Pick a School Flower as Your Wife

Chapter 1300: Fight to the death

Chapter 1300

The appearance of the heavenly sacred sculpture made Ye Jianing and Su Huan's thoughts that had just arisen, suddenly cut off.

The people they brought could not deal with this strange beast that had some special bloodlines and had lived for hundreds of years.

The god-shielding sculpture hovered in the sky, with fierce light in its eyes, looking down coldly.

It didn't come down, just wanted to see with his own eyes, what is the ability of these little guys who can escape the pursuit of their own spiritual sense.

"If San Xiuluo Mountain and the others are in the convoy of Tingfeng Tower, then... they are in a disaster." Ye Jianing sighed deeply, shook his head, and fell silent.

"There are strong men like Moqinchi sitting in town, and thousands of elite wolves who have arrived one after another. Such a lineup has even alarmed the number two figure in Goddess City." Su Huan sighed, "Even if the fireworks are gorgeous, San Shura Mountain, this name is enough to be remembered by many people."

The iron hoof is rushing, and the anger is soaring.

One after another arrived.

"Where is the head-shrinking tortoise of Mount San Xiuluo?" Gu Tianhe's voice raised, it's impossible. The task he received was to draw San Xiuluo Mountain out at any cost. In order to succeed, Gu Tianhe spared no effort to do his best.

"My Wu family is not late, right." Wu Zhichen led the Wu family powerhouse to arrive.

The smoke and dust billowed, all forces rushed to see the wolf smoke army surrounded the convoy of Tingfeng Tower, the first time I was shocked.

"Mo Yuan." Bu Jiyan stepped forward to negotiate, and said, "This batch of goods is to be sent to the City Lord's Mansion of Star City. It belongs to the Sima family..."

boom! !

Mo Qinchi waved his hand, and a powerful force swept out, and Bu Jiyan was blown out directly, vomiting blood and fell to the ground.

"You know that this is the goods of the Sima family, you are so brave, you dare to use the goods of the Sima family to **** the criminals to be caught out of the city by the Sima family!" Mo Qinchi angrily scolded.

Bujiyan coughed up blood, stood up hard, and said in a deep voice, "Elder Mo, this must be a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Mo Qinchi's eyes were like electricity, and he waved his hand to order, "Unload all these goods, I want to see if they have invisibility."

In the past few days, Mo Qinchi's heart was also suffocating anger, and the few guys who had come to catch him clearly slipped away under his nose, and there was no news.

Mo Qinchi felt slapped and dull.

Now that there is finally news of the goal, and it is the news directly from Tiannv Peak, Mo Qinchi naturally does not doubt.

"Tingfeng Tower, I didn't expect it to be a comrade of San Xiuluoshan." Mo Qinchi's eyes were cold and murderous, "Then, Tingfeng Tower, what else is necessary?"

Inside the carriage, Song Shiyue had no expression on her face, no waves in her heart, already holding the golden dagger in her hand, ready to do it at any time.

On the Caiyin Peak, Song Shiyue had already seen the ferocity of Mo Qinchi. He would rather kill the wrong one.

Don't let it go.

There is no room to deal with it!

After all, things have come to the worst.

Only fight to death!

Song Shiyue raised her head slightly, and the sky above her head was a violent aura that seemed to be from ancient times, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, like a giant beast across the sky, giving her a great oppressive force.

The wolf smoke army rushed forward, unscrupulously, and directly unloaded the goods on the major carriages.

"The matter is here, there is only one battle." Inside one of the carriages, Luo Feng's eyes were calm to the extreme at this moment, and endless fighting spirit rose in his heart.

"Luo Feng, I am not a soft persimmon to be slaughtered."

"Kill!" At this time, the outside world, the wind and clouds were rising, and the dagger flashed golden light in the front carriage.


The guard of Tingfeng Tower, who had been prepared for a long time, drew his sword at the same time.

Murderous moments!

Some of the Wolfsmoke generals who came forward to search did not expect that these guards would dare to act on them, and their strength was beyond their imagination.

In just a few face-to-face encounters, more than a dozen soldiers and soldiers of Wolfsmoke had fallen in a pool of blood.

The long knife was sharp, the horizontal knife flew out, and burst out with terrifying power.

Countless people are shocked!

"The guards of Tingfeng Tower are so powerful that they can compete with the Wolf Smoke Army!"

"How do I feel that they are stronger than the Wolfsmoke Army. Everyone underestimates the power of Tingfenglou!"

"Unfortunately, the difference in numbers is too great, and the result is already doomed."

The war is about to start!

The Wolfsmoke Army was well-trained, and after a brief chaos, immediately organized a large-scale joint attack, with great momentum, and attacking the defense of the Tingfeng Tower guard.

Song Shiyue held a golden dagger in her hand, waiting for an opportunity to move, staring at Mo Qin Pond closely. Except for the heaven-shielding divine sculpture above, there is no doubt that Mo Qin Pond is the biggest threat!

"Whatever the cost, rush out of the city!" Song Shiyue gave the order, her eyes resolute.

The long-sword guards, like dead men, are firm-willed. Under the combined attack of the Wolfsmoke Army, they can even move slowly towards the gate of the city...

"If the number of people is quite the same, it might really be the one who will die!" At the restaurant, Su Huan and the others were equally surprised.

"Unfortunately, there are only about two hundred guards in the Tingfeng Tower, but there are thousands of people in the Wolf Smoke Army, and the gap is too wide."

"what sound?"

Suddenly, someone felt a shock.

One after another raised their eyes.

The people from Luoshen Temple also arrived. Fairy Ziyan, holding a guqin in her hand, with fluttering clothes, appeared surrounded by several Luoshendian female disciples. Each female disciple’s delicate face, elegant posture, and sacred temperament attracted countless people. look.

Fairy Ziyan didn't arrive, with her ten fingers twisted lightly, plucking the strings of the guqin, and in an instant, the sound of the piano was thunderous, the golden horse, the iron horse, and the gold and gravel, the control was extremely delicate, and he attacked the Tingfenglou guard.

In a short moment, the formation of the Tingfenglou guards was in chaos, and Qin Yin's offensive made them difficult to stop, and their actions were affected.

In the end, the Wolf Smoke Army will not miss such a good opportunity to launch a fierce attack.

Tingfenglou's guards retreated steadily.


On the first carriage, Song Shiyue was masked, holding a golden dagger in his hand, his body suddenly swept out, turned into a streamer, and cut off at Fairy Ziyan.

"Haha!" Mo Qinchi laughed, moving horizontally, blocking Song Shiyue's path, "I want to see what is so special about the legendary heroine of Tingfenglou."

The two fight!

Song Shiyue's eyes were wiped with anxiety, and the appearance of Fairy Ziyan put the guards at a complete disadvantage, and it was even difficult to stop the wolf smoke army's strong attack.

A dozen people were lost in an instant.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

At this time, the carriage and cargo in the rear burst with a loud sound.

Song Shiyue's face couldn't help but change again.

Sure enough, the sons of gods still couldn't resist showing up.

Fight to the death!

Never die!

Luo Feng took a step forward, yelled, and between his arms, he turned into a soldier with a single thought. The majestic and vigorous invisible power instantly cut off Fairy Ziyan's Guqin attack.

"Sure enough, it's you!" Fairy Ziyan's eyes cold.

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