Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1251: The sword **** is inherited on earth!

1251 The sword **** inherits the earth!

Luo Feng is not reconciled!

There are things he must do in the world of hell. But on the earth plane, he also has too many people and things that he can't give up. Once sealed, it will last a hundred years! How far away? At that time, the seal channel will be opened again, and it has long since been wrong.

But can you stop it?

A sense of powerlessness suddenly rose in Luo Feng's heart, and the powerhouse of Ling Tian Bang was definitely not a mere shackled realm that could handle it.

In one month, from the perspective of his own strength, he couldn't change anything at all.

Luo Feng took a deep breath, walked out of the room, and came to the Weiwo Building in this city. He bought a lot of ancient books on this subject to learn about the passage seal.

Hellland, connecting thousands of planes.

All planes in Songzhou are managed by the Sima Family and Shizong, including the Earth Martial Artist Realm.

Sealing the passage requires the use of special equipment and unique techniques. In Songzhou, only Sima Jinzun can do it.

On the way back, Luo Feng also heard a lot of talk about the sealing passage.

In fact, most people feel puzzled. After all, the seal of a channel is enough to make a sensation in a state and even have a more far-reaching impact. This may cause major changes at any time, because who can be sure that this plane has never stepped out of the strong?

Who dares to easily seal the hometown of a strong man?

"Earth martial arts world, isn't there a martial artist in the heavenly prison?" Luo Feng frowned. He absolutely did not believe that the many ancient sites on the earth showed that the earth martial arts world was once extraordinary.

"I hope that a powerful warrior will appear to prevent this from happening." Luo Feng took a deep breath, and now, he can only wait patiently and watch the changes.

"If it doesn't work, just use Shackle Pill to completely disturb the water in Songzhou!" Luo Feng gritted his teeth, no matter what, he absolutely couldn't seal the passage of the earth by Sima Jinzun.

He consulted the ancient books, and once the passage was sealed, it would be difficult to reach the sky if he wanted to open it in advance.

Songzhou Huangcheng, the most prosperous city in Songzhou, is also the core of Songzhou.

A hundred miles to the right of Huangcheng, there is Goddess City, which is in charge of Luoshen Temple.

A hundred miles to the left of Huangcheng, there is Baiyun City, under the control of Xuan Guangzong.

Huangcheng City Lord’s Mansion.

The woman's clothes are like snow, her figure is beautiful, like a fairy descending to the earth, her skin is crystal clear, shedding light, and she is indescribable. She seems to contain magical powers in her gestures. This woman is the fourth strongest in Songzhou, the Lord of Luoshen Temple. , Tian Yuxue.

The man walking side by side with her, with black hair hanging down, carrying an ancient sword on his back, brows on his temples, calm eyes, a sharp face, steady steps, and an invisible sword intent all over his body. Songzhou's strongest ranked fifth, mysterious Sect Master Guangzong, Xuanyuanming!

Two peerless powerhouses in Songzhou appeared at the same time in Huangcheng City Lord's Mansion.

The back garden of the city lord's mansion is full of wine.

"Good wine." At the pavilion, in a gold robe, holding a wine glass in his hand, his beard is white, his brows are faintly glowing with pale golden light, exuding a cold and fierce aura, Songzhou's strongest list first, Sima Jinzun, at this moment, haha With a big laugh, "The two came from afar, please sit down."

Tian Yuxue and Xuanyuanming sat on one side.

In terms of seniority, Sima Jinzun is higher than the two.

"Senior Sima." Xuanyuanming also respected Sima Jinzun extremely, "You let us come here for the purpose of adjudication."

Sima Jinzun took a sip of wine, "You understand the old man's thoughts, but the old man hasn't understood your thoughts yet."

"That Yu Xue first thanked Senior Sima for his trust and agreed to rule on the world of martial artists." Tian Yuxue smiled, and then said, "Some time ago, a second blood-colored jade pendant appeared at the Fuji City auction. Later, the winner of the jade pendant will The blood-colored jade pendant was dedicated to me at Luoshen Temple. I didn’t expect that Sect Master Xuanyuan’s information was well-informed and he came to me directly because he has a third blood-colored jade pendant in his hand!"

Sima Jinzun paused for an instant while holding the wine glass, his eyes released a cold light, "So, three blood-colored jade pendants have all appeared."

"That's right." Xuanyuanming said in a deep voice, his eyes wiped away the heat, "The collection of three blood-colored jade pendants can reveal the mystery of the sword **** inheritance."

"What does this have to do with sealing the passage of the earth?" Sima Jinzun seemed to guess something.

"Combining the two blood-colored jade pendants, we found that the inheritance of the sword **** is very likely to be on the plane of the earth." Tian Yuxue said, "the sword **** rose in the past, powerful and incomparable, and eventually ranked among the top 100 in the Ling Tian list, extremely beautiful. It’s a pity that the fall is like a comet, leaving only the legend of three blood-colored jade pendants. We use Luo Feng to seal the passage of the earth plane. Of course, this is only an external claim that Senior Sima can leave a secret passage. When the time comes, it will cost At some price, the first blood-colored jade pendant is obtained from the Sect Master of Yunzhou Tianmen, and the three blood-colored jade pendants are gathered together, and we can descend on the plane of the earth and find the inheritance of the sword god."

A blazing light flashed across Sima Jinzun's eyes, "It's so good, haha!"

Luo Feng could not have imagined that the fate that the Earth Channel was about to face turned out to be some deceptive means made by the great powers in Songzhou who wanted to get the inheritance of the sword god.

Although no one knew that the sword **** inheritance was on the earth plane, they had to completely eliminate even one in ten thousand possibility.

Sealing the plane of the earth is the best way.

"Inheritance of the sword god, unexpectedly, on the earth plane!" Sima Jinzun was extremely surprised and couldn't help but guess, "could it be that the mysterious sword god, from that earth plane?"

No one can give Sima Jinzun a clear answer.

The sky is bright and the sun is shining.

In the shop room, Luo Feng looked at the mirror and changed makeup. He immediately picked up the rusty broken sword, pushed the door and walked out, sitting in the lobby on the first floor, eating breakfast and listening to various rumors.

"Just wait ten days."

Luo Feng has already decided. After ten days, if nothing happens, he will once again take out the shackles to stir the situation.

Even, he did not hesitate to take out the single side of the shackles to attract the strong and prevent Sima Jinzun from sealing the passage of the earth.

"Sima Family, Songzhou Ten Sects." Luo Feng's eyes became increasingly cold, he walked out of the shop, rode on a horse, and galloped outside the city.

There are still many warriors looking for Luo Feng's trace along the way.

Many people are looking forward to the news that the earth channel will be sealed. What is Luo Summit's expression?

"I'm probably dumbfounded, desperate." Many warriors shook their heads and joked.

"Get out, get out!" Suddenly, far away from the road, shouting loudly, horses galloping, thick smoke rolled up, and at the same time, with the loud shouting, "all out!"

Many warriors on the road avoided.

Because of this team, the flag is flying, and the two words on it are very dazzling...Sima!

This team represents the Sima family!

However, many warriors soon discovered that there was one person, one horse, walking leisurely in the middle of the road. It seemed that they were wandering, and there was no intention to avoid this Sima family team.

This man, a big bearded man, with a rusty sword at his waist, was swaying in the wind, and seemed to fall down at any time.

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