Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1182: The bell is breaking, and a battle is coming!

Chapter 1182 Dawn Bell Rings, A Battle Is Coming!

Return of Yan, Judge, Qian Yilan and so on.

With the appearance of a number of figures, Nangong Wudi's eyes became more and more shocked, and he could feel that among the seven who came, there was not a weak one.

There are even several people who can give themselves a faint breath of oppression.

Among them, there must be the strong in the shackles!

Nangong invincible shocked.

The powerhouse of shackles has appeared again!

It has always been rumored in the martial arts world that apart from Mo Yuanwu, the world's number one demon, only the leader of the three religions shackled the realm. This is simply a big scam!

Fortunately, these people are all supporting.

Nangong Wudi felt a strong resentment towards Mantianjiao from the tone of their speech.

"Mysterious Big Ear Sect, an unfathomable group of seven." Nangong Wudi thought secretly, "Mantian Sect has committed a lot of evil, and it has provoked so many peerless powers. This time, Mantian Sect will be destroyed. Sexual blows."

However, Nangong Invincible did not take it lightly.

Sanjiao is known as the supreme martial artist, his strength must not be so simple on the surface.

"It doesn't matter, when the Dragon Lord leads the crowd, it will be the end of Mantian Sect." Nangong Wudi said to himself silently.

Later, Tang Dal also introduced Nangong Wudi to the judge and others.

"Today, a storm is set off. At the opening ceremony of the ancient medical gate, one of the six hall masters of the five elders of the Mantian Sect was hit hard?" Yan Guilai blurted out. They have been guessing the origin of the six hall masters, but they did not expect See one of them here.

"You mean, the dragon lord will soon lead the crowd to appear and join us in attacking the Mantian Sect?" Tiemian was extremely excited, and the ancient medical gate opened the ceremony. They all heard about what the six palace lord did. Now, Tie has an inexplicable favor with them. Now that the two sides cooperate and join forces, it is naturally worth celebrating.

"No accident, at most two days, the Dragon Lord and the others will be able to arrive." Nangong Wudi learned that the Dragon Lord is now at the critical time of alchemy and can't be disturbed.

"We also look forward to fighting side by side with the mysterious dragon lord." Leopard Ying smiled, "Go, let's go into the mountain to investigate."

The silhouettes of the seven quickly moved forward.

"What a terrible group of seven." Nangong Invincible sighed as he looked at the back of the seven leaving.

"They are all my elder brother's brothers, confidantes." Tang Da'er clenched his fists and couldn't help but think of Luo Feng again.

Nangong's pupils were shocked.

He is curious.

Who is Tang Daer's eldest brother?

It is precisely because of his death that to the Mantianjiao and to the martial arts world, such turbulent waves and waves have been set off.

This night, the fireworks continued.

In the depths of the sky, the glorious hall.

"At the foot of Diancang Mountain, it is the arrogant man, Tang Daer, who is lighting fireworks." A white-haired old man, full of anger and cold eyes, is the third elder of the Mantian Sect, Ouyang Chuxiong.

"Master, let me go out!" Ouyang Chuxiong asked for a fight, "I have been a martial artist for hundreds of years, and no one dares to be so frivolous and provocative. Now the entire martial arts world has focused on Cangshan. It’s time to establish majesty again."

"I also invite you to fight!" To his side, the second elder of Mantianjiao, Ouyang Chuyi, the two were brothers. When they were young, they were very powerful and indispensable. Later, they retired and rarely appeared in the martial arts world. Before showing up, many people in the martial arts world know their prestigious name.

Ouyang Wuji's expression was low and solemn, his eyes turned to one side, "Elder, have you checked it out?"

"According to the information we have, there is no movement in the Remnant Mo organization, and even the Seven Abyss Evil Sect, there is no sign of dispatching troops." A suit of ink, with a cold expression, and his brows are like sharp swords. Elder, Ouyang Wuyu! He is the same generation as Ouyang Wuji, but he is highly talented, and his strength surpasses his predecessors. With absolute strength, he sits in the top spot of the great elder of Man Tianjiao.

"Can Mo stays still, the evil door is calm, isn't this really Mo Yuanwu's conspiracy?" Ouyang Wuji frowned, and he remained silent for a long time, precisely because of fear of Mo Yuanwu.

Tang Daer clamored in such a high-profile manner, Ouyang Wuji also found out his identity, and immediately suspected that it was Mo Yuanwu's conspiracy, deliberately trying to lead them out and launch a thunderous offensive.

Even if the world is paying attention, Ouyang Wuji did not have the urge to investigate calmly, but the results of the investigation left him at a loss.

"At the beginning, the disciples of the Great Demon King sneaked to the capital to support the Demon King Luo." Ouyang Chuxiong said in a deep voice, "In my opinion, this time, the same is true. This so-called big ear teaching is a banner that was temporarily pulled up. , That ridiculous boy, probably wants to avenge Demon King Luo."

"Chu Xiong is right." Ouyang Chu Yizhen said, "A few days ago, the Fifth Elder was severely injured. Now, the enemy soldiers are approaching Cangshan. If we do not take action, we will be laughed at by the martial arts world."

"If this child really ran out by stealth, then we should act as early as possible. Maybe Mo Yuanwu hasn't arrived yet." Ouyang Wuyu's heart moved and blurted out.

Everyone looked at Ouyang Wuji.

In any case, the final decision lies with Ouyang Wuji.

Ouyang Wuji closed his eyes lightly, thinking about the whole thing.

A trace of restlessness lingered in his heart.

It was this thought that prevented him from making up his mind.

What the elders said is not unreasonable, but it is always a guess.

Before long, a figure flashed into the hall.

"Report to the leader, Taoist Church, Lingtian Church messenger has arrived, and at the same time, there is a distinguished guest."


Ouyang Wuji's eyes suddenly opened, wiping a light across.

"Okay!" Ouyang Wuji leaped to his feet. He couldn't make a decision, but was waiting.

"Hurry up and have you please." Ouyang Wuji stepped out, and he greeted him personally. At the same time, his eyes flashed, and between his gestures, he seemed to have a powerful fighting spirit, and he was about to break out.

"The world martial artist, the three religions dominate, this is the unchanging truth."

Sure enough, after Ouyang Wuji received the messenger and distinguished guests, a message was delivered decisively.

"Man Tian teaches his disciples to obey orders, after dawn, beat the drums!"

"Kill!" Many Mantian disciples were enthusiastic and eager to try, wishing to start the war immediately.

Some disciples of the Mantian Cult even shouted directly, "Those who violate my Mantian Cult will be punishable even if they are far away."

In their hearts, they all adhere to an absolute pride.

Haughty dignity can not tolerate anyone's provocation.

"The fireworks they set off tonight will be the last beauty they have seen in their lives." There were also murderous people.

"After dawn, let the martial arts world witness the power of the barbaric sky!"

The strong fighting spirit shook the sky.

Outside, no one knows the movement of Mantianjiao at this moment, the night is deep, and everything is calm.

As dawn was approaching, suddenly, dark clouds and heavy rain poured down like wild animals.

A little bit of Cangshan's snow, combined with rain, is extremely cold.




Suddenly, there was the sound of mysterious bells and drums, piercing the dawn, stirring the sky.

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