Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1200: Each treasure hunt

Chapter 1200

"Xiao Jun." Luo Feng said with a smile on his face, "These four, the judge, the iron face, the leopard shadow, and the blood demon, are all comrades in the same team as your sister."

"Sister? She is Sister Raksha's younger sister?" Several people were startled and immediately relieved. Apart from the sisters, what else could explain the similarity of their faces?

"You just call me Xiao Jun." Xiao Jun smiled quietly, greeted several people one by one, and finally his eyes fell on Qian Yilan, "Where are these two sisters?"

Luo Feng's heart twitched.

I finally understand how Xiao Jun's eyes feel a little strange.

Although this problem must always be faced, it is also the time to face the Jade Raksha.

"Introduce yourself, and you are familiar with it. I went to break the tortoise formation of Man Tianjiao."

As he said, Luo Feng turned around and left. Tang Dal looked at Luo Feng's back, thoughtfully, then worshipped and sighed, "What a romantic and suave Brother Feng..."


Student Luo Feng staggered.

This scam.

Which pot can't be opened and which pot should be mentioned!

After a few ups and downs, Luo Feng had already entered the depths of Diancangshan Yunnong Peak.

"It's the Lair of Mantianjiao." Luo Feng circled the mountain guard formation of Mantianjiao. "This formation should be considered relatively well maintained."

The three religions control the resources of the earth martial arts world. Whenever there are ancient ruins, they are almost all occupied by the three religions. They naturally choose the best one as their lair.

Luo Feng stood on the hill, his black hair was blown by the strong wind. He didn't break the formation for the first time. Instead, he smiled and said quietly, "Senior has watched the excitement for so long, are you really not going to show up?"

After the words fell, a figure appeared like a thunder, white clothes dazzling, and a folding fan waved, with an imposing manner.


Luo Feng took a step back, and the white figure jumped behind him, standing on another big rock, it was Mo Yuanwu.

Today's battle has attracted much attention.

Tang Dayer aggressively attacked the Mantian Sect. Mo Yuanwu knew more or less the details of some of the Three Sects. It was impossible not to follow him secretly. Once Dear was in danger, he would definitely take action.

"Farewell to Yunju Temple, you gave me another big surprise." Mo Yuanwu smiled indifferently, his expression wiped out a trace of surprise, "It is hard to imagine that your speed of cultivation is actually greater than that of the person who possesses the supreme sacrament of the Barbarian King. Ears even faster, I simply suspect that you are an ancient eucharist at all, just hidden and not visible."

Luo Fengtan shook his head.

The only special place in his body is the seven stars on his back.

However, this is not a feature of any ancient Eucharist.

"Compared with the predecessors, I am still far behind." Luo Feng smiled modestly.

Mo Yuanwu looked at Luo Feng, "I feel that you did not use all your strength when you defeated the Daotian leader." Mo Yuanwu thought of being born, breaking the three chains by himself, and the three layers of shackles were not necessarily able to Completely defeated Luo Feng in the shackles.

This sounds ridiculous, no one in the martial arts world can do it.

But Mo Yuanwu had this feeling eccentrically.

Luo Feng still kept a smile, did not deny, nor nodded.

"Thank you so much for clearing the name of the devil for me. This place is not the place I am waiting for. I plan to enter the **** in ten days. I will bring big ears at that time. How about you?" Mo Yuan Wu asked, intending to go with Luo Feng.

"Ten days?" Luo Feng was startled, "Rumors, the passage is open, isn't it about two months left?"

"The passage from the Heavenly Prison Realm to various planes is in the hands of the four great king-level forces in the Heavenly Prison Realm. In layman's terms, this is officially recognized as being able to enter and exit the Heavenly Prison Realm. However, even the four great king-level forces, I can't control all the passages. I know a passage that can avoid the four king-level forces and directly enter the hell." Mo Yuanwu said, "The difference is like going out with a passport and going straight through. "

"However, these passages are very secretive. Once discovered by the four king-level forces, they will immediately occupy them." Mo Yuanwu said, "In the hell, the four king-level forces symbolize authority. All sect churches , All warriors from various planes must follow the rules they have drawn."

"Of course, without touching the bottom line of the four king-level forces, in the realm of hell, you are still very free."

"Ten days..." Luo Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "It's too hasty."

Luo Feng felt that he still had many things to worry about.

Once in the heavenly prison and come back again, I don't know when it is, Luo Feng wants to handle everything properly, then step into the heavenly prison and chase the path of the strong.

"Then we will see you in Hell Realm in the future." Mo Yuanwu smiled and left. He was not a dragger.

Seeing Mo Yuanwu's back, Luo Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Hell state.

Luo Feng naturally looks forward to a place where geniuses gather and the strong are like clouds.

Moreover, Luo Feng has too many reasons, he must enter the **** state.

Looking for Jade Raksha.

Find Jiu Chi Lao Dao and ask him clearly about his parents.

"Everything has to be accelerated." Luo Feng felt a sense of urgency.

Not to mention, Luo Feng couldn't guarantee when the passage was opened, the major forces from the Heavenly Prison Realm, especially Mozong and Luoshen Temple, would do anything.

This is also the reason why Luo Feng could not leave so quickly.

The Mantian religion was destroyed by one hand, and the Luoshen's envoy was killed by him. Luo Feng naturally took the consequences of all this.

"After the passage is opened, everything is resolved, and you will enter the heavenly prison." Luo Feng secretly set a time for himself to enter the heavenly prison.

This is less than two months.


The figure flickered, and in a blink of an eye, Luo Feng's figure disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

Not long after, I clicked the Yunong Peak of Cangshan Mountain, and there was a bang, and the rocks fell.

Everyone can feel that in the depths of Yunnong Peak, that layer of mysterious aura fades like a tide until it disappears.

"The guardian formation of the Mantian Sect is broken!"

At this moment, many disciples of Mantian Sect were completely desperate.

They still had a bit of extravagant hope. If King Luo couldn't break through the mountain protection formation, they would still be able to stay here, and Man Tianjiao would still exist.

But Luo Feng, let their last hope, completely shattered.

The Great Master Mantian collapsed completely, leaving one by one sadly.

Luo Feng and his party took the opportunity to go, and soon, the towering Mantianjiao Hall appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Within an hour, Mantian teaches all the disciples to leave." Luo Feng issued a final statement.

After an hour passed, Luo Feng waved his hand, "Big ear, now you can get what you need."

Tang Dal laughed, everyone stepped up the stone steps, and soon rushed into the Mantianjiao hall.

"Monster demon spirit, hurry up and hear, where is the baby?" Tang Daer sat on the tiger's back, treating the demon spirit as a treasure hunter, but the demon spirit was also obedient, bowed his head and sniffed.

"Let's go each." Luo Feng signaled to everyone, "Mantianjiao's Lair is also an ancient site. Although the treasures may have been excavated to the same extent, there may be opportunities."

The crowd nodded and dispersed.

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