Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1233: A sensational treasure

Chapter 1233

As soon as the words fell, Shi Aliu and Fu Shi's pupils shrank almost at the same time, looking at Luo Feng with eager eyes.

Luo Feng took out several more spiritual pills in turn.

In fact, these are only the seven basic elixirs recorded in the Dandian.

In addition to the Precious Blood Pill, there are also Lingzhu Pill, Dragon Tiger Pill, Thunder Pill, Gale Pill, Water Jade Pill, God Jade Pill!

The rich master felt his pupils exploded. This was a feast of spirit pills.

The table full of spirit pills exudes a variety of aromas, full and tangy.

"Seven Great Spirit Pills." The rich master was extremely excited, and his voice trembled, "Master, these kinds of spirit pills are not ordinary, and they are all top-quality."

Shi Aliu took a deep breath, and the slight trembling of his hands betrayed his excitement at the moment. Although Fu Shi said earlier, Oupo Pavilion did not have a precedent for helping others to auction things, in fact, it is not the case. In Dazhou City, this situation occurs in many auctions. When auctioned in the name of the auction law, a portion of the spar will be drawn, but this time, Shi Aliu would rather not want a spar.

It is enough to defeat Wei Wolou.

"Fu Shi, these seven great spirit pills are enough to defeat Wei Wolou." Shi Aliu said vigorously.

"80%." The rich teacher was confident, clenched his fists, and said vigorously, "We are already at a disadvantage. They would not expect that we will suddenly get so many high-quality elixirs. The auction will be held two days later. , We can give them a surprise!"

The rich teacher laughed from the bottom of his heart. The huge boulder that had been stuck in his heart for this period of time was finally about to be released slowly. He didn't expect that in this situation, it would turn around.

"Two days later, I will give Wei Wolou a head-on blow!" Shi Aliu's eyes showed a glow of excitement.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of noise outside.

Sounds like fireworks.

Immediately afterwards, there were waves of exclamation that seemed to be overwhelming.

"What happened?" Shi Aliu walked quickly to the window, opened the window, looked up, his face turned pale in a moment, and his eyes fixed on the sky above.

At this time, the rich teacher also walked over quickly, his face was shocked, "Seven-color umbrella!"

Pedal! Pedal!

The footsteps of the rich master staggered back two steps, his whole body seemed to be exhausted all at once, and he collapsed weakly on a chair.

"Seven-Colored Umbrella?" Luo Feng walked over and looked up. Above the sky, there seemed to be an open umbrella, bathing in divine light, going straight up to the sky, emitting colorful light, and the trajectory across it was like a rainbow, extremely gorgeous.

The entire sky seemed to be lit, and the Seven-Colored Umbrella rose extremely high, as if to pierce the clouds.

When reaching the highest point, the seven colors spread along with the clouds, spreading and disappearing in all directions...

The streets below have exploded, and the people are talking excitedly about something. Luo Feng didn't listen carefully, but withdrew his gaze and looked at Shi Aliu, "What's the matter? What is the Seven-Colored Umbrella?"

Shi Aliu's face turned pale. For a long time, he gritted his teeth tightly and took a deep breath, "This is a signal."

"Signal?" Luo Feng was even more puzzled.

"This is a signal from Weiwolou. The opening of the Seven-Colored Umbrella means...Weiwolou announced to the world that this time the auction will be auctioned, a treasure that can cause a sensation in a state!" Shi Aliu He clenched his fists tightly, "Even if there are only two days left in the auction, when the Seven-Colored Umbrella in Weiwo Building opens tonight, the entire Songzhou will be a sensation. All the major forces will be before the auction. Come to Fuji City."

"That's it." Luo Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The rich master's face was extremely blue, "Zhao Lushi, what treasures did Weiwolou bring?"

Shi Aliu couldn't help being frustrated, "It seems that I am destined to become a foil."

Shi A Liu's eyes flashed unwillingly.

Finally, I got so many elixirs to help out, but at this moment, the opponent released the seven-colored umbrella. It was like a battle between the two armies. Shi Aliu got a cannon before it was too late to light it. The opponent suddenly came. Remember the intercontinental missile, directly hitting him without fighting back.

"A sensational treasure?" Luo Feng squinted lightly, glanced at Fu Shi and Shi Aliu, and said to himself, "I have it too."

Huh! Huh!

The eyes of Fu Shi and Shi A Liu were about to protrude, and they jumped up and stared at Luo Feng firmly.

"You...what did you say?" Shi Aliu's voice trembled.

Luo Feng smiled and said, "I said that if I want to help you defeat Wei Wolou, why don't you go back?" Luo Feng thought, and a spirit pill appeared in his hand, "Rich teacher, please appraise."

The rich master held his breath, his eyes fell on this spiritual pill.

"This spiritual pill...can cause a sensation in a state?" Shi Aliu's attention was also completely attracted by this spiritual pill, but he didn't believe it.

The rich teacher appraised it for a moment, but his brows frowned.

"Rich teacher." Shi Aliu's heart was light, and his eyes couldn't hide his disappointment. How could a treasure that can make a sensation in a state appear so easily.

The rich master raised his head and looked at Luo Feng, his expression a little embarrassed, "I...I can't identify which pill it is."

As soon as the words fell, Shi Aliu was stunned for an instant.

He knows the abilities of the rich master, appraisal of various spirit pills, and has extremely rich experience.

This spiritual pill, the rich master can't identify it?

At this moment, Shi Aliu's heart rekindled hope, and his eyes looked at Luo Feng extremely eagerly.

Luo Feng didn't speak, but stretched out his fingers and made three gestures on the desktop.

The rich teacher is like thunder struck!

Sluggish petrified.

After a long time, suddenly a jealous spirit trembled all over, looking at Luo Feng in disbelief, his voice trembled, "Really, really?"

In the direction Shi Aliu was standing, he just couldn't see the words Luo Feng was making with his fingers. At this moment, he couldn't help but become more curious, "What kind of Dan is this?"

"In the Oupu Pavilion, if there are records of this pill, the rich master can find it out, and then come to appraise it." Luo Feng smiled.

Shackle Dan!

The spirit pill that has been lost in the **** realm!

Not to mention making a sensation in a state, Luo Feng is confident that the appearance of a shackle pill can make a sensation in the entire **** state!

The significance of its existence is too important.

Luo Feng didn’t take it out before. It was a small place in Tengcheng that couldn’t bring out the true value of the shackles. Now that the other party has taken out the treasures that caused a sensation in the state and upgraded the entire auction, Luo Feng doesn’t mind. Shackle Dan, reproduce the world.

The rich master rushed out almost desperately. After a while, he ran in in a hurry, holding an ancient book on pill medicine in his hand, and quickly looked it up. Finally, one of the pages saw him. The name of the spirit pill that has never been noticed.

The characteristics and identification methods of the spirit pill are somewhat incomplete.

However, having such a small amount of information is enough.

"It's really it!" The rich teacher burst into tears, "Master, prepare the Seven-Colored Umbrella, we also want to tell the world!"

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