Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1224: The outsider in the first heavy shackles is the ant!

Chapter 1224 The outsider in the shackles is an ant!

"The whirlpool channel should be similar to the teleportation array in myths and legends." The moment Luo Feng opened his eyes, he faced the blazing sun, shining down, and Luo Feng looked at him. In front of him was a large and continuous mountain. At the foot is the top of a mountain.

Feeling the thickness of the ground under his feet, Luo Feng felt that the land in the Hellland Realm was thicker than the world of martial artists. Luo Feng tried it. Whether it was a stone or a tree, it was harder and taller than the world he was in.

Some towering trees, one hundred meters in height, look towering into the sky, reaching the sky.

"The air is also exceptionally fresh." Luo Feng took a deep breath. On one side, the familiar tiger roar sounded, and the demon spirit leaped forward.

Qian Yilan and others also arrived.

"Is this the Heavenly Prison Realm?" Xiao Jun couldn't wait, "Where is the Luoshen Temple?"

"Don't worry." Luo Feng knew what this sister-in-law was thinking, and Luo Feng wished to see Jade Luosha right away and rescue her. "We just came here and don't know anything about the Heavenly Hell Realm, even the Luoshen Temple is in no direction I know."

Xiao Jun pursed his lips lightly.

"Moreover, as far as I know, when Senior Mo Yuanwu stepped into the Heavenly Prison Realm, Mozong’s strongest person was the Triple Shackle Realm. Now that more than ten years have passed, the original Triple Shackle Realm might have been Break through to be stronger." Luo Feng's expression was solemn, "Luo Shendian is a more powerful sect than Mozong. We have to deal with it more carefully."

Everyone nodded.

The shackles realm is the pinnacle of existence in the martial arts world, but in the heavenly prison realm, it is the lowest standard for all major planes to enter the heavenly prison realm.

It is conceivable how fierce the competition in the **** is.

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Chu Meteor said in a deep voice, "The ten envoys have just fled back. If it is the so-called ten sects, it will be difficult for us to resist."

"Monster Demon Spirit, do you feel the breath of Big Ears?" Luo Feng lowered his head and asked.

Yao Yaoling growled and shook his head.

"Then let's go down the mountain first, let's get to know the Heavenly Prison Realm first!" Luo Feng waved his hand decisively, and everyone quickly descended the mountain.

Before long, he appeared on a wide road. At first, Luo Feng was worried that the demon spirit would be eye-catching, but gradually, Luo Feng discovered that this was unnecessary.

In the **** state, there is no technological civilization, it is a place of cultivation.

The spiritual energy in the **** is exceptionally abundant. Many animals have shown spirituality. Some people use horses to travel, and there are even strong men who use tigers and lions as mounts.

"Along the way, we've all met several powerful shackles!" The judge felt stunned. Although he was mentally prepared, the number of powerful shackles in the **** state was really terrifying.

"However, what we saw all the way was the first level of shackles." Chu Liuxing said, "this level is really not convincing in the hell."

The mood of several people became urgent, and they wanted to break through immediately.

They felt the pressure when they first entered the heavenly prison.

"I feel that the most difficult people to provoke in the **** are the people who have not reached the shackles of their own strength." Chii Lan said, "After all, some of them are the aboriginals of the hell, and the other part, It may be the offspring of a strong man in the shackles that has been in the **** for many years."

A group of several people were chatting as they walked along the road. Xiao Jun and Qian Yilan both wore veils. Both of them were big beauties at the level of disaster to the country and the people, with their own troublesome attributes.

Along the way, although occasionally someone looked at them curiously, it just swept away.

There are more and more people on the road.

"There is a city in front." Luo Feng looked over, and a towering city appeared in the direction of his eyes, and several people accelerated their pace.

The city is majestic, standing at the end of the road, the more people go forward, the more people there are.

"Tengcheng?" A few people stood under the city and looked up and found that the text here was similar to the ancient Chinese traditional characters.

"Have you noticed that everyone who enters the city seems to have a token in his hand?" Chu Liuxing frowned, "Could it be that you can't enter without a token?"

"Try it and you'll know." Luo Feng smiled, "However, if you talk about where the Heavenly Hell Realm is connected to a plane, there will always be people who have just stepped into the Heavenly Hell Realm. There is always a way to enter the city!"

A group of five people walked to the gate of the city.

"Stop!" Unexpectedly, he was directly stopped by the guard at the gate, "Please show me the order to enter the city."

"We are newcomers, and there is no order." The judge stepped forward to negotiate. However, although the gatekeeper had only the breath of the dark realm, his arrogance was extremely arrogant. It's not your original world. Here, the outsiders in the first shackled realm are all ants."

The judge frowned, "Then how can we enter the city?"

"Have you seen that way?" A guard pointed to the open space not far from the side. "The ten Songzhou sects recruited disciples there. If you can pass the test, join one of them and you will be able to get the entry token. ."

The judge looked back at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's eyebrows were also twisted. He had just beaten the ten messengers so much that he was holding his head, and it was impossible to join the ten.

Luo Feng didn't want to cause trouble when he first arrived in the heavenly prison. After all, he didn't understand everything here.

For example, Fuji City in front of them, Songzhou in the guard's mouth, they had never heard of it.

"Apart from these, is there no other way to enter the city?" The judge asked the guard again.

"Even if there is, can you get it out?" The guard's eyes showed impatientness, "If you don't have a token, you can enter the city by paying 100 lower-grade spar."

"Spar?" Several people were stunned, this was indeed a term they had never heard of.

Luo Feng glanced at each other and walked to the side of the road. After asking passers-by, they finally understood the meaning of guarding the spar.

"It turns out that it is the currency that passes through the hell." Luo Feng said, "However, the spar was not created by any force, but a natural product of this world, equivalent to various mines on the earth..."

"The spiritual energy here is too lush. Some famous rivers have bred spars in the depths." Chu Liuxing said, "It's no wonder that many people are digging on the way we came. It seems that they are all looking for spars. . After all, this is the only way we can enter the city for newcomers without a token."

"There are four levels of spar, high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade. The entrance fee for 100 low-grade spars is not too much. Let's look for it."

"Wait a minute." When the few people just wanted to turn their heads, Luo Feng suddenly thought of something, "We can try to enter the city again."

The five turned around.

"Why are you again?" Although the guards are only the first rank martial artist of the Dark Realm, they don't pay attention to Luo Feng at all. Opportunity."

"Can this be used as a token to enter the city?" A token appeared in Luo Feng's hand and threw it to the guard.

The guard took a look, his face slightly changed color, raised his head to look at Luo Feng, and respectfully said, "It turns out that this is the person who is in the purple palace, please come in."

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