster of destruction again.

"But, Little Junior Sister, she doesn't care about Luoshenzhen at all." Bai Zipeng's voice trembled a bit. "I saw Junior Junior Sister just now. Her expression made me feel heart palpitations. I was really scared, Junior Sister... take things too hard."

Like a thunderstorm!

Jiang Tianya's body was violently shaken, his eyes widened suddenly, and he turned to stare at Bai Zipeng, "What did you say?"

"Really." Bai Zipeng took a deep breath. "When I saw the junior sister, I could feel that she was full of ambition."

At this moment, Jiang Tianya's heart was cut.

Since this incident, Jiang Xiaoxue has not said much except for expressing her position and not accepting the Luoshen's envoy.

She is not noisy or making trouble.

Jiang Tianya thought about it carefully, his heart trembled.

It turned out that Xiaoxue had already made a decision.

"No!" Jiang Tianya's eyes were red and he let out a low growl, "No matter what, I won't let Xiaoxue suffer any harm."

Jiang Tianya turned and walked out of the hall quickly.

Striding to the small building where Jiang Canghai was located, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Pushing the door and entering, Jiang Tianya's footsteps suddenly stopped and looked at the old man sitting next to Jiang Canghai suspiciously.

"Brother, do you still recognize him?" Jiang Canghai said with a smile.

Jiang Mingwen looked carefully, and Jiang Canghai had already spoken directly, "This is your nephew, Tianya."

Jiang Tianya was stunned, a little unbelievable, "Are you... Uncle?"

Jiang Canghai laughed loudly, "Look, I've said it all, our juniors in the Jiang family have always known you."

Jiang Mingwen was very excited.

He originally thought that everything would be unfamiliar for more than forty years, but he did not expect that everyone still remembers him, Jiang Canghai, and he did not blame him for leaving without saying goodbye.

"Tianya, are you coming to me for something?" Jiang Canghai couldn't help but ask when seeing Jiang Tianya's expression revealing a hint of heaviness.

"Just now, the Envoy of the Luoshen came to me again." Jiang Tianya took a deep breath and said the matter in as calm as possible, and, as Bai Zipeng mentioned, Jiang Xiaoxue's strange expression.

Jiang Canghai clenched his fist tightly, and suddenly raised his head and smiled, "My ancient medical school, even the disaster of destroying the school has survived. This time, facing a powerful enemy, I have repeatedly compromised and survived. This is not my ancient medical doctor. The character of the door!" Jiang Canghai stood up, his body straight, "I will tell the Luoshen's emissary that our family Xiaoxue does not want to marry him. I want to see that he is a majestic Luoshen's emissary, who dares to be a martial artist. , Destroy my ancient medical school?"

"Big Brother, you stay here and wait for me, I will go back as soon as I go." After Jiang Canghai confessed, he strode out with Jiang Tianya.

"The elders..." Jiang Tianya asked.

"You are right, now the ancient medical school is the ancient medical school of the Luoshen's emissary, we let it go like this, there is no difference between the puppets, and the elders will understand." Jiang Canghai said in a deep voice.

The two quickly walked to an independent cottage.

"Elder Jiang, Uncle Jiang, are you looking for me to discuss the specific matters of marriage with Xiaoxue?" Luoshen opened the door with a smile.

The two looked at each other.

"Luo Shenshi, I'm sorry." Jiang Canghai said in a deep voice, "After all, you and Xiaoxue have not known each other for a long time. It is really wrong to get married in a hurry. We have discussed and decided on this matter, and we will talk about it later."

"I'll talk later?" The Luoshen's expression fell down suddenly, his eyes flashed with light, and he turned to look at Jiang Tianya, "Uncle Jiang, is this what you meant?"

"Yes." Jiang Tianya nodded.

Bang! Bang!

Almost at the same time, Jiang Canghai and Jiang Tianya's bodies were shaken off and fell onto the grass in front of the house.

"Huh!" The Luoshen's envoy stepped out, "I have felt that these few days, you are just perfunctory me." The Luoshen's eyes swept the two coldly, "I'll tell you about this. , If you don’t agree, you have to agree! On the day of the opening ceremony of the ancient medical school, if you can't see Xiaoxue in this seat, you will take your entire ancient medical school to bury it!"

Luo Shenshi's face was distorted and terrifying, and murderous intent surged.

With a violent wave of his sleeves, he turned back to the house, and the door closed with a bang.

"Asshole!" Jiang Tianya wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes sprayed with anger.

"Is this a divine envoy?" Jiang Canghai was also full of anger, "it's a demon!"

They didn't expect that the Luoshen's envoy would be so aggressive in disregarding his status as an envoy.

"How to do?"

I can't beat it.

Escape, this is their home, where else can we escape?

The Luoshen's Envoy was like a hand stuck in their throat, making them feel unable to breathe.

"The opening ceremony, even if you fight my old life, I will protect Xiaoxue." Jiang Canghai took a deep breath, "Tianya, you have to remember a little bit, stare at Xiaoxue, don't let her do anything radical. Hurt myself."

Both of them were aggrieved, but they were helpless.

"The opening ceremony happened to be Xiaoxue's birthday. I thought it would be a special and beautiful day for Xiaoxue. I couldn't think of it..."

Jiang Tianya felt like a knife.

Night fell quietly.

On this day, in the martial arts world, there are a lot of people from different schools and factions.

Especially in the last two days before the opening ceremony, almost all of the three religions and five sects arrived.

Lingtian teaches someone who is Jiang Xiaoxue's master, Saint Baifeng.

The eve of the opening ceremony.

"Master, is there really no alternative?" Jiang Xiaoxue wept in front of others for the first time. Her last hope can only be pinned on the master Baifeng Saintess.

Saint Baifeng gently stroked Jiang Xiaoxue’s hair, feeling sad and could not help but sigh, "I understand your mood, but... as a teacher, there is nothing you can do." Saint Baifeng sighed softly, "Xiaoxue, you don't know. , How powerful is the power represented by the Luoshen's envoy. The passage is about to open. At that time, the Luoshen's envoys may also appear. The strength of these envoys is not equal to our leader. You said, being a teacher, how can we help you? Early?"

Jiang Xiaoxue's forehead shook violently.

Saint Bai Feng comforted Jiang Xiaoxue, "The Luoshen's envoy has a special status and a distinguished status. You may as well try and accept him. This is not a good home."

The mountain breeze at night is blowing steadily, becoming more and more swift, the mountains are undulating, and the beasts scream sharply.

A cold night.

A long night.

Jiang Xiaoxue sat all night beside the big tree on the hillside.

The body shook suddenly, and she found that there was a hint of pink clouds on the horizon.

"It's dawn." Jiang Xiaoxue murmured.

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