Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1196: Fairy Xiao, Jade Raksha?

Chapter 1196 Fairy Xiao, Jade Luosha?

The world seemed to quiet down suddenly.

The shocking scene was replayed repeatedly in my mind...Everyone was guessing that Demon King Luo might be injured, and even fell under the palm of the Buddha's Five Finger Mountain. As a result, he once again pierced the sky.

After the blood was stained, the Jiuli Saint Knife diffused with more and more dazzling light, as if awakening a certain kind of spirituality, the strong wind blew through, and it made waves of low groans, touching the soul.

The light of the knife reflected a face, resolute and stern, sharp and sharp, with a cold outline, the most dazzling pair of eyes, there was a surging divine light, and indeed the power exploded, and the body was radiant and radiant.

Does this seem to show signs of injury?

It is simply the more courageous the war, unparalleled in the world.

Daotian hierarch was trembling all over, with ten fingers connected to his heart, and his talent was smashed by a single knife. For him, it was no small trauma.

"Taotian leader, second in the holy list, second in shackles and respect?" Luo Feng's voice was thickly disdainful, arrogant, cold and strong, after every title fell.

At that moment, Luo Feng used the inheritance of "Pointing Stones to Become Gold", injecting terrifying power into the Jiuli Holy Sword, and the moment he swung the sword, the weight of the Jiuli Holy Sword suddenly increased a thousand times.

This is equivalent to the original basketball falling from the tenth floor. Suddenly, the basketball turned into heavy metal. It fell to the ground instantly and blasted a deep hole like a giant.

The greater the weight, the greater the energy.

This is "Stones into Gold".

Although Luo Feng had just grasped the rudiment of "Pointing Stones into Gold", it was already enough to make him more powerful!

"The gap in realm is not so easy to overcome." The Daotian leader's voice shook, the blood in his palm was solidified, and his body suddenly rushed away, attacking forcefully, like a blue dragon, smiling proudly in the sky, aggressively attacking, sweeping like a thunderstorm, crazy Fierce.

Daotian leader must defend his dignity.

He hides his strength, originally to deal with the enemy many years ago, the world's number one demon Mo Yuanwu, as everyone knows, was injured by the young Tianjiao in front of him.

"The three teachings are coming together, it is enough to sweep the martial arts world, even if Mo Yuanwu appears, it will never be blocked."

The Taoist leader is still extremely confident.

"Frogs at the bottom of the well, it's ridiculous." Luo Feng sneered. "Self-proclaimed the so-called Three Religions, but he is deceiving others. I finally understand why Senior Mo can clearly destroy you and why he is willing to bear the so-called demon. Name, too lazy to do it, it seems that he is unwilling to break the dreams you made up by one hand. Senior Mo, well-intentioned!"

Daotian hierarch had a cold face, attacked fiercely, and ignored Luo Feng, "Mo Yuanwu dare not come out and show off his tongue."

While talking, the Taoist leader increased the offensive, but Luo Feng did not show weakness, two figures, from the foot of the mountain, to the forest, and then rushed to the top of the mountain, and finally savagely impacted, breaking the rock and the soil, destroying the trees, shaking the peak, and snowing. Slipping, killing inextricably.

Luo Feng's eyes were cold, his fist marks were terrifying, and his eyes flashed with dazzling light. The transformation between descending a dragon and a tiger and moving a mountain and reclaiming the sea, the power folded, like a thunderbolt.

He didn't tell the Taoist God Master that the world's number one demon had already broken the three chains and became the terrifying existence of the three layers of shackles. It was just that people simply didn't put the three religions in their eyes.


Suddenly there was a sound of exclamation in the distance, and there was a huge uproar.

Except for the battle between Luo Feng and Daotian leader, the most eye-catching one was that Chu Liuxing and Tang Daer jointly attacked the Mozong messenger Ouyang Shi, who was also in the same shackles. That battle circle was equally shocking. , The wind surging, shocked all directions.

However, what everyone is surprised now is another place.

The decisive battle between women!

On one side is the third on the holy list, the leader of Lingtian, and on the other side is the owner of the mysterious dragon palace, fairy Xiao in green.

The battle between the two also attracted a lot of attention. No one thought that there are still women in the martial arts world today that could fight the leader of Lingtian, and now the victory has been divided, and the leader of Lingtian is defeated by Xiao Xiao Fairy's men.

The leader of Lingtian's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. Xiao Jun was repelled and injured.

However, at the moment of landing, the Lord Lingtian suddenly moved, and he took out a colorful strip in his hand, which was exactly the same as the bronze mirror in the hands of the Lord Daotian. The slender strip, colorful, mysterious lines, like a polar formation, contains mystery. , So that this colorful strip has its own supreme might.

This is like Luo Feng's formation flag, but it exists in the form of a weapon.


The colorful strips flew out, and in an instant, like ten fingers twined, flying all over the sky, and at the same time swept a violent wind, strange and sudden.

Xiao Jun was prepared, and his figure dodged quickly to avoid the offensive of the colorful stripes. However, he could not avoid the sudden gust of wind, and was caught off guard. The light gauze on his face slipped, revealing a world-famous face.

Brush up!

At this moment, a lot of gazes came over, all of a sudden dull.

The iron face's eyes were enlarged to the extreme, "Sister Raksha!"

At this moment, the Blood Demon Leopard Shadow was also extremely excited, forgot to pursue their opponent, looked out with excitement, and shouted.

"Sister Raksha!"

"Second sister!"

Hell Team, ranked second.

"Peerless peerless, Jade Raksha." Qian Yilan murmured, her eyes looking forward, "Sure enough, the world is peerless, the world is peerless."

No one thought that under the world, there really was a face almost the same as the Jade Rakshasa.

"Nine Profound Heavenly Girl?" Many warriors, who have witnessed the battle at Jianfeng, were also shocked at this moment, blurting out, in disbelief.

Nine Profound Goddess, wasn't she taken away by a mysterious person? What happened again?

Although the leader of Lingtian had never seen the Jade Rakshasa, he naturally knew that the Nine Profound Heavenly Lady was taken away by the Luoshen Temple. At this moment, the Nine Profound Heaven Lady appeared, what does it mean?

The leader of Lingtian was stunned, and the colorful strips in his hand slowed down.

Xiao Jun's state of mind remained unchanged. He seized the opportunity of the lightning flash, and his figure moved suddenly, approaching the leader of Lingtian. When the leader of Lingtian adjusted quickly again, he suddenly felt that he was in the turbulent ocean...

This is an illusion!

The leader of Lingtian was shocked, and the colorful ribbons in his hand flew blazingly, entangling, attacking Xiao Jun.

At the moment when Xiao Jun showed "Turning the River and Stirring the Sea", he had already prepared for the next step. He waved his hand and thundered. The sky was full of purple light and thunder. The picture was gorgeous and beautiful. If you are not careful, there is a possibility that it will be lost.

The strong wind is blowing.

The fist marks in Xiao Jun's hand suddenly broke out, bright and dazzling.

The dragon follows the cloud and the tiger follows the wind.

The wind rises, the tiger appears.

There was an invisible roar in the air, and the ground shook.

Huying's fist, arrogant, shattered the barrier in front of him.

boom! Boom!

The colorful strips of light in the hands of the Lord Lingtian flew out dimly, and at the same time, the Lord Lingtian was also knocked off.

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